To promote and encourage the development of economic and socialized housing projects, primarily by the private sector, in order to make available adequate economic and socialized housing units for _________ earners in urban and rural areas.
average and low-income
Economic and socialized housing refers to housing units which are within the affordability level of the average and low-income earners which is ______ of the gross family income as determined by the National Economic and Development Authority from time to time
Thirty percent (30%)
“Subdivision and Condominium Buyers Protective Decree”
“Defining Open Space in Residential Subdivision”
“National Building Code of the Philippines”
“Fire Code of the Philippines”
Basic needs of Human settlement
✓ Water
✓Movement and Circulation
✓Storm Drainage
✓Solid and Liquid waste disposal
The minimum design standards set forth herein are intended to provide ________ within the generally accepted levels of safety, health and ecological considerations.
minimum requirements
refers to the most reasonable price of land and shelter based on the needs and financial capability of Program Beneficiaries and Appropriate Financing Schemes (RA 7279)
Affordable cost
a public way with a width of 2.0 meters intended to break a block and to serve both pedestrian and for emergency vehicles, both ends connecting to streets. It shall not be used as access to property
Single-family detached dwelling unit containing three or more separate living units grouped closely together to form relatively compact structures.
Cluster Housing
A parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets occupied by or intended for buildings.
A building designed or used as residence for one or more families.
Dwelling for 1 family which is completely surrounded by permanent open spaces, with independent access, services, and use of land.
Single Detached
Dwelling containing 2 or more separate living units each of which is separated from another by party or lot lines walls and provided with independent access, services, and use of land. Such dwelling shall include duplexes, quadruplex or terraces, and cluster housing.
Duplex/Single Attached
A single-attached dwelling containing 3 or more separate living units designed in such a way that they abut each other at the sides, as in a row, and are separated from each other by party walls; provided with independent access, and use of land. There shall be a maximum of 20 units per block or cluster but in no case shall this be beyond 100 meters in length.
Row house
A public way intended to be used only as pedestrian access to property for socialized housing projects. It shall have a width of 3.0 meters and a maximum length of 60 meters
a habitable dwelling unit which meets the minimum requirements for a housing core with the following additional components being included as part thereof:
a) All exterior walls to enclose the unit
b) Openings for doors and windows
c) Plumbing fixtures
d) Electrical wiring within the unit
e) Floor
Shell house
Path walk shall have a maximum length of ____ intended only as pedestrian access to property for socialized housing projects.
60 meters
a habitable dwelling unit which meets the minimum requirements for a shell house with the following additional components being included as part thereof: all windows and doors and partition walls for separating functional areas.
Complete House
Subdivision projects abutting a main public road must provide sufficient setbacks with a minimum dimension of _____ in depth and_______ at both sides of the subdivision entrance to accommodate loading and unloading of passengers.
3.0 meters, 5.0 meters in length
Any wall which separates 2 abutting living units
A wall used jointly by two parties under easement agreement, erected upon a line separating 2 parcels of land each of which is a separate real estate
Party Wall
A type of housing project provided to average income families.
Economic Housing
Housing programs and projects covering houses and lots and homelots only undertaken by the government or the private sector for the underprivileged and homeless citizens
Socialized Housing
Length of Block
Maximum block length is_____. However, block length exceeding _____ shall already be provided with a ______ alley approximately at midlength.
400 meters, 250 meters, 2-meter
Economic Housing Floor Area
Socialized Housing
Front setback
1.5m from the building line
Rear yard
Minimum Ceiling Heights
A minimum of one entrance/exit shall be provided where the number of occupants is not more than _____, ____ entrances/exits where the number of occupants is greater than 10
10 and 2
Doors shall have a minimum clear height of ____. Except for bathroom and mezzanine doors which shall have a minimum clear height of ____
2.0 meters, 1.80 meters
Minimum clear widths of doors shall be as follows :
✓ Main Door ____.
✓ Service/Bedroom Doors _____.
✓ Bathroom Door _____.
0.80 m, 0.70 m, 0.60 m
Rooms for habitable use shall be provided with windows with a total free area of openings equal to at least ____ of the floor area of the room.
Bathrooms shall be provided with window/s with an area not less than ____ of its floor area
The firewall shall be made of masonry construction, at least _____ thick and extend vertically from the lowest portion of the wall adjoining the living units up to a minimum height of _____ above the highest point of the roof attached to it.
150 mm or 6 inches, 0.30m
The firewall shall also extend horizontally up to a minimum distance of _____ beyond the outermost edge of the abutting living units
Distance between buildings
▪ 1 – 2 Storeys :
✓ 4.00 meters (min.distance between 2 buildings)
✓ 1.50 meters (min. Horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves
Distance between buildings
▪ 3 – 4 Storeys :
✓ 6.00 meters (min.distance between 2 buildings)
✓ 2.00 meters (min. Horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves
The minimum distance between buildings with more than 4 storeys shall be ____. The minimum horizontal clearance shall be___ Distance between buildings
10 meters, 6.0 meters
In cases when the two sides of the buildings facing each other are blank walls, i.e., either there are no openings or only minimal openings for comfort rooms, the minimum distance between the buildings shall be ___. And the horizontal clearance between the roof eaves shall be _____
2.0 meters, 1.0 meter
The parking requirement shall be one (1) parking slot per ____ living units. The size of an average automobile (car) parking slot must be computed at 2.5 meters by 5.0 meters for perpendicular or diagonal parking and at 2.15 meters by 6.0 meters for parallel parking
eight (8) living units
Off-site parking may be allowed in addition to on-site parking provided that designated parking area is part of the project and provided further that it shall not be _____ away from the condominium project
100 meters
All building design standards for the single-family dwelling shall apply to all living units of multi-family dwellings, except that, the minimum floor area of a living unit in multi-family dwellings shall be _____ for economic housing and _____ for socialized housing.
22sqm, 18sqm
For BP 220 condominium projects, the minimum floor area shall be _____
Minimum Sizes of Roads
Interconnecting Road ______
Major Road ______
Collector Road ____
Minor Road _____
Motor Court ______
Pathway _____
Alley ____
Minimum Sizes of Roads
Interconnecting Road ______
Major Road ______
Collector Road ____
Minor Road _____
Motor Court ______
Pathway _____
Alley ____
Minimum width of Interconnecting Road
Minimum Lot Frontage
Economic Housing
Corner lot ___
Regular lot___
Irregular lot__
Interior lot__
Duplex/Single attached ____
Row house ___
Minimum Lot Frontage
Socialized Housing
Corner lot ___
Regular lot___
Irregular lot__
Interior lot__
Duplex/Single attached ____
Row house ___
Minimum Lot Area
Economic (sq.m)
Single detached ____
Duplex/single attached __
Row house ____
Minimum Lot Area
Socialized (sq.m)
Single detached ____
Duplex/single attached __
Row house ____
Stairways dimension
Width ____
Riser ____
Headroom ____
Landings ___
Handrails ____
0.25m max
0.20m min
2m min
3.6m max
0.80 to 1.20m