Prolapse Flashcards
What is a prolapse?
Protrusion of the uterus and/or vaginal beyond normal anatomical confines.
Bladder, urethra and rectum can also be involved
What structures support the uterus?
Vaginal walls,
Transverse cervical ligaments,
Round and broad ligaments,
Indirect support from pelvic floor
What structures support the cervix and upper 1/3rd of vagina?
Transverse cervical ligaments and uterosacral ligaments
What are the risk factors for prolapse?
Increasing age/menopause,
Vaginal delivery (big babies and prolonged 2nd stage) either due to direct trauma or pudendal nerve damage.
Increasing parity.
Raised intra-abdominal pressure.
Abnormal collagen metabolism.
what are the symptoms of a prolapse?
Sensation of pressure/fullness/heaviness,
Sensation of a buldge,
May have urinary symptoms,
May have bowel symptoms (constipation/straining, fecal incontinence and incomplete evacuation)
What is the grading of prolapse?
Pelvic organ prolapse quantification. This is base on the position of the most distal prolapse during straining.
Grade 1 - No prolapse.
Stage 1 - More than 1cm above hymenal ring.
Stage 2 - Prolapse extends from 1cm above to 1 cm below hymenal rring.
Stage 3 - Prolapse extends 1cm+ below hymenal ring
Stage 4 - Vagina completely everted
What is the following:
Uterine prolapse,
Vaginal vault prolapse
Cystocele - bladder protrudes into vagina (anterior prolapse)
Urethrocele - Descent of the anterior vaginal wall where the urethra sits.
Rectocele - rectum protrudes.
Enterocele - Seen in upper vagina
Uterine prolapse,
Vaginal vault prolapse.
Either anterior, apical or posterior prolapse
What is the most common type of prolapse?
What is the management of prolapses?
Conservative - Lifestyle advice, pelvic floor exercises, intravaginal oestrogen or devices.
Surgical - Vaginal or abdominal.
What are some examples of intravaginal devices for prolapses
Ring pessary - placed between posterior aspect of symphysis pubis and posterior fornix of vagina.
Shelf pessary, gelhorn, hodge, cube or donut.
What are the complications of pessaries?
May interfere with sexual intercourse,
Difficulty and discomfort during removal,
Fistula if neglected
what are the surgical procedures for anterior compartment defect and its complications?
Anterior colporrhaphy (anterior repair)
Complications - dyspareunia, incontinence, failure and recurrence.
Explain the surgical procedure for posterior compartment
Posterior colporrhaphy - incision in posterior wall of vagina, sutures, reposition of leavator muscles and removal of excess skin.
Complication is dyspareunia
Explain the surgical repair of uterovaginal prolapse
Vaginal hysterectomy
Manchester repair
Sacrohysteropexy - use of mesh to attach uterus to anterior longitutinal ligament of the sacrum
Explain the surgical repair of vaginal vault prolapse
Sacrospinous ligament fixation - vault sutures to sacrospinous ligament.
Sacrocolpopexy - vault attached to sacrum using mesh
What is colpocleisis?
Vaginal closure - used in women who do not desire future vaginal intercourse
What is the prevention for prolapses?
Weight reduction,
Treatment of constipation,
Treatment of chronic cough and smoking cessation,
Avoid heavy lifting,
Encourage pelvic floor exercises,
Good intrapartum care.