Cancer Metabolism Flashcards
What is the Warburg effect?
One of the first identified biochemical distinctions of cancer cells in 1930 by Otto Warburg
Even in the presence of oxygen, cancer cells can reprogram their glucose metabolism, and thus their energy production, by limiting their energy metabolism largely to glycolysis, leading to a state that has been termed ‘‘aerobic glycolysis.’’
What is oxidative phosphorylation?
In the presence of oxygen, non-proliferating (differentiated) tissues first metabolize glucose to pyruvate via glycolysis and then completely oxidize most of that pyruvate in the mitochondria to CO2 during the process of oxidative phosphorylation. Only a very small amount of pyruvate is converted to lactate instead.
Because oxygen is required as the final electron acceptor to completely oxidize the glucose, oxygen is essential for this process. This produces a net gain of ~36 mol ATP/mol glucose.
What is anaerobic glycolysis?
When oxygen is limiting, cells can redirect the pyruvate generated by glycolysis away from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by generating lactate (anaerobic glycolysis).
This generation of lactate during anaerobic glycolysis allows glycolysis to continue (by cycling NADH back to NAD+ - the oxidised cofactor being required for glycolysis).
However, this results in minimal ATP production when compared with oxidative phosphorylation; more specifically, 2 mol ATP/mol glucose vs. 36 mol ATP/mol glucose.
What is aerobic glycolysis?
Warburg observed that cancer cells tend to convert most glucose to lactate regardless of whether oxygen is present (aerobic glycolysis). This property is shared by normal proliferative tissues.
Mitochondria remain functional and some oxidative phosphorylation continues in both cancer cells and normal proliferating cells. Nevertheless, aerobic glycolysis is less efficient than oxidative phosphorylation for generating ATP, giving a net gain of 4 mol ATP/mol glucose.
How is glucose utilised in proliferating cells?
Proliferating cells tend to favour aerobic glycolysis.
In proliferating cells, ~10% of the glucose is diverted into biosynthetic pathways upstream of pyruvate production.
Why did research into cancer metabolism wane?
Discoveries in the late 1970s and early 1980s revealed that cancers could result from mutation, and none of the early oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes were metabolic enzymes.
Studies in the 1960s and 1970s also revealed exceptions to the Warburg observation.
More recently however, several metabolism-related oncogenes/TS have been identified renewing interest in its viability as a therapy target.
How and why is AMP used as the sensor for energy state?
The levels of ATP and ADP are poor indicators of the energy state of the cell. Due to the action of adenylate kinase, the ATP levels tend not to decrease much during high-energy requirement and the ADP levels stay constant and low. However, the AMP product of this reaction leads to fast and proportionally huge increase in AMP level, making it a useful sensor.
In order to regulate metabolism, AMP stimulates AMPK to mediate its effects rather than acting on all the metabolic enzymes individually.
What is the structure of AMPK?
• AMPK has three subunits: α, β and γ
o The α subunit has a kinase domain
o The γ subunit is where both AMP and ATP bind - The γ subunit has an AMP/ATP binding domain
How is AMPK regulated?
- When ATP is bound to the γ subunit AMPK is inactive
- When ATP levels decrease or AMP levels increase, i.e. a cell is running out of energy, LKB1 or other AMP sensitive kinases phosphorylate AMPK to make it fully active and make the system more sensitive to [AMP]
What effect does active AMPK have?
AMPK phosphorylates many metabolic enzyme targets, to switch off ATP-consuming synthases and upregulate processes that increase ATP.
It also regulates TFs that lead to longer term up or downregulation of metabolic processes at the expression level.
Which signalling pathway is a primary regulator of metabolism? How is this activated?
The PI3K/Akt pathway.
The insulin/other RTK arms on the receptor are recognised by PI3K, a dimeric protein composed of p85 (the subunit that binds the RTK via SH2 domains) and p110 (the kinase).
How does PI3K potentiate the Akt signalling pathway?
PI3K is a lipid kinases, adding a third phosphate onto phosphatidyl-inositol (4, 5) kinase (PIP2) in the 3’ position, while it is embedded in the membrane by its phospholipid tail, producing PIP3 (phosphatidyl inositol 3, 4, 5 kinase).
This sugar ring is recognised by the Pleckstrin Homology Domains present on PDK1/2 and Akt, localising both of them to the membrane so that PDK1 can double-phosphorylate Akt (AKA PKB) at Thr-308 and Ser-473, activating it.
What effect does the PI3K pathway have?
Akt responds to the signal by stimulating changes in two different categories, energy metabolism and growth response, often via mTOR signalling.
Since it is a response to increased insulin, amongst other things, it should come as no surprise that Akt increases the cells glucose uptake and activates glycogen synthesis while inhibiting glycogenolysis and lipolysis.
It specifically targets;
• Protein Synthesis Machinery
• Enzymes catalyzing glycogen metabolism
• Enzymes catalyzing glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation - Cancer and Warburg Effect
How does cap-dependent translation initiation begin?
The cap is mostly comprised of eIFs (Eukaryotic Initiation Factors) that bind to the 7-methly guanosine cap on one end of the mRNA.
The first protein to bind is eIF4E, which then recruits eIF4G. eIF4G binds to both eIF4A/B – which are responsible for binding to the ribosome – and PABP (PolyA Binding Protein) that circularises the mRNA. Ensuring that the mRNA is complete and increasing the local concentration of important factors.
What happens in cap-dependent translation initiation after circularisation?
Formation of the 43S complex occurs.
This is the 40S ribosome subunit complexed with a GTP-linked tRNA and eIF1, 1A, 2, 3 and 5 (known together as the Ternary Complex).
eIF1A is responsible for generating a pool of 40S subunits, and with eIF3 binds the ternary complex to the 40S ribosome subunit producing the 43S complex.
The 43S complex is responsible for scanning for the Kozak sequence.
What is the final checkpoint in cap-dependent translation initiation?
Hydrolysis of the GTP bound to eIF2 by eIF5 then serves as the final checkpoint before the 60S ribosome subunit is recruited. The initiator methionine can then bind to the P site.
How does translation elongation occur?
Each charged tRNA is delivered to the 80S translocation, transferring the deacetylated tRNA to the E site, positioning the peptidyl-tRNA in the P site and re-exposing the A site
How does translation termination occur?
Eukaryotic release factor 1 (eRF1) recognizes the stop codon in the A site, triggering 80S arrest and polypeptide release. eRF3 releases eRF1 from the ribosome, and several initiation factors, together with ABCE1-directed nucleotide hydrolysis, dismantle the complex, thus recycling ribosome subunits.
How is mTOR stimulated?
mTOR is mostly regulated by the GTPase Rheb, which activates mTOR when GTP bound and inhibits it when GDP bound.
Growth signalling via PKB phosphorylates TSC1 which inhibits the GAP actvity, preventing it from inhibiting mTOR by converting Rheb-GTP to GDP.
AMPK also phosphorylates the TSC complex to activate mTOR in the same way in response to energy state.
The amino acid level is sensed by a protein known as X, which activates Rag-GTPase which in turn activates Rheb to stimulate mTOR.
How does mTOR upregulate translation initiation?
mTOR also phosphorylates eIF4E-BP1, lowering its affinity for the initiation factor eIF4E. 4E-BP1 competes with eIF4G for eIF4E but unlike G it has no effect, effectively repressing eIF4E. Hence phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 promotes translation by allowing more eIF4E/G complexes to form.
How does mTOR upregulate translation elongation?
mTOR can phosphoactivate S6 Kinase (S6K) which phosphorylates the ribosomal protein S6 and so upregulates the translation process.
How does mTOR upregulate ribosome biogenesis?
By even further phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 and by an un-elucidated interaction with a protein called UBF, mTOR can stimulate the production of more ribosomes.
4E-BP1 stimulates transcription of 5’TOP mRNA, which encodes a wide variety of proteins involved in translation, both ribosomal proteins and translation factors.
mTOR also causes UBF stimulation, which increases transcription of rRNAs.
How does growth signalling affect glycogen production, and how what provides negative feedback on this regulation?
Glycogen synthase is phosphorylated it is less active; when it is dephosphorylated it is more active
PKB phosphoinhibits glycogen synthase kinase (GSK3), preventing it from phosphoinhibiting glycogen synthase, thus activating it to convert glucose to glycogen.
This eventually leads to ATP exhaustion due to glucose starvation, activating AMPK which subsequently further phosphorylates glycogen synthase to inhibit the enzyme leading to increased glucose.
How is the TCA cycle used differently in quiescent and proliferative cells?
• Quiescent differentiated cells (in the presence of O2)
The TCA cycle acts as a catabolic pathway and by coupling through oxidative phosphorylation is responsible for generation of most of the ATP and CO2
• Proliferative cells (in the presence or absence of O2)
The TCA cycle adopts an anabolic role, allowing extraction of the intermediates from the mitochondrion to provide precursors for biosynthesis of lipids and proteins. The result is biomass and lactate rather than ATP and CO2.
How is the anabolic role of the TCA cycle maintained in proliferating cells?
As they are extracted for biosynthesis, the TCA cycle intermediates must be replenished by increased conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate and though glutaminolysis.
Greatly increased glucose uptake via GLUT expression increase, increasing supply and enabling glycolysis to meet energy requirements.
How and why do proliferating cells regulate glycolysis?
Slowing down glycolysis channels glucose to other metabolic processes e. g. pentose phosphate pathway, enabling biosynthesis of nucleic acids and reducing power for continued anabolic action.
Which TCA cycle/glycolysis intermediates are used to make what during anabolic metabolism?
Oxaloacetate and 2-oxoglutarate are taken from the TCA cycle to make Amino acids.
Citrate is used to ferry Acetyl CoA OUT of the mitochondrion via the citrate malate shuttle, where it is used in lipogenesis.
Glycolysis intermediates are used in the pentose phosphate pathway to produce nucleotides and NADPH (used for anabolic reducing power)
How does growth signalling regulate glycolysis and pyruvate fate?
Signalling through PI3K activates PKB which directly phosphoactivates a number of enzymes in glycolysis. It also phosphoactivates HIF leading to increased transcription of glycolytic enzymes.
Growth signalling-induced tyrosine kinases phosphoinhibit pyruvate kinase, favouring anaerobic conversion to lactate rather than Acetyl CoA for the TCA cycle.
How does energy state regulation regulate glycolysis?
AMPK has a complicated relationship to glycolysis, but when activated in proliferating cells it inhibits aerobic glycolysis by inhibiting various enzymes in the pathway as well as HIF.
This makes AMPK a tumour supressor.
What metabolic proteins are often mutated in cancer to promote aerobic glycolysis?
- Loss of appropriate AMPK signalling – loss of tumour suppressors/aerobic glycolysis inhibitor
- Activated PI3K pathway – more growth signalling
- Up-regulation of glucose transporters through overexpression
- Activated metabolic enzymes increases pathway activation
Why is AMPK mutated in cancer?
Several mutations can supress AMPK signalling, which uncouples fuel signals from growth signals, allowing tumour cells to divide under abnormal nutrient conditions.
This uncoupling permits tumour cells to respond to inappropriate growth signalling pathways.
How can energy state signals and growth signals be uncoupled other than AMPK mutation?
LKB mutations that prevent it from activating AMPK.
What metabolic pathway enzyme mutation is common in cancer?
In addition to enhanced expression levels, some enzymes have activating (gain-of-function) mutations, particularly the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) enzymes.
Wild-type IDH1/2 (wtIDH1/2) converts isocitrate (generated through the citric acid (TCA) cycle) into α-KG, producing NADPH in the process.
What does cancer-mutated IDH do?
Mutant IDH1/2 (mutIDH1/2) converts α-KG to the oncometabolite R-2-HG, consuming NADPH.
As an oncometabolite this is something not found in normal cells, and it has a wide variety of oncogenic effects.
What does R-2-HG do?
R-2-HG inhibits members of the protein family of α- KG-dependent dioxygenases.
Additionally, it regulates epigenetic modulators such as KDsM (lysine demethylases) and TET2 leading to aberrant epi-modification and elevated expression of genes such as PDGFRA, which is known to be an oncogene in gliomas.
As such the majority of lower-grade diffuse gliomas (WHO grade II and III) harbour mutations of either IDH1 or IDH2
How can the warburg effect be exploited?
- Used in diagnosis and monitoring of malignant tumors by imaging uptake of a modified radioactive hexokinase substrate or glucose analogue FDG in PET. This widely used and good way of visualising tumours (except in the brain/kidneys/bladder).
- Development of anti-cancer agents that can inhibit altered metabolic pathways such as glycolysis in cancerous cells (i.e. target enzymes) or mutant IDH and altered NAD metabolism - efforts ongoing
How does growth signalling regulate glycolysis and pyruvate fate?
Signalling through PI3K activates PKB which directly phosphoactivates a number of enzymes in glycolysis. It also phosphoactivates HIF leading to increased transcription of glycolytic enzymes.
Growth signalling-induced tyrosine kinases phosphoinhibit pyruvate kinase, favouring anaerobic conversion to lactate rather than Acetyl CoA for the TCA cycle.