Progressive Discipline 10.10 Flashcards
Progressive Discipline HPMS
HPM 10.2 and HPM 10.10
Progressive Discipline is…
intended to modify an employee’s behavior and to bring their performance to an acceptable level. The key to progressive discipline is documentation and discipline should be handled at the lowest level possible.
1 Preventative Actions (EKPREI):
Ensure employee knows my expectations. (Job duties, performance standards, levels of conduct (JPL)
Keep an open line of communication (throughout chain of command)
Provide ongoing training (SROVTS, Training days, Briefings, Ride a longs, policy review)
Recognize those individuals who are meeting or exceeding standards by providing positive reinforcement and recognition (CHP 100 Form comments; commendable CHP 2)
Referral to EAP when needed
Lead by example and provide fair, impartial, and consistent supervision.
2 Prior to written or verbal corrective action: (RIRDDD)
Read and understand POBR
Identify the unacceptable act and the policy or law violated and gather all facts
Review personnel folder for past issues – (Has the employee been provided with adequate training)
Discuss with peers for suggestions
Discuss issue with the employee before making a decision to take action (except if could go to AA)
Discuss with chain of command and done in concurrence of the commander
3 Counseling: (NPODFEE) / (NSN)
Not subject to grievance process and no representation
Provides opportunity to speak with employee in a relaxed manner
Often is the first attempt to address the issue
Document on CHP 112
Focus should be on employee’s behavior/performance
Offer EAP
Employee must understand expectations and consequences
3 Counseling: (NPODFEE) / (NSN)
Not subject to grievance process and no representation
Same as informal but also documented on CHP 100 and CHP 112
If no 100 form then it goes on a MOC
4 Corrective Documentation: 5 Options
-The next step in the discipline process
100 form comment or (NEEDS IMPROVEMENT) or Deficient on 118
Continued rating of Needs Improvement could trigger immediate CHP 118 of deficient
I will consider putting the officer on interim reporting with management’s concurrence.
Provides employee with tools and assistance to bring perf to accept level
Censurable Form 2 (used for a single act not likely to occur again)
MOD (shall contain Bazemore Admonition)
BU 5 adverse comments are subject to Informal Dispute Process.
5 Adverse Action:
-When an employee does not respond to preventative or corrective action or actions are severe….(CREIREI)
Conditions needed for cause prior to initiating investigation:
Rules violated must bear reasonable relationship to employee’s job
Employee must have clear knowledge of the rule violated (signed documentation)
If off duty there must be a nexus between the misconduct and the employee’s position
Rules must be equally enforced
There must be sufficient evidence to support the misconduct
Investigation must be thorough, impartial and objective
5 Adverse Action:
Penalties: (There are SIX types of penalties)
-Formal Written Reprimand -Lowest penalty -Goes in Personal Folder Salary Reduction -1 or more steps down in class -In lieu of suspension -Not available for employee at lowest step Suspension -Specified in working days -Ranges from one day to several pay periods -Considered a temporary separation Involuntary transfer -Subject to review by SPB Demotion -May be permanent or temporary Dismissal -Cannot take any state position in future without SPB approval
GO 0.1 / GO 0.8 / GO .12
As a supervisor if I shy away from disciplining an employee, I am essentially encouraging them to continue on with their behavior.
When such incidents go uncorrected, they undermine the morale of other employees, disrupt the work environment, and reflects unfavorably upon me as a supervisor and the Department.
Make sure I hold myself accountable for 100 form completion, 118. FMLA
Consult with EAP to discuss appropriateness of Management/Supervisor Referral Letter. Can be a positive step for a supervisor to take in assisting an employee with meeting job performance requirements.