Oncogenic Subversion and Signal Transduction Flashcards
How can cells sense their extracellular surroundings?
- Via molecules dissolved in water or in air that bind to cell surface receptors or enter cells through channels or transporters
- Via extracellular solid substrates with which they interact
- Via mechanical interactions
- Via monitoring light, temperature, pressure, movement etc.
How can cells sense neighboring cells?
- Via direct cell to cell junctions through which molecules are exchanged; tight junctions between epithelial cells which can exchange molecules
- Via exchange of diffusible molecules that bind to cell surface receptors or enter cells through channels or transporters
- Via mechanical interactions
What are the three layers of a signalling network?
Input layer that corresponds to receptors, core process results in signal transmission, with the output layer effecting the response directly.
What are the three ways of looking a signalling networks?
Nodes: Focus on a single signal transduction element and links to other elements e.g. Ras
Modules: Focus on a group of signal transduction elements, often linked in different cellular responses e.g. PLC
Pathways: Focus on transduction elements that link input signal to cellular machinery generating a response e.g. MAPK
How is the great degree of diversity that enable signalling networks’ capabilities produced?
A huge number of genes are involved in signalling;
Number of human genes ~20,000 Some genes for signal transduction components • Receptors ~1,500 (GPCRs ~350) • Protein Kinases ~520 • Protein Phosphatases ~150 • Transcription Factors ~1,800
Due to alternative splicing and post-translational modifications, number of components in human proteome is 10-100 fold higher compared to genome
Combinatorial considerations - interactions between components allow for a great degree of combinatorial control and functional states, many would be involved in many different scenarios
Contextual specificity - cell type and state limits the content of signal transduction components
What is the timescale of individual signalling events?
Signalling through the network (s):
Kinase/phosphatase reactions………… 10^–3
Protein conformational changes……… 10^–3
Cell-scale protein diffusion (passive)..100–10^1
Cell-scale protein diffusion (active)….. 10
What is the timescale of cellular scale responses to signalling?
Response mediated by cell machinery (s):
Cell migration 10^0–10^2
Transcriptional control 10^2
Cellular growth 10^4
What is Oncogene Addiction?
This describes the phenomenon by which some cancers that contain multiple (genetic and epigenetic) abnormalities remain dependent on/addicted to one or a few genes for both maintenance of the malignant phenotype and cell survival.
What lines of evidence are there for oncogene addiction?
Evidence that supports the concept of oncogene addiction has now been obtained in three diverse systems:
1) Genetically engineered mouse models of human cancer
2) Mechanistic studies in human cancer cell lines
3) Clinical trials with specific molecular targeted agents
What is implied by the study of oncogene addiction in human cancer cell lines?
That human cancer cells in culture retain the oncogene addiction of their source tumour is notable given the significant genetic drift caused by continuous culture - addiction may be beneficial or even essential for tumour survival.
How can oncogene addiction be exploited?
Inactivation of said gene can lead to apoptosis.
How do oncomirs relate to addiction?
Oncomirs have emerged recently as important players in cancer (Esquela-Kerscher and Slack 2006). Their role is highlighted by the demonstration that antisense inhibition of miR-17-5p and miR-20a leads to apoptosis of lung cancer cells overexpressing the microRNA miR-17-92 (Matsubara et al. 2007).
Thus, “oncomir addiction” may be yet another manifestation of oncogene addiction. However, the potentially pleiotropic action of oncomirs may prove to substantially limit the therapeutic opportunity that such addiction might otherwise present.
What are examples of oncogene addictions in specific cancers?
- Small GTPase Ras in lung cancers and melanom
- Transcription factor Myc in pancreatic cancer and osteogenic sarcoma
- Ser/Thr Kinase B-Raf in melanoma
- Tyrosine Kinase Receptor EGFR in head and neck, colorectal and pancreatic cancers
- Tyrosine Kinase Receptor HER-2 in breast cancer (approved treatment - trastuzumab)
- BRAF oncogene in BRAF Mutant Melanoma (PLX4032 treatment in trials)
What is the main limitation of therapies exploiting oncogene addiction?
It quickly selects for cells within the tumour that are less vulnerable, causing the tumour to quickly evolve and rewire its signalling pathways (often by bypassing nodes) to no longer be dependent upon the oncogene.
Combination therapy is a potential way to overcome this, but the interaction of the drugs and their side-effects may be problematic.
What receptor types are important in cancer?
Serpentine receptors (GPCRs) - Eg Wnt signalling via frizzled, chemokine receptors
Integrin receptors
Protein tyrosine kinase receptors (RTKs and Receptor Ser/Thr Kinases)
What are some examples of RTKs and Receptor Ser/Thr Kinases?
RTKs - growth factor receptors such as EGFR, PDGFR, FGFR
Receptor Ser/Thr Kinases - TGF-B Receptor
How is Wnt signalling important in cancer?
Wnt can signals through the Frizzled receptor, but coreceptors such as LRP 5/6 can lead to different responses.
Frizzled signalling is involved in motility, invasiveness and self-renewal (see 3014 zebrafish 2).
LRP signalling has a critical role in cancer pathogenesis, especially in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).
Unlike the Frizzled receptor, this is not a GPCR, but allows for interactions with other proteins enabling other, non-canonical Wnt pathways to be activated via Disheveled.
What are integrins?
Integrins are transmembrane receptors that are the bridges for cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions (both in terms of attachment and signalling)
These are heterodimers with alpha and beta subunits both of which penetrate the membrane to produce small cytoplasmic domains that often couple to the cytoskeleton via RTKs FAC and SRC and adaptor protein p130Cas
How are GPCRs activated?
GPCRs binding structure consists of two large extracellular ligand binding domains. Because the ligands are generally present only at very low concentrations, the flexible and jutting N domain acts as an affinity trap, very strongly binding the ligand by its C-terminus.
The ligand, usually a disordered peptide in solution, is often found to have a turn structure and adopt a helical structure once bound to the N domain.
This then allows the N-terminus part of the ligand to bind to the higher KD J domain, which causes activation.
The J domain connects via several bundles of transmembrane helices to a G-protein binding domain, activating it through a conformation change.
What is the general structure of a kinase domain?
A large C-lobe and a small N-lobe which binds the ATP initially. Between the lobes is a substrate-peptide groove which forms the active site upon closure of the lobes as this properly positions the ATP and substrate.
A central ‘activation loop’ controls the activation state, and the alpha-C helix must also adopt a specific conformation for activity.
Symmetrical RTK activation. How does that work?
Ligand binding leads to homodimerisation of the RTKs to bring two intracellular kinase domains together to trans-phosphorylate each other.
The first round generally phosphorylates the activation loop within the kinase domain to relieve inhibition, allowing them to phosphorylate more residues in the C-terminal tails.
What is asymmetrical RTK activation?
Some RTKs, such as HER3 (AKA ErbB3, of the EGFR family) lacks kinase ability. It can however form head to tail dimers upon ligand stimulation with active RTKs (HER2 in this case, which has no known ligands so may exist only to colocalise in this way).
The HER3 inactive kinase domain is called the activator kinase as - without phosphorylating it - it activates the reciever kinase domain.
How are RTKs mutated in cancer?
Generally they are made to be constitutively or over-active, and less ligand dependent.
What are the two classes of oncogenic RTK mutation?
Ligand dependent and ligand independent.