multiculturalism Flashcards
a cognitive position based on a person’s knowledge, feelings, and experiences about someone or something influencing them to behave in a certain way about that person or thing is the definition of?
generally, refers to groups of people with common ancestry and physical characteristics is the definition of?
refers to shared culture and background. Members of an ethnic group usually have common ancestry and generally share language, religion, and other cultural patterns is the definition of?
the act of regarding one’s culture as the “center of the universe,” and hence as the basis for all comparisons with other cultures is the definition of?
an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of or examination of the facts, i.e., bias is the definition of?
a way of thinking and acting based on tradition, i.e., learned behavior passed down from one generation to another is the definition of?
acting on the basis of prejudice is the definition of?
Upon encountering one another, we notice, make assessments, and make decisions about how to interact with that individual based on any number of factors that describe what?
Relational Assessments
________ _________These reactions, based on split-second assessments of others, influence our relationships.
Relational Assessments
Out of the reported things that people in our society notice about an individual which is the number 1?
Skin Color
_______ is a universal ill.
The key is to be aware of the________, to work at reducing their impact in our lives, and to keep our ________ out of our job performance
prejudices/ prejudices
___________ __________ affords a convenient grouping for people of whom one is not knowledgeable. Lumping or grouping such people together under a popular stereotyped description saves time and provides a convenient grouping.
Stereotype and Categorical Treatment
provides a convenient group or person to blame when things go wrong in one’s personal life or in the community is the definition of?
provides an outlet for ________ one’s tensions and frustrations onto other people.
_________ _________ symbolizes one’s affiliation with a more dominant group
Authoritarian personality
________ _________ leads to justification for various types of discrimination that are considered to be of advantage to the dominant group
Societal Strain
self-assured feeling on the part of certain individuals that they are superior or better than others are, which is frequently expressed in inappropriate jokes and disparaging remarks directed to those regarded as inferiors refers to which of the four basic feelings about prejudiced persons?
Feeling of superiority
feeling that the other group is alien or different which promotes the social exclusion of members of a particular group and blocks any acceptance of a person on individual merit refers to which of the four basic feelings about prejudiced persons?
Others are strange and different
_____basic to prejudice. It excites the emotions to the point of overshadowing rational judgment.
Forms and targets of prejudice
National origin
Political affiliation
Authority figures (e.g., police, government, teachers, parents)
Sexual orientation
Differently abled
Economic/occupational (e.g. working class, working poor, upper class)
Physically challenged
Individual personal preferences
All people share certain common needs:
Social needs
We tend to categorize people and make judgments about them rather than evaluate them based on their individual character. This can lead to ___________
_________ cannot work for some unless it works for all.
Tends to reinforce prejudice concerning the group’s alleged inferiority.
Discrimination by any group limits the other groups’ effectiveness in business, education, political office, etc.
Affords an avenue to economic exploitation of the group being discriminated against
Describe what?
Functions of Discrimination
The role of the peace officer includes enforcing laws in an _______ manner and supporting the concept that all persons, including criminal justice personnel, are equally subject to the law and will be treated equally by it.
Requires that no person be treated unfairly, unjustly, or with bias or prejudice.
It also requires that no person be given treatment that is more favorable by the law.
Either by giving better service, more considerate treatment, or more lenient punishment than any other person would receive for the same reason.
are examples of?
impartial enforcement of the law
Officers often work alone and makes decisions demanding impartiality on their part with no one (but the citizen) present to witness fairness.
The temptations provided by citizens for them to be partial can be overwhelming. The acceptance of them can go virtually undetected by a higher authority.
Deviations from fair and equal treatment are often easily excused as being necessary for maintenance of order, crime prevention, and public relation
are parts of __________ position regarding impartial enforcement?
Communicate by word and action to the public and to other criminal justice personnel, whenever appropriate, that all personnel of criminal justice agencies are equally subject to the law and will not be given _________ treatment if they become subject to criminal justice procedures.
The delicate balance which the law provides and protects between those who govern and those who are governed must be preserved, if _______ is to survive.
goal of society and criminal justice is the reduction of crime. Regardless of whether punishment and the certainty of punishment are deterrents to crime, the law must be _________ enforced if it is to reduce crime
It is not only a _____ requirement in our treatment of each individual with whom we deal.
protection of society is the task of law enforcement; on the other, __________ individual personal liberties is also the task of law enforcement.
Those _______ the laws must leave personal feelings and prejudices at home when on duty.
Only when law enforcement discharges its function within the framework of constitutional guarantees, can a __________ balance be maintained between the conflicting interests of society and the individual.
Discuss the value of, respect for, and sensitivity to the feelings and needs of others.
Important skills that should be used:
Show warmth, genuine interest, and empathy
Adverse consequences of insensitivity:
Hurt feelings.
Loss of personal and professional respect.
Ineffective performances.
Positive consequences of sensitivity
Respect of community.
Respect from fellow professionals.
Support for democratic principles.
____________ ____________ is defined as a field of study that focuses on how people of differing cultures communicate with each other.
Cross-cultural communication
In a _________ society, such as the U.S., many scholars believe it is imperative that law enforcement officials have some understanding of these communication principles to facilitate dialogue and reduce conflict