Program Design And Implementation Flashcards
You have been working with Judy for 1 month now. Her initial goals were to gain strength in her lower body and you have been working on body weight squats and lunges. She can perform 3 sets of 15 squats without a struggle. What is the best course of action to continue to increase her lower body strength significantly?
Add resistance to her squats and lunges.
Adding resistance is the next step in strength increase. This will produce significant results in lower body strength as opposed to increasing repetitions.
Saying things like, “I understand, 125 feels like your ideal weight.” Is an example of which positive listening skill?
Paraphrasing is a great way to show the client that you are listening as well as to make sure you are hearing what they are saying correctly.
What is an example of the “tell, show, do” technique used in the early stages of training?
Explaining the proper way to perform an exercise, showing your client, and then allowing them to try the exercise.
As a trainer you should always explain how to perform the exercise and show your client how it should look before they perform it. You should also allow them to try it immediately after, while you are with them.
What is the main muscle group involved in the extension portion of a leg extension exercise?
The quadriceps are the main group of muscles responsible for extending the knee.
What is the major muscle group involved in the flexion portion of a leg curl exercise?
The hamstrings are the main group of muscles responsible for flexing the knee.
Your client tells you that he wants to get into better shape because his wife loves to play tennis and he wants to be able to play with her. Which principle of behavior change is this an example of?
Observational Learning
Exercise behaviors of those people who are closest to your clients are likely to impact the likelihood of your client’s success. This is called Observational Learning.
What is the recommended frequency of cardiorespiratory training generally accepted by ACSM for healthy adults?
3-5 days per week
ACSM gives a general guideline of 3-5 days of cardiorespiratory exercise per week for healthy adults.
What is the recommended frequency of resistance training generally accepted by ACSM for healthy adults?
2-3 days per week
ACSM gives a general guideline of 2-3 days of resistance exercise per week for healthy adults.
What are the two principal training components of the ACE IFT Model?
Functional/resistance training and cardiorespiratory training
Functional/resistance training and cardiorespiratory training are considered to be the principal components of fitness. The model divides them into four phases of training, personalizing the types for each client.
What tests are typically administered in the first week of training a client?
Health Related Assessments (body composition, etc.)
Health related assessments are typically covered in the first real week of training, after the client has been determined to be healthy and prepared for exercise but before more complex areas of fitness are tested.
According to the ACE IFT Model, what is phase 1 of the functional movement & resistance training component?
Stability and Mobility Training
It is important to ensure adequate stability and mobility before progressing to increased load or performance training.
According to the ACE IFT Model, what is phase 4 of the cardiorespiratory training component?
Anaerobic Power Training
Anaerobic power training is typically the last phase in cardiorespiratory training because a person needs a good aerobic foundation in order to train for power.
Your client is on the treadmill exercising at 5 METs and 50% of her VO2max, a level that she sustains for 45 minutes. What level of exercise is she performing at?
Moderate Exercise
Moderate exercise is considered any form of exercise that can be sustained for 45 minutes with a MET level of 3-6 and 40-60% of the individual’s VO2max.
Your client is doing intervals on the stair machine. Each interval contains a portion of intensity in which his MET level is a 7 and he is performing at 70% of his VO2max. He maintains at this level for 2-minute intervals. What level of exercise is he performing at?
Vigorous Exercise
Vigorous exercise is defined as exercising at a MET level above 6 and performing above 60% of an individual’s VO2max. There is a substantial cardiorespiratory challenge involved, and this level cannot e sustained for very long.
Muscular Power takes what two performance factors into account?
Force and Velocity
Power = Force x Velocity, or Work/Time. It takes into account how quickly and forcefully a person can perform an activity.
During a leg extension exercise, which muscle or muscle group is the agonist?
The muscle that is doing the “work” against the resistance is the muscle that shortens, which is called the agonist. In this case, it is the quadriceps.
During a leg curl exercise, which muscle or muscle group is the agonist?
The muscle that is doing the “work” against the resistance is the muscle that shortens, which is called the agonist. In this case, it is the hamstrings.
During a leg extension exercise, which muscle or muscle group is the antagonist?
The muscle that is opposing the “work”, or lengthening with the resistance, is the antagonist. In this case it is the hamstrings.
During a leg curl exercise, which muscle or muscle group is the antagonist?
The muscle that is opposing the “work”, or lengthening with the resistance, is the antagonist. In this case it is the quadriceps.
The force generating capacity of a muscle based on the relationship between the contractile proteins of a sarcomere refers to which movement principle?
Length-tension Relationships
The length-tension relationship refers to sarcomere length and the relationship between the contractile proteins actin and myosin, which determine the force production of a muscle fiber.