Emergencies in O&G Flashcards
What is MBRRACE?
Mothers and babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries.
It performs surveillance of all maternal and perinatal deaths, confidential enquireies into maternal deaths, still births, infant deaths and serious maternal morbidity.
What are the definitions of the following:
Direct maternal death
Indirect maternal death
Coincidental maternal death
Late maternal death
Direct maternal death - Consequence of a disorder to pregnancy
Indirect maternal death - resulting from previous existing disease or diseases which developed during pregnancy
Coincidental maternal death - Incidental/accidental deaths not due to pregnancy.
Late maternal death - Deaths occuring more than 42 days but less than 1 year after end of pregnancy
What are the most common causes of maternal mortality
Most common to least common:
Heart disease,
Blood clots,
Epilepsy and stroke,
Other physical condition,
Mental health,
Enthicity and mortality in pregnancy
Asian women 2x likely to die in pregnancy.
Mixed ethnicity = 3x likely
Black women = 5x more likely to die in pregnancy
WHat are some emergencies in obstetrics?
APH - placental praevia, vasa praevia, abruption, uterine rupture,
Amniotic fluid embolus,
Uterine inversion,
Uterine rupture,
Intra-abdominal bleeding,
Genital tract haematoma,
Fetal malpresentation
Fetal distress.
Incidental causes - Massive VTE, aneurysm rupture, ruptured liver or spleen, MI, cardiac, CV accident, anaphylactic shock, septic shock, substance misuse.
Definitions and classifications of PPH
Primary - within 24 hours of delivery.
Secondary - Between 24 hours and 12 weeks postnatally.
Minor - 500-1000ml
Moderate - 1000-2000ml
Severe > 2000ml
How much blood can a pregnant woman lose by her usterus?
Causes of PPH?
Thrombin - clotting disorders,
Tissue - retained placenta
Tone - Uterine atony (most common)
Trauma - perineal tear
What are the risk factors for PPH?
Previous PPH,
Multiple pregnancies,
Large baby,
Failure to progress in second stage,
Prolonged third stage,
Placental accreta,
Retained placenta,
Instrumental delivery,
Episiotomy or perineal tear
What is the initial management of PPH
Call 2222 - major obstetric haemorrhage. Also call senior help.
Resuscitation - ABCDE approach
15L non rebreather mask,
Lie flat and keep warm,
Two large IV cannula - take bloods for FBC, UEs, clotting, group and xmatch 4 units.
Warmed IV fluids and blood as requires.
FFP if clotting abnormalities or after 4 units of blood
Then move to medical and/or surgical management
What is the medical management of PPH?
Bimanual uterine compression.
Empy bladder
Syntocinon - oxytocin infusion 40 units in 500ml
Ergometrine 500 mcg
Carboprost 250 mcg every 15mins up to 8 times
Misoprostol 100 mcg suppository (rectally)
What is the surgical management of PPH?
Manual removal of placenta
Intrauterine balloon tamponade,
Brace solution
B-lynch suture
Uterine artery ligation.
Hysterectomy - last resort.
Causes and treatment of secondary PPH
Causes: Retained tissue or infection (endometritis)
Ix: US to look for retained products, and take swabs for infection.
Management: treat infection, consider removal of tissue and consider balloon tamponade.
Causes of bleeding in early pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancy
What is maternal collapse?
Acute event involving cardiorespiratory system and/or brain resulting in reduced or absent conscious level at any stage in pregnancy and up to 6wks after devlivery.