What is the 4 characteristics of Enterobacteriaceae?
- Peritrichous flagella (if mobile)
- Bacilli
- Ferments glucose
- Meat extract media: Mac Conkey’s Agar
What toxins do E. Coli releases?
Endotoxin and Enterotoxin
A type of E. coli that usually affects children and infants?
Enteropathogenic E. Coli
Also known as Fried Lander’s
Klebsiella Pneumonia
Vibrionaceae has a single _____?
polar flagellum
What is the treatment for Salmonella typhi?
Ceftriaxone (new)
Chloramphenicol (old)
What is the treatment for E. Coli?
Quinolone and Cotrimoxazole
The third most leading cause of diarrhea?
Campylobacter Jejuni
What is the treatment for Campylobacter Jejuni?
The second leading cause of sepsis?
Klebsiella Pnemoniae
Is Haemophilus considered a natural flora in the body? Yes or no?
What area in the body is heamophilus a natural flora?
Respiratory tract and oral cavity
What is the treatment for legionella pnemoniae?
DOC: Erythromycin
Macrolides, Ciprofloxacin, rifampicin
What is the causative agent of pontiac fever and legionaires disease?
Legioniella pnemophilia (habitat water)
What is the treatment for Bordetella Pertussis?
Bordetella Pertussis causes?
Whooping cough
What is the treatment for Brucella?
Streptomycin, Rifampicin, Doxycyline
Where would you get Bartonella Henselae?
From a cat-scratch
What is the treatment for Bartonella Henselae?
Causes deer-fly fever, Rabbit fever, and Tularemia.
Francisella Tularensis
What is the treatment for Francisella Tularensis?
Streptomycin and Doxycycline
A type of Brucella that is related goats/sheeps?
Brucella melitensis
5 day fever (a.k.a Trench fever) is cause by?
Bartonella Quintana
Neisseria is in what shape?
What is the cure for Clostridium tetani?
Ferments Carboxylic acid?
Neisseria (Cocci)
What is the treatment for Neisseria meningitides?
Ciprofloxin and Rifampicin
An example of Anaerobic Organism?
Bacteroides Fragilis
Originally thought to be a virus as growth was found to be enhanced by sulfonamides?
Rickettsia(Non-Free Living Organism)
Scrub typhus has a vector of?
Mite’s larvae
A type of Rickettsia that causes Rocky mountain spotted fever?
Rickettsia Rickettsii
What is the Rickettsial disease that has a vector of human body louse and causes Brill-zinsser disease?
Rickettsia Prowazekii
What is the vector for Rickettsia typhi (murine typhi)?
Rat’s flea
What is the vector Rickettsia Akari (Rickettsial pox)?
What is the causative agent for Queensland tick fever?
Rickettsia Australis
Chlamydia elementary bodies is?
Chlamydia reticulate body is?
What flagella does spirochetes have?
Periplasmic flagella
Treponema Pallidum causes?
Treponema fine spiral has what ends?
round ends
Causes leptospirosis?
Leptospira interrogans
What is the cure for leptospirosis?
Pen G/ Penicillin G
Has wide-opened coils
Causes lyme disease?
Borrelia Burgdorferi
Borrelia Recurrentis causes?
Relapsing fever
What does Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae has in common?
Both are Acid-fast organism
Define Acid-Fast organism
Resist decolorization from acid and alcohol due to Mycolic acid
A type of microbe that releases blue-green fluorescent when exposed to UV light?
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
What test is being done for mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Sputum smear and Mantoux test
Smallest free-living prokaryotic cell
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Thick peptidoglycan, teichoic, and lipoteichoic acid
Gram positive
Produces greenish zone in the colony
Alpha hemolysis
non-hemolytic is?
Causes strep throat and scarlet fever. Group A (Beta)
Streptococcus pyrogens
Streptococcus agalactiae is commonly associated to pregnant woman and new-born babies, what group does this belong?
Group B (Beta) targets pregnant and infants
The zoonotic type group of prokaryotic gram positive?
Group C (Beta)
Streptococcus bovis (alpha/gamma) is a normal flora of human colon, what group does this belong?
Group D(Alpha) found in GI tract
Found in pregnant woman and infant is what causative agent and WHAT IS THE CURE?
Streptococcus agalactiae
Gentamycin + Ampicillin
What does dysgalactiae means
Hard to produce milk. GROUP C (Beta)
Most commonly cause of pneumonia. Found in Unclassified Streptococcus (Alpha)
Streptococcus pneumoniae
If streptococcus is round and in chain, then ,what is STAPHYloccocus?
Round and in grapelike cluster (yellow colonies)
STAPHYlococcus aureus is associated to?
Tampons (Toxic Shock Syndrome)
What is the causative agent of Anthrax?
Bacillus Anthracis
Bacillus anthracis is?
Largest microscopic bacterium (Medusa head-like colony)
What is the most lethal infection of Bacillus Anthracis?
What is the causative agent of Fried Rice Poisoning?
Bacillus Cereus
If legionella Pneumophila habitat is in water then what perhaps is the Clostridium’s
Clostridium Perfringens causes?
Gas Gangrene
What is the causative agent for tetanus?
Clostridium Tetani
DOC: Metronidazole
Blocks acetylcholine, secretes Neurotoxin
Clostridium botulinum
The third most leading diarrhea and treatment?
Campylobacter Jejuni. Quinolones
Causative agent of Cholera and its treatment?
Vibrio Cholerae. Tetracycline and ORS.
which is old and new in treatment for typhoid fever (Salmonella typhi)
Chloramphenicol and Ceftriaxone
Chloramphenicol (old)
Ceftriaxone (new)
What is the causative agent for sepsis?
Salmonella choleraesius
What is the treatment of Haemophilus Influenza?
- Cefotaxime
- Second and Third generation of Cephalosporins
Causes PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
Neisseria Gonorrhea
WHAT is the causative agent for Q fever and WHAT is the treatment?
Coxiella burnetii.
Doxycycline and Chloroquine
Chloroquine is use against what plasmodium strain?
P. vivax(mildest, benign) and P. ovale(tertian)
What is the treatment against P. falciparum?
Quinidine gluconate (IV)
Quinidine sulfate (oral)
What is the recommended prophylaxis for travelers to areas without known strain of chloroquine-resistant.
Mefloquine and Atovaquone
What is the treatment for Toxoplasma Gondii