What is the 4 characteristics of Enterobacteriaceae?
- Peritrichous flagella (if mobile)
- Bacilli
- Ferments glucose
- Meat extract media: Mac Conkey’s Agar
What toxins do E. Coli releases?
Endotoxin and Enterotoxin
A type of E. coli that usually affects children and infants?
Enteropathogenic E. Coli
Also known as Fried Lander’s
Klebsiella Pneumonia
Vibrionaceae has a single _____?
polar flagellum
What is the treatment for Salmonella typhi?
Ceftriaxone (new)
Chloramphenicol (old)
What is the treatment for E. Coli?
Quinolone and Cotrimoxazole
The third most leading cause of diarrhea?
Campylobacter Jejuni
What is the treatment for Campylobacter Jejuni?
The second leading cause of sepsis?
Klebsiella Pnemoniae
Is Haemophilus considered a natural flora in the body? Yes or no?
What area in the body is heamophilus a natural flora?
Respiratory tract and oral cavity
What is the treatment for legionella pnemoniae?
DOC: Erythromycin
Macrolides, Ciprofloxacin, rifampicin
What is the causative agent of pontiac fever and legionaires disease?
Legioniella pnemophilia (habitat water)
What is the treatment for Bordetella Pertussis?
Bordetella Pertussis causes?
Whooping cough
What is the treatment for Brucella?
Streptomycin, Rifampicin, Doxycyline
Where would you get Bartonella Henselae?
From a cat-scratch
What is the treatment for Bartonella Henselae?
Causes deer-fly fever, Rabbit fever, and Tularemia.
Francisella Tularensis
What is the treatment for Francisella Tularensis?
Streptomycin and Doxycycline
A type of Brucella that is related goats/sheeps?
Brucella melitensis
5 day fever (a.k.a Trench fever) is cause by?
Bartonella Quintana
Neisseria is in what shape?
What is the cure for Clostridium tetani?
Ferments Carboxylic acid?
Neisseria (Cocci)
What is the treatment for Neisseria meningitides?
Ciprofloxin and Rifampicin
An example of Anaerobic Organism?
Bacteroides Fragilis
Originally thought to be a virus as growth was found to be enhanced by sulfonamides?
Rickettsia(Non-Free Living Organism)
Scrub typhus has a vector of?
Mite’s larvae
A type of Rickettsia that causes Rocky mountain spotted fever?
Rickettsia Rickettsii
What is the Rickettsial disease that has a vector of human body louse and causes Brill-zinsser disease?
Rickettsia Prowazekii