Property Crimes Flashcards
To unlawfully and intentionally damage, or attempt to damage, any real or personal property by fire or incendiary device.
The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to sway the judgement or action of a person in a position of trust or influence.
The unlawful entry into a building or other structure with the intent to commit a felony or a theft.
Burglary/Breaking and Entering
The altering, copying, or imitating of something, without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy or thing altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine; or the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated thing with the intent to deceive or defraud.
To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure real or personal property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it.
Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property
The unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some other thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control.
To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, through the use or threat of force, misuse of authority, threat of criminal prosecution, threat of destruction of reputation or social standing, or through other coercive means.
The intentional perversion of the truth for the purpose of inducing another person or other entity in reliance upon.
Fraud offenses
A theft within a building that is either open to the general public or where the offender has legal access.
Theft from a building
A theft from a machine or device that is operated or activated by the use of coins.
Theft from Coin-Operated Machine or Device
The theft of articles from a motor vehicle, whether locked or unlocked.
Theft from Motor Vehicle/Vehicle Burglary
The theft of any part or accessory affixed to the interior or exterior of a motor vehicle in a manner which would make the item an attachment of the vehicle or necessary for its operation
Theft from Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories
The theft of a Motor Vehicle
Motor Vehicle Theft
Receiving, buying, selling, possessing, concealing, or transporting any property with the knowledge that it has been unlawfully taken, as by burglary, embezzlement, fraud, larceny, robbery, etc.
Stolen Property Offenses
When you are on vacation, you should let everyone on social media know that you are away from home, so they will think you are just trying to trick them into breaking into your house.
A victim of Identity Theft must travel to the venue where the crime occurred.
You must have a thorough knowledge of your departmental pursuit policy before engaging in a vehicle pursuit, unless the car is stolen then you can always pursue.
To investigate a property crime, you must first have a victim and some item of monetary value that was stolen or damaged.
Some distraction burglars will commit their crime in broad daylight and pretend to work for a utility company.
When someone is reporting their car stolen, it is appropriate to ask them if they are having financial problems.
When preparing a search warrant, you do not need to establish probable cause for the search.
When dealing with Retail Theft, an under-ring is when a cashier only scans some of the items that their friend is buying, this “under-charging” them.
A card skimmer is a device placed by thieves that covers the actual ATM card slot to steal customer card information.
Because of the extreme heat of a vehicle fire, most of the evidence may be lost.