Proficiency 6 Grammar Flashcards
Lejos de mi intención defender su conportamiento, pero deberías ser conprensivo con su situación
Far be it from me to defend his behaviour, but you should be understanding of his situation
Entiendo tu punto de vista. Sea como fuere (de todos modos) es importante no perder esta oportunidad esta vez
Be that as it may, it’s important not to miss this opportunity this time
No entraré en detalles, basta con decir que el evento entero fue un desastre
No entraré en detalles. Suffice it to say that the whole event was a complete disaster
Siempre es bueno saber que pase lo que pase estremos juntos
It’s always good to know that , come what may, we’ll be together
Desearía que él viniera
I wish he WOuLd come
Prefiero viajar en tren (prefer and rather/sooner)
I’d rather travel by train
I would prefer to travel by train
Por mucho que te quejes, no cambiará la situación
However much you complain, the situation is not going to change
Tan pronto como nos conocimos, nos hicimos amigos+ inversion
As soon as we met, we became friends.
No sooner had we met, than we became friends
Si le ofrecen el trabajo, se irá a madrid (empieza por Should)
Should she be offered the job…