Professionalism Flashcards
Policing in America has roots in which European methods?
Common law
English “bobby” foot patrol
What is watch in the watch and ward system?
American policing developed in ______________?
New York, Boston, and Philadelphia
service models or styles 1900-1940s changed how?
Automobiles provided rapid response to calls for service
Advent of radio communications allowed calls for service to be dispatched to officers in the field
The police performance level increased due to rapid response, while actual
communications with citizens decreased.
Which time frame was the absence of quality evaluation prevalent throughout?
whose goal was to bring professionalism to the
August Vollmer
From 1950 through the 1970s what evolved?
technology continued to improve, with computers and communication
professional police model developed with emphasis on accountability and
increased standards. Success measures such as ________, _________, ___________ became common indicators of police performance
response time, crime statistics,
and citizen complaints
police personnel should have two or four years of college education. This Commission indicated that the ultimate aim of all police departments was for personnel with general enforcement powers to have
baccalaureate degrees was stated by whom?
President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice stated in 1967
The patrol system became an ___________ approach in which police officers
often became little more than report takers in most communities
From 1980 through present what developed?
Technology continues to improve with computers, mobile devices, and weapons.
Policing was handled by the Spanish military. This ended when Texas became a free and independent republic after
Battle of San Jacinto in 1836
Which office is ancient?
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law that?
The Act was intended to prohibit Federal troops from supervising elections in former Confederate states. It generally prohibits Federal military personnel and
units of the United States National Guard under Federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States
the statutory authority for the Commission to establish rules that law
enforcement agencies and officers must follow.
he Occupations Code 1701
Firearms Proficiency Requirements for Handguns
minimum of 50 rounds, fired at ranges from point-blank to at
least 15 yards with at least 20 rounds at or beyond seven yards, including at least one timed reload
The minimum passing percentage shall be ____ for each firearm
Most of the workload of patrol officers and detectives consists of handling
crimes that have already been committed, disturbances in progress, traffic
violations, and such. Exceptions include crime prevention and narcotics
investigations… is what?
Reactive response
This relies on limited information, mostly from victims, witnesses, and suspects.
Focus tends to be on one “incident” which is resolved before moving to the next
“incident.” Definition for what?
Incident driven
This relies on limited information, mostly from victims, witnesses, and suspects.
Focus tends to be on one ______ which is resolved before moving to the next
The primary means of resolving incidents is to involve _________
criminal justice
Use of aggregate statistic The department is doing a good job when ____________ or the citywide ________
citywide crime rate is low, citywide arrest rate is high.
Under the Traditional Police Service Model what happens?
Lack of community and employee involvement in the decision-making process
Most decisions are made at the management and mid-management level with
little citizen involvement
Community Policing
A new philosophy of policing, based on the concept that police officers and
private citizens working together in creative ways can help solve contemporary
community problems related to crime, fear of crime, social and physical disorder,
and neighborhood decay
This new “community policing officer” (CPO) serves as a _________: an
officer whose mission includes developing imaginative, new ways to
address the broad spectrum of community concerns embraced by the
community policing philosophy
Principles of Community-Oriented Policing
Both a philosophy and an organizational strategy that allows the police and
community residents to work closely together in new ways to solve the problems
of crime, fear of crime, physical and social disorder, and neighborhood deca
To implement true community policing, police departments must also create and
develop a new breed of line officer, the ___________
“community policing officer” (CPO)
implies a new contract between the police and the citizens it serves - one that offers the hope of overcoming widespread apathy, while restraining any impulse to ___________
Must be a fully integrated approach that involves everyone in the department,
with the CPOs as ________ in bridging the gap between the police and the
people they serve.
The community policing approach plays a crucial role internally, within
the police department, by ______________________________________
providing information and assistance about
the community and its problems, and by enlisting broad-based
community support for the department’s overall objectives
Solve problems - improved relations with citizens is a welcome byproduct
Line function: Regular contact between officers and citizens is the goal to what?
Direct service - same officer takes complaints and gives crime prevention tips describes what?
Change attitudes and project a positive image - improved relations with citizens is a main focus is the goal of what?
Which type of policing has Staff Function: Irregular contact between officers and citizens
What is the purpose of a police organization?
to fight crime
To serve and protect
To promote the public safety
The concept of quality police customer service, For whom do we work?
The peace officer works for and services the citizen of the community
The peace officer is ________ to the citizens of the community through
the chain of command in the organization.
The basic concept of quality police customer service is to provide a level
of service in which the citizen not only receives the basic protection
expected of a police agency but receives it in a _______ ________ ___ ______ _______from police personnel who display a ________ _______ _________ _____ ________ ________
highly effective and efficient manner
highly positive, friendly, and helpful manner
What is the definition of Procedural Justice?
perspective argues that the legitimacy of the police is linked to public judgements about the fairness of the processes through which the police make decisions and exercise authority
_______ ____________’ is the community’s view of whether police have acted legally and lawfully. The community’s perception of legitimacy is sometimes influenced strongly by many factors and should be considered when making policies and developing relationships within the community.
‘police legitimacy
What are The Four Principles of Procedural Justice:
Give people a Voice (listen)
Neutrality (be fair)
Respectful treatment (be respectful)
Trustworthiness comes from a Fair and Transparent process
Goals in policing include maintaining social order, preventing crime, ensuring constitutional rights, protecting, and serving the public, etc. describe what?
The concepts of procedural justice and legitimacy
_________ ________ is a way to increase legitimacy
Procedural Justice
What are the values of providing quality police customer services?
The quality driven police agency and its employees must consider themselves as a business venture in which a high degree of value is placed on quality customer service.
The most desirable outcome of this concept is that the community is well served, and the agency becomes a highly professional, respected service-oriented organization.
characteristics of traditional (formal) police organizational structure and
police subculture (informal)
Paramilitary: Authoritarian, Chain of command, Micromanagement
Why look at police subculture?
To better understand the behavior of others and to allow for informed choices
about one’s own behavior.
What are the Characteristics of the Police Subculture
Curiosity and suspiciousness
Solidarity - taking care of one another
Secrecy - protection from hostile environment
Political and social conservatism
Cynicism - Hobbesian view of social work
Social isolation
Authoritarian approach to control, conformity
Support during difficult/stressful time
Police Code of Ethics is made up of what three parts?
The first part concerns equal protection. Police officers must enforce the law regardless of the race, sex, class, or identity of the offender
Secondly, police must follow the law themselves. Civil liberties cannot be violated.
Thirdly, they are held to a moral standard above and beyond that of many members of the public. They are not allowed to use their power for personal gain or live immorally