What is muckraking?
- investigative journalism
- media that often lead to social reform
What is yellow journalism?
- when NY newspapers would publish barely truthful stories
- an agenda towards starting a war with Spain
Who was William Randolph Hearst?
- publisher of the NY Journal
- said “furnish pictures and he will furnish the war”
What is the difference between muckraking and yellow journalism?
muckraking is truthful, yellow journalism is lying
What did Riis write about?
promoted public awareness of life in the slums
What did Baker write about?
examined the racial divide in America
What did Sinclair write about?
exposed the deplorable conditions of the meat packing industry
What was Riis’ writing called?
How the Other Half Lives - 1890
What was Baker’s writing called?
Following the Color Line - 1908
What was Sinclair’s writing called?
The Jungle - 1906
When was the Pure Food and Drug Act enacted and what did it do?
- June 30, 1906
- provided federal inspection of meat products forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food processing products _ poisonous patent medicines
- required that drugs be labeled with correct contents and dosage
Why did they want Coca Cola outlawed?
it had too much caffeine
What was the Coca Cola cased called and when did it happen?
- U.S vs 40 Barrels and 20 Kegs of Coca Cola
- 1916
Who was Judge Ben Lindsey?
he established juvenile courts
What is the 16th Amendment?
- 1913
- enabled the government to collect income taxes