Proficiency 1 Flashcards
Old, in bad condition
Ajetreo, apresurarse
Hustle, to hustle
Elegancia a la hora de vestir
Sartorial elegance
Very bad. Un libro malo, o mala comida, un mal fin de semana, me siento muy mal.
Lousy. I had a lousy weekende, I feel lousy, lousy food
Hastiado, aburrido
Captando el interès público
In the limelight
Just at the right moment
On cue
When performers come to the stage again to receive applauses
Curtain call
Actor who learns the part of other actor in a place, so they can be replaced if necessary
Asegurador. Responsibke for making insurance, legal documents… Person who decides if a bank should give financial support or paying costs etc
Express too strongly when you’re acting in a play
Estudio de grabación, (lugar con propiedades acústicas apropiadas para grabar) radio, estudio de música, cine…
Sound stage
Act in a play
Doing something to gain advantage or trick someone
Play-act/ to play-act
Person who writes plays, dramatist
Guionista. Someone who writes the story for a fiml, tv programme…
The area behind the stage where the actors change their clothes etc
Tuve que “volver atrás, reandar el camino hacia atrás” para poder encontrar mis llaves
I had to backtrack in order to find the keys
Domething that must exist before something else can take place
Gusto por el arte y la música
Tastes in art and music
Talento para hacer algo
Talent for doing something
Su determinación no conoce límites
Her determination knows no bounds
Ella saltó de alegría cuando supo…
She jumped for joy when she knew…
Something that you do without not knowing what will happen as a result
A leap in the dark
Ella se me echó al cuello después de la discusión
She jumped down my throat after the arguing
Aprovechar la oportunidad inmediatamente
Leap at the opportunity
Very quickly. La empresa está creciendo “muy rápidamente” este año.
The company is growing by leaps and bounds this year