Proficiency 5 Flashcards
Juego de palabras
Decir lo primero que se te viene a la cabeza
Say (something) off the top of your head
Un peso quitado de encima
A load off your mind
Estar en un momento complicado sin saber qué hacer
To be at your wits end
Ser el cerebro de
Be the brain behind something
Enfrentarse cara a cara con
Come face to face with
Cruzar mi mente
Cross my mind
Give a piece of (someones) mind
To weak your juzguement, subirse a la cabeza
Go to someones head
Threat to do something that probably you are not going to do
To have a good mind to do something
Cuando un objeto no funciona
Have a mind of its own
Mantenerse serio
Keep a straight face
Estar prepsrado por si algo pasa rapidamente
Keeps your wits about you
Perder ganar reputación
Lise/save your face
Poner tu energía en algo
Put your mind TO something
Romperte la cabeza
Rack your brains
Es como “chino” para mí
It’s Greek to me
Desaparecer (Expression)
Vanish into thin air
Ceder un poco, no ceder ni un poco
(Not) budge an inch
Difficulty to express yourself, grnerally because you’re shy/nervous
Juego limpio/juego sucio
Fair/foul play
No dormir nada
Not sleep a wink
Something pleasant becomes unpleasant because you’ve had too much
Too much of a good thing
Algo que ya se sabía de antemano
Foregone conclusion
In a nutshell synonym
The long and short of it
El juego ha terminado ( ya se sabe todo, no tiene sentido seguir haciendo algo)
The game is up
To hide
Lie low