Properties of Transformed Cells Flashcards
Why is proliferation regulated on an organismal scale?
Cell multiplication is carefully regulated to respond to the needs of tissue’s and whole organism’s growth requirements.
This is particularly true of young animals; whose cell division is on the whole largely upregulated to increase body mass.
In an adult, cell division and death must be finely balanced to maintain a steady state, except in proliferating tissues or in response to certain stimuli.
How does the rate of proliferation vary between cell types? give examples.
Different cell types in the body multiply at different rates:
- WBCs proliferate extremely quickly in response to infection
- Intestinal cells possess centres of proliferation, replacing the cells that live for only a few days before sloughing off
- Red blood cells have a half-life of around 100 days, and must be replaced by haematopoiesis
- Healthy hepatocytes very rarely die
- Brain cells die slowly with even less replacement
How is proliferative misregulation self-perpeutating?
When a cell acquires a mutation that either inhibits apoptosis or stimulates proliferation, it begins to out-multiply the other cells in the tissue.
Due to the increased rate of proliferation and the inherent genomic instability associated with such mutations, one of these cells is likely to acquire a further mutation that increases survival.
Once again the descendants of this cell will become the most populous, and this will continue as natural selection selects for the most dangerous cells, and cell proliferation rate increases until a tumour forms. This process is called clonal expansion.`
How does tumour size change during clonal expansion and what implication does this have on treatment?
It takes a large number of doublings to produce a tumour visible on an X-Ray scan, and even more to produce one that is palpable.
Due to the exponential nature of the population increase of proliferating cells, it is not long after visibility that the tumour is large enough to kill the host. Hence the window between when cancer can be diagnosed and when it becomes lethal is inconveniently small.
What is the difference between benign and malignant tumours?
Benign tumours are those who do not metastasise to other parts of the body, as opposed to malignant ones which do.
> 90% of mortality from cancer is attributable to metastases
What makes benign tumours safer?
Benign tumours are localised and non-invasive, and include such growths as adenomas and warts, and are surrounded by a fibrous capsule that prevents the escape of the cells inside of it. This allows them to be easily excised and so cured.
How can benign tumours be dangerous?
‘Benign’ tumours can still cause sickness and even death by just their steric presence – which may cut off blood flow, disrupt tissue/organ flow or prevent proper CNS function.
Another possibility is the development of a hormonal tumour, which despite the massive proliferation retains its original function as a gland, leading to massive over production of hormones (or other biologically active substances) and subsequent endocrine havoc.
What makes tumours capable of metastasising?
The ability of a tumour to metastasize is predicated upon their ability to break the cell-cell contact with their surrounding tissue, and to breach the basal lamina which underlies epithelial cell layers and the endothelium of blood vessels.
What is the seed and soil theory?
Malignant tumours are made so by their ability to breach the basement membrane of the tissue in which they reside, allowing ‘seed cells’ to enter the bloodstream and settle in distant hospitable tissues (the seed and soil theory).
How does the phenotype of metastatic tumours differ from benign ones?
Malignant tumour cells tend to be less differentiated than benign ones, though their phenotype can vary with time due to tumour evolution/genotypic variability. Some of the most genomically unstable cells in aggressive tumours can have chromosomal abnormalities.
What challenges are faced by metastisising tumours?
Cancer cells undergoing metastasis are unlikely to survive the transit through the bloodstream, less than 0.1% are able to settle somewhere before being destroyed.
Why is it difficult for metastisising cells to survive in the bloodstream and how can this be exploited?
This is in part due to the immune system, which due to the changes in the make-up of the cell surface can recognise cancer cells and destroy them through use of natural killer cells. This allows antibodies raised against the cancer cells to sometimes be effective treatments.
Where are metastasising cells likely to be deposited?
The cells are more likely to be deposited in some places than others, especially in the lungs due to the thin capillaries and low blood pressure favouring adherence to the blood vessel wall and subsequent escape into the surrounding tissue to form a micrometastasis.
Why might metastases be different to their parent tumour?
The tumours these grow into (termed metastases) are often very different to the primary tumours in many ways, due to the different hormonal environment in which the tumour has grown and evolved.
What does the difference in phenotype between cancerous and other cells allow for?
Cancer cells tend to have distinctive visible differences, allowing for easy microscopy diagnosis of cancer from simple biopsies such as pap smears – a very useful technique for determining whether a cancer is invasive.
How does the morpohology of cancer cells differ from soma?
They primarily resemble rapidly dividing cells with a higher proportion of the cell being taken up by the nucleus than is typical, with especially engorged nucleoli, and relatively few specialised structures.
An observer is also likely to notice the multitude of cells in the process of mitosis, and that the nuclei of the cells is misshapen. Certain stains are taken up preferentially by cancerous cells due to their constant mitosis, leading to easy identification.
What are the different types of tumour?
Tumours have classically been classified based on location, with four major classes existing:
• Carcinomas
o Epithelial cells and Squamous epithelia that form protective layers
o Secretory Epithelia (Adenocarcinomas)
• Sarcomas
o Mesenchymal cells
• Haematopoietic cancers
o Circulatory cells and the immune system
• Neuroectodermal tumours
o Nervous system
What are carcinomas?
These are a type of cancer that develops from epithelial cells. Specifically, a carcinoma is a cancer that begins in a tissue that lines the inner or outer surfaces of the body and that generally arises from cells originating in the endodermal or ectodermal germ layer during embryogenesis.
Describe sarcomas.
A malignant tumor of connective or other non-epithelial tissue originating from Mesenchymal origin. Therefore malignant tumors made of cancerous bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, vascular or hematopoietic tissues are by definition conserved sarcomas.
They are quite rare with only 15,000 new cases per year in the US. Sarcomas therefore represent about 1% of the 1.5 million new cancer diagnoses in the US every year.
Describe haematopoietic cancers.
Affect the blood, bone marrow, lymph and lymphatic system. As they originate from both the circulatory and immune system – diseases often have overlapping problems.
Chromosomal translocations are a common cause of these disease, this commonly leads to a different approach in diagnosis and treatment.
How are cancer cultures developed for in vitro study?
cancer cultures can be developed by culturing a cancer biopsy sample or produced artificially from other cells. However, some cancers cannot be grown in culture with usable stability – which is particularly true for breast cancer cells.
Why are cancers such as breast cancers so difficult to culture in vitro?
This is generally due to the cancers requiring a specific set of biological factors/hormones that would cause it to grow as it does, and are not provided by the medium (a blood serum is usually used as concentrated nutrient source, most commonly foetal bovine serum).
What is required to culture fibroblasts and epithelial cells?
Some cells, such as fibroblasts and epithelial cells, require a substratum to adhere to in order to grow. Sub culturing from these populations requires the contact between the cells and the substratum to be broken before they can be removed.
What cells do not require substrate for culturing?
Some cells do not adhere to substrata (or do so very poorly), such as lymphoid cells which must be grown in suspension; in vivo these would adhere very loosely to bone marrow and spleen membranes.
Cancer cells have no need for substrata, hence their ability to grow above the confluency produced by primary cells to form lumpen tumours.
What is the replicative potential of primary cells?
Cells cultured directly from an animal or embryo (primary cells) have a finite lifespan in vitro, the adherent cells growing for some time before they cease to divide. Cultures with unlimited proliferative potential are called immortal cell lines.
Describe the replicative properties of immortal cell lines.
Although they do not have a finite lifespan, these will stop dividing upon reaching confluency or when the nutrients in the medium are depleted, at which point they enter quiescence. They will resume growth when replated or supplied with fresh media.
What changes take place when primary cells are transformed to have cancerous properties?
The cells become more rounded and have fewer specialised processes occurring (though some, called autocrine cells, do produce their own growth factors), as well as adhering much less firmly to the substrate and to each other as they lose anchorage dependence. This allows them to form multi-layered cultures.
What is required to transform a normal cell in vitro?
Transforming a normal cell into a cancer cell requires multiple mutations, but once they have been started on the path to tumorigenesis they will continue through the same clonal expansion/evolution process as they would in vivo.
Introducing these cancers is often essentially similar to them possessing the inherited genetic cancer risks found in humans, which are clinically similar but occur earlier in life and are often characterised by multiple primary lesions.
How can oncogenes be classified?
These can be categorised depending on the role in the cell of the gene product, and hence the mechanism by which the gain-of-function mutation can cause cancer.
List the different types of oncogenes, with examples.
• Type I – Growth Factors
o EGF, Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)
• Type II – Receptors
o EGF Receptor
• Type III – Signal Transduction Proteins
o Ras
• Type IV – Transcription Factors
o Myc, p53
• Type V – Pro- or Anti-Apoptotic Proteins
o Bax, Bcl2
• Type VI – Cell Cycle Control Proteins
o p16, p53, pRB
• Type VII – DNA Repair Proteins
How are fibroblasts associated with cancer cells?
Fibroblasts are associated with cancer cells at all stages of cancer progression and their structural and functional contributions to this process are beginning to emerge.
Their production of growth factors, chemokines and extracellular matrix facilitates the angiogenic recruitment of endothelial cells and epricytes.
Cancer-associated fibroblasts are therefore a key determinant of malignant progression of cancer and represent an important target for cancer therapies.
What is the role of fibroblasts?
They are to a large extent responsible for the synthesis of connective tissue. They additionally
- Regulate epithelial differentiation
- Regulate inflammation
- Are involved in wound healing
- Contribute to the formation of the basement membranes by secreting type IV collagen and laminin
- Are important for maintain ECM homeostasis by regulating ECM turnover and for adjacent epithelia through the secretion of growth factors