Professionalism in Medical Practise and as a Student Flashcards
Doctors moral failures (4)
- False Reports
- Overlooking indicators
- Not examining patient properly
- Allowing patient to be transported in vehicle other than the ambulance
Professional bodies’s moral failures (4)
- Initially supported finding of preliminary enquiry
- Did not dicipline doctors
- SMDC took action against doctor after court order
- Took 8 years
Implications of both moral failures (3)
- Brought profession into disrepute
- Challenged public trsut of the profession
- Doctors are judged harshly bc this is a moral profession
T/F you are mostly regulated by your peers
True (but the ones at senior level)
Professional council’s existence evidence of special priviledge an responsibility
based on basic respect for the HC professions
HPCSA role
oversees healthcare professionals and ensures ethical and professional standards to protect public health and safety
An occupation that requires proficiency in specialised skills and knowledge applicable to their occupation practise through prolonged programme of education and training
Charactersistics qualifying HC as a status profession (3)
- requires mastering a complex body of knowledge and skills to be used for the service of others
- members adhere to code of ethics and are commited to competence, integrity and morality
- basis of commitment made health care professionals is a social contract between the society and the profession
Does this knowledge acquired belong to the health care professional
Mastering a complex body of knowledge (5)
- Knowledge and skills that arent available to just anyone
- Knowledge that can do good or harm
- Access to work eith the state of art quipment
- To dissect human bodies
- To perfect their skills on real patients
One specific moral obligation for HCP
To have their patient’s best interest at heart
Ethical obligations (5)
- Expect knowledge and competence
- Honest provision of services
- Respect for boundaries of the professional relationship
- Protection of patients’ confidential information and privacy
- Treating clients respectfully and politely
Where does the morality of medicine mostly derive from
from the fact that the HCP swears an oath acknowledging primacy of the patient in his or her work as a physicican
Give an account of the notion of a social contract and its implications for professionalism
Two essential components of bioethics
- Ethical evaluation/ analysis of major bioethical issues
- Professional ethics
Ethical evaluation/ analysis of major bioethical issues (5)
- Identify ethical dilemmas withing the HC profession and medicine
- Use moral theories, philosphy, rational arguments to solve these ethical problems
- Teachers equip students with cognitive skills to reason through complex ethical issues
- Encourage self reflective critical reasoning to resoev these issues, not a position
- Academic values prompted: CCCRAPT
Professional ethics definition
standards of behaviour expected from health care professionals
Professional ethics of HCP encompasses a knwoledge and understanding of: (3)
- The regulations and guidelines of professional councils
- The laws applicable to health care professionals and their practice
- The expectation of colleagues, spciety, patients, employers and profession
Code of Hammurabi (1750 BCE)
if a doctor using a bronze lancet should casue death or loss of an eye his hand should be cut off
Sanctuary of Asclepias
“docotrs should be like god”
5 Principles of the hippocratic oath
- Beneficience (seeking to benefit others)
- Non- maleficience ( seeking not to harm others
- Privacy and confidentiality
- Avoidance of crossing professional boundaries and innapropriate relationships
- Professionalism
Examples of unprofessional conduct that could lead to disciplinary action (9)
- Racial discrimination
- Over charging
- Disclosure of patient information
- Improper relationship with patients
- Over servicing
- Rude behaviour towards patients
- Unauthorised advertising
- Incompetence wth regard to treatment of patient
- Operating without patient consent
one reason to comply to the code of ethics? is it a standalone? and is it really ethics?
- to stay out of trouble
- no, it is pragmatics