Program Planning and Practice Flashcards
Chief goal in creating an architectural program
Identify the nature of the problem
Well-decomposed, more or less stable part of organic matter found in mineral soil
Mannerism architectural style
An expression in which classic elements are used unconventionally
Traffic circulation system for sustainable design community focus
Curvilinear System
Catchment Area
Geographic area that is the “Market” area for a specific project, such as a retail center or school district.
When do Coniferous trees screen out direct sunlight?
Winter, they allow it to pass in the summer
Kevin Lynch five basic elements
Paths, Edges, District, Landmark, Node
The goal of barrier-free design?
Permit Autonomous Functioning
Knurled door knob is for the benefit to someone who is?
Designation of a parcel of land for a use classification different from that of the surrounding area to favor a particular owner is called?
Spot Zoning
Siting buildings parallel to the contours is for?
Minimizing the amount of grading to fit on site
Topographic map includes
Property Lines, Easement and utilities, Location of streams and location of roads and buildings
True or False: Perpendicular parking layouts usually lead to the most rapid traffic flow
US System of surveying the public land divides land into?
townships and sections
What is a legal clause that places limitations or restrictions on the use of the property
Deed Restriction
Building Efficiency
Net to gross ratio - Relationship between program to space, structure, circulation and utility. Sum of programmed space divided by the total building area. Single Story can reduce circulation and increase efficiency.
Greek Towns
Based on rectilinear blocks for residential surrounded by centers.
Roman Towns
Two main roads, The cardo and decananus. Central areas (Forra) features grand buildings rather than marketplace. 3 principles: Symmetry, Axial Connections and Primary central feature
Medieval Towns
Enclosed within a wall and built on ruins of old roman towns, less geometrical ridge than roman and greek. Often irregular and clustered around church and cathedral. Star shape defensive wall, points for lookouts
Renaissance Towns
Reference greek idea of central and roman of classical central areas.
Maintain and Repair of existing materials and retention of properties form as evolves over time
Depict a property at a specific period of time in its history while removing evidence from other periods
Acknowledges the need to alter or add to meet continuing uses while maintaining historic character
Recreates vanished or non-surving portions of a property for interpretive purposes
What sedimentation control method is used to prevent erosion?
Permanent seeding and landscaping
Owns a share of a corporation that owns the property
Buyer obtains Absolute title to a portion of a structure
Partnering Characteristic
- often used in conjunction with mediation and arbitration to prevent lawsuits
- can include project participants other than owner, contractor and architect
- applies only to the project at hand
Broadacre City
FLW, idea that urban center was no longer relevant. Each American family would be given an acre to build a home and grow their own food.
Bridging construction delivery method
Design-build concept that allows an owner to secure an early fixed price and take advantage of contractor’s knowledge of construction methods, materials and suppliers. Allows owner to establish what things they will be in control over, gives responsibility for details to contractor and permits owner to obtain architect when necessary.
What is not included in the Environmental Impact Statement
Letter of approval from EPA is not included
Why is Radial Organization best for social interaction
all inhabitants of a building pass through a central core to move to other spaces
Affirmative Covenant
Commits buyer to performing a special duty in the future, in perpetuity
Conditional Covenant
states if restrictions prescribed in deed are not followed, title to the land revers to original grantor or heirs
Conditional use permit
Provides permissions from a zoning board to use a property for a special purpose, such as serving the public. (hospital in residential neighborhood)
Contractors general overhead costs
Costs that cannot be directly related to a project: rent utilities advertising staff office supplies
Contractors project overhead costs
Exclude labor, materials and equipment
Include bonds, insurance, temporary facilities, permits and transportation. Costs directly related to a project.
Eminent Domain Property Value
Property value is determined by hearings, if either party is not satisfied a judge may appoint a jury to ermine the award. Not always fair market value
Perimeter to Floor Area Ration
The higher the Ratio the higher the unit cost. Ratio = Perimeter/Floor Area
Classical Column Calculation
The prescribed height of a classical column is a multiple of the diameter.
Image of the City - Kevin Lynch - What is an area that is perceived as a symbol of a city?
Per Design with Nature, what type of site is most suitable for development
Order of tolerance for suitable development (least to most)
Surface water Marshes Flood Plains Aquifer Recharge Area Aquifer Steep Slopes Forests and Woodlands Flat land excluding prime agricultural land
100 year flood plain
A flood level with a 1% probability of being equaled or surpassed each year
What type of scheduling is best for a project based on available hours and clients deadlines
Milestone chart
Trombe Walls
Used for passive solar heating, but also good to resist a bomb impact
What is Construction Management at Risk
Overlaps design and construction, would typically not have a complete CD set
What is a cost evaluation “premium”
When performing a cost evaluation during the programming stage and using past projects, a premium is something that will add cost to a project in comparison to the model.
What kind of line represents an existing contour line
A dash line represents an existing contour line
Intent of defensible space
To allow residents to control the areas around their homes.
Infiltration Basin
detains water and allows it to be absorbed slowly by the ground
Grassy sloped ditch that filters storm runoff as it is directed away from a building or paved area
Tank for collecting and storing water
When are knurled door knobs appropriate to use?
They are used principally to identify hazardous areas to those who are visually handicapped.
What is the primary purpose of a set back?
Setbacks provide light, air, and spaciousness to surrounding properties. Although setbacks may be used to provide off street parking or fire fighting access neither of these are the principal reason.
What is a zoning variance?
Exceptions or deviations to the precise terms of the zoning ordinance.
What is spot zoning
Spot zoning is a small parcel that does not conform to the larger zoning area.
What is an easement?
An easement allows a property owner to use the property of another person for a specific purpose.
What are exiting requirements based on?
Calculations and building code requirements.
Net SF per occupant: Assembly concentrated
Net SF per occupant: Assembly- dining/gym
15 SF
Net SF per occupant: Classroom
Net SF per occupant: dorm or library reading room
Net SF per occupant: dwelling
Net SF per occupant: hospital
Net SF per occupant: hotel and apartment , commercial kitchen
Net SF per occupant: offices
Net SF per occupant: shops
30-50 SF
What are the general objectives for organizational values?
Behavioral Interests and objectives Circulation Aspects Health Aspects Adaptive Aspects Cost Aspects
Comparison Method/Market Data Approach Method
uses information on similar sized properties with similar amenities that are for sale in the area at the time of valuation.
Development method/Anticipated Use Method
Used when the property may be subdivided for residential or commercial use. Example turning farm land into a residential community
Ideal Slope for Parking
1.5% to 5%
Ideal Slope for Building
Steeper the grade the higher the building cost
Ideal slope for Grass
10%< grass <25%
Ideal slop for ditches
2% to 10%
Idea of giving human characteristics to non-human things (LeCorb)
Contingency Allowance
Typically 5% to 20%, higher in the earlier stages
Who controls Air Rights
The FAA controls air-rights, not the property owner.
What is included in an Architect’s Cost Opinion
Hard Costs
Contractor’s Overhead and Profit
Contingency Allowances
Concrete Benefits
Efficient building construction and offers fire protection without additional components
When are Room Data Sheets appropriate to be used for programming
Room Data sheets should be used when a high variety of spaces within the programming.
Architect-Consultant Agreement
Passing through rights and responsibilities to the consultant and should address compensation. But no true requirements.
Wind Break
A wind Break should include a cluster of trees that are all the same height.
Public Enterprise Bond
Uses revenue from facility to pay for construction, such as an airport, hospital or stadium
General Obligation Bond
Used for public buildings (schools, libraries, municipal buildings) that do not generate revenue
Development Impact Fees
Developer paid fees to pay for public improvements to infrastructure.
Behavior Setting
“Stage” for an event that occurs at a particular place.
Activities that happen are definable and Physical environment facilitates those activities
Defensible Space Characteristics
Gated Streets
Strict enforcement of code regulations
loan programs for first-time buyers
Road Hierarchy
Collector Distributor
Local Access Streets
What is not permitted as a required exit
Escalator, Elevator and Fire Escapes
Water Table Penetration
Buildings should not penetrate water table, special circumstances are necessary when it does, i.e close to the surface
What kind of surfaces will help moderate a microclimate
Low Albedo (reflectance), High Conductivity (rate at which heat passes through)
Neighborhood Center
Daily convenience and services, grocery store or pharmacy as anchor
Community Center
Anchored by large supermarket with variety small services and specialty store
Regional Center (Shopping Mall)
Anchored by clusters of big box retailers
Uniformed Capital Recovery
Used to calculate annual value of present value
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Characteristics
Clear transition between public and private spaces
Provide windows for tenant surveillance
Locate stairways near heavily used areas
Organic Soil Characteristic
Never Suitable for building
Silt and Clay Soil Mechanics
Silts and clay allow water to migrate above the water table on a site.
Shuttle Diplomacy
Act of revising a written document over and over until two parties agree.
John Hancock Building in Chicago characteristics
Single Battered Inclined Tower
In a Paved Shopping Plaza
Exposed Steel Diagonal Braces
Bubble Diagram
Also a programmatic Diagram that represents relative relationships of program elements for functional requirements and adjacencies
Best Characteristics for Solar Orientation will minimize energy usage
Long side in east/west direction with stacked or staggered buildings to minimize heat gain
Symmetry in architectural Design Characteristics
Uncomplicated Building Programs
Site Planning Techniques to inhibit criminal activity
Sites subdivided by streets
Symbolic Barriers that define the boundaries of a site.
Barrier Free Design
A multi-storied building poses a a drawback with barrier free design from an emergency exiting ability.
Critical Path Method
System of scheduling construction operations in a network diagram manner showing sequencing through linking the individual operations together.
Construction Document Phase
Final Calculations and detailed layouts are performed
Contour Characteristics
Contour lines connect points of equal elevation
Solid contour lines represent proposed modifications
Dashed contour lines represent existing
Contour lines may close in on them selves at a summit
Contour Line Definitions
Swale - Contour Points uphill
Ridge - Contour Points downhill
Curve Contours
Concave is a curve pointing Down
Convex is a curve pointing up
Building in a Flood Plain
Buildings can be building in a flood plain as long as structure is above flood level.