Prokaryotes Flashcards
4 types of prokaryotic cell division with unequal products
1- simple budding
2- budding form hyphae
3- cell division of stalked organism
4- polar growth
What is dilution rate in cell growth cultures?
rate of adding medium to maintain exponential growth phase
Different pH type resistant names
Acidophiles, neutrophiles, alkaliphiles
Name for prokaryotes tolerant to low/negative temp.
Name for resistant to NaCl tolerant prokaryote
Extreme halophile
Name for organism which can grow in high sugars
what is the main characteristic of xerophile s?
can grow in very dry conditions
Whats important about compatible solutes?
compatible with cellular cytoplasm
Whats another name for compatible solute?
What is a faculative aerobe?
microorganism which can perform aerobic, anaerobic respiration or fermentation BUT peforms better with O2
What is an aerotolerant microorganism?
Fermentation- growth not better when O2 present
What is shift down?
rich to poor medium
= cessation of growth followed by growth increase = stringent response
What refolds denatured proteins?
Dnak (in heatshock situation)
What type of plasmid confer antibiotic resistance?
What on plasmids can kill related bacteria?
What genes make plasmids self-transmissabel?
tra genes
Are plasmids in same incompatibilty group compatible or incompatible?
How does polymerase know if DNA is new?
New DNA is not methylated. Its then methylated fro DnaA binding.
What is the name of the structure formed in the membrane during cell division?
What is the role of the MinCD oscillator in cell division?
partitioning of chromosome + how well cell wall forms at division plane + ensures formation of FtsZ ring in middle of cell
What forms in bands perpendicular to cell wall in most rod-shaped bacteria and doriects peptidoglycan synthesis to cell wall?
what is the target of penicillin?
Bacterial replication strategy limiting factor and advantage
positive selective for fastest dividing= limiting step is DNA-replication= selection for small genome
Why are mitochondria important for eukaryotes?
oxphos happens in mitochondrial membranes SO more ATP and no sa:vol limitation
what did mitchondria and chloroplasts evolve from
mitochondria from proteobacterium
chloroplasts from cyanobacterium
What is syntrophy?
phenomenon of one species living off the metabolic products of another species.
What is evolution of eukaryotic cell as result of?
syntrophy between facultative anaerobic bacterium and anaerobic q
How did newly endosymbiotic cells avoid O2 toxicity?
Migration to O2 rich waters = selection to maintain oxphos genes
Why is retention of reduced endosymbiont genome important?
For local control of electron transport chain
approximately how many genes in a modern mitochondrion?
less than 40
Where is signal peptide located for protein secretion?
How are trans-membrane domains interpreted by translocation channel?
as stop-transfer and restart-transfer during synthesis