Fitness Flashcards
Definition of Physical Fitness
The condition of the body that enables an individual to use his/her body in activities without undue experience of fatigue and exhaustion.
Physical Fitness equates to ________ and _______
performance and to readiness
Definition of Wellness
Wellness ranges on a continuum from death to optimal well-being.
It is not just the absence of disease; but is a state of positive well-being.
Components of fitness can be divided into two categories:
Functional and Health-Related Fitness
Motor Fitness
Functional and Health-Related Fitness is what?
most important because these components do not just focus on job functions; they are related to being a fit, functional, productive human being for a lifetime.
Cardiovascular fitness or endurance
Muscular endurance (dynamic strength)
Muscular strength (absolute strength)
Body Composition
___________ and ________ components are the underlying physical factors in
performing the essential tasks of the law enforcement officers’ job
Functional and Motor Fitness
Police officers have a higher incidence of stress-related disorders than civilian population.
The _________ __________ ranges from death to optimal wellness, not just absence of disease.
Wellness Continuum
Fitness is the key to performance in the law enforcement profession and is directly related to the ability to perform job functions:
Improved capability for specific task performance
Improved ability to mobilize the body efficiently
Improved tolerance to fatigue
Reduced risk of injuries when doing physical tasks
Better psychological preparation
Reduced stress and health risks
Officers are usually _______ at average or above average fitness but the ________ is generally below average in fitness levels when compared to the general population
hired (trainees); incumbent (field officer)
Individuals who are relatively healthy can usually participate in a mild or moderate exercise (such as walking) without problems or a need for medical examination.
However, moderate, or strenuous exercise can be risky for some with certain health problems.
If there are any concerns, see a medical professional prior to initiating an exercise program. A self- administered screening tool, Par-Q, is a useful checklist tool to assist in determining if medical screening is needed.
Describe what?
Determining readiness for exercise program:
For improvements in fitness, the demands placed on the body must be greater than those of daily activities is the definition of what?
Progressive Overload
An exercise program should be regular and provide time for recovery.
It should be consistent throughout the week, month, and years. The weekend-warrior approach is high risk for injury describes what?
Regularity and Recovery
the body also needs time to recover from hard workouts. This includes getting enough rest, 7 or 8 hours a night as well as allowing 48 hours between heavy exercise that uses the same muscle groups or that is high impact such as running is a part of what?.
Regularity and Recovery
The body adapts specifically to the type of demand placed on it, is the definition of?
determine fitness goals then incorporate specific exercises to train to those goals falls under which category?
There should also be a _________ of the components of fitness including cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training
Fitt stands for what?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type (FITT)
set of guidelines to assist in incorporating the exercise guidelines to a personal fitness program.
F (Frequency): Number of workouts per week involves what principles?
Regularity and recovery
(Intensity): How hard you exercise what Principles of exercise incorporated
Progressive overload
T (Type): Type of exercise what Principles of exercise incorporated
Specificity and Balance
What is the purpose of applying FITT to Cardiovascular Training
Improve efficiency of heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It helps to control weight, increase energy, increase endurance, increase performance capacity, and lower cholesterol. It increases the ability to perform essential job tasks: running, use of force and performance under high stress
What is the FIT for each section under cardiovascular training
F (Frequency): Minimum 3 days a week.
I (Intensity): Target Heart Rate (THR) zone. (60-80% Predicted Maximum Heart Rate) or Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) (13-15 Borg)
T (Time) Progress gradually from starting point (may be 5 minutes) to minimum of 20 minutes at THR.
Applying FITT to Strength Training Purpose:
Increase lean muscle mass and strength; enhance physical performance, decrease injuries, improved self-concept, and professional presence. Increased ability to do essential tasks of lifting, carrying, climbing, pulling, pushing, dragging, jumping and use of force.
Applying FITT to Flexibility Training Purpose:
Prevent injuries, improve posture, improves physical performance, reduce soreness, increase flexibility.
Increased ability to do essential tasks of reaching, bending, emergency extraction, and use of force, entry and exit from vehicle, movement from inactivity to rapid movement quickly.
Using FITT in Flexibility training what do the Intensity and Time require?
I (Intensity): Hold to an easy point of tension—do not bounce
T (Time): 10-20 seconds per stretch. 3-5 minutes at cool down.
Applying FITT to Anaerobic (without oxygen) Training what does intensity require?
I (Intensity): All-out effort. 90% of Maximum Heart Rate
Incorporate dynamic stretching and joint movements along with a cardiovascular warm up which gets the heart rate up describes what?
Warm Up (5-10 minutes)
Exercising with the intensity and or duration to develop and maintain one or several components of fitness describes what?
Work out (20-30 minutes)
Allows for gradual transition from vigorous exercise to the normal state through less intense total body movements followed by slow sustained static stretching describes what?
Cool Down (5-10 minutes)
Compare _____________ to fuel for a vehicle. An adequate amount of the right kinds of fuel is key to performance, disease prevention and wellness. The right kinds of fuel ensure that you have the energy to do essential job tasks
Different types of fuel?
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
Carbohydrate provides a ______ energy source but is used up quickly.
Protein is ______ in providing energy but last a few hours longer.
Fat is the _______ in providing energy but there is an ample supply and can provide that energy for a long time.
Non-Fuel Nutrients are?
Starches, sugars and fiber and are important for health and performance describes what?
Carbohydrate needs:
55-60% (70% for athletes) of total daily calories
Protein is made up of ______ _____ often called the “building blocks” of the body because it is used for building, maintaining, and repairing tissue
amino acids
Saturated fats tend to be _____ at room temperature and mostly come from animal sources such as whole milk, cheese, butter, beef, and pork. Tropical oils such as palm, coconut, and palm kernel oil (all commonly used in fast and packaged foods) are saturated fats although they are liquid and are from plants
Unsaturated fats tend to be ________ at room temperature and most often come from vegetable sources. These fat choices can help control cholesterol levels and prevent strokes and heart attacks. Examples of unsaturated fats include safflower oil, olive oil,canola oil, avocados, and nuts.
___ cholesterol is considered “good cholesterol” and helps to carry cholesterol to the liver.
____ is the “bad cholesterol” which tends to clog arteries
_______ are organic substances essential for metabolism, growth, and development. They do not provide any energy—no calories but are essential in energy processes.
_______ are inorganic substances also needed in very small quantities
The most important mineral! It is absolutely necessary for life and is needed for all body processes.
The ______ _________ is not a reliable indicator of water needs—don’t rely
on it. Drink 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of water each day—more if exercising
thirst mechanism
Eat healthy __% of the time but allow some “treats” __% of the time and you’re more likely to stick with a plan. A plan that allows occasional splurges is one more likely to last
80; 20
Natural reaction of the mind and body to a demand placed on it—pleasant or unpleasant is the definition of?
______ is a stressor that is perceived as positive, such as a promotion, getting married or achieving an accomplishment.
_______ is a stressor that is perceived as negative, such as an injury, illness, divorce or being fired.
_____ is short term stress with a quick resolution. This is the type of stress our body handles the best. If we are faced with something that requires us to fight or flee—our bodies are ready to take it on.
Chronic Stress is prolonged unrelieved stress also called __________ stress. Prolonged unrelieved wear and tear results from too many demands (Like driving with your foot on the brake).
CIS is considered a _______ response to an _______ extreme incident.
“normal”; abnormal
creates major distress and long-lasting disruptive changes in person’s life. This is not “normal” stress and may need professional help defines what?
______ is a demand, real or imagined, that disrupts a person’s equilibrium and
initiates the stress response.
_______ can be social, psychological, spiritual, or physical and can be positive (eustress) or negative (distress)
Physiological changes are lifesaving, arousing the individual to prepare to fight or flee; therefore, this response is often referred to as the _____ ________response.
“Fight or Flight”
The nervous system has three parts:
Central Nervous System
Sympathetic Nervous System
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Effects of Sympathetic Nervous System and its activation of the ______ ________ of hormones:
“stress cocktail”
__________ ______________ is impaired decision making, memory, and the ability to focus or engage in a task.
Cognitive Impairment
Stress external to agency:
Frustration with judicial system
Cynicism and distrust are the practice of always looking for what is wrong in people; the ____ __ _____ mentality.
“us vs. them”
__________ is the elevated alertness of surroundings required of law enforcement officers for survival.
Stress is ___ the event itself, but your _______ to an event. An event may not always be avoidable, but we can control our reaction to the event, a key to stress management
not; reaction
Three basic approaches to stress management
Adapt/Accept by building resistance to stress or changing perspective
There are a variety of relaxation techniques designed to engage the Parasympathetic Nervous System and throttle back the nervous system. What are they?
Guided Imagery
Unguided Imagery
Thought Stopping/Blocking/Focusing
“Tactical Breathing” or deep breathing.
Progressive Muscular Relaxation
____ _____ skills deteriorate first at heart rates about 115.
Fine motor
At what heart rate do auditory changes start?
What are ways to prepare and assist yourself or someone else to cope with a critical incident?
Physical presence, sit quietly with them, listen…listen…listen…allow silence if they don’t want to talk.
Don’t offer answers
Continued reassurance that what they are experiencing is normal in this abnormal situation.
Symptoms like CIS but are more severe and persist longer than one month after an incident and will continue to affect person’s life.
According to a study conducted in 2006, “Although the suicide rate of 18.1 for law enforcement personnel is higher than the ____ in the general population, it is not higher than would be expected for people of similar age, race, and gender.
Ask – Don’t be afraid to ask, “Are you thinking of hurting or killing yourself?”
Intervene immediately. Take action, tell the person they are not alone.
Don’t keep it a secret
Locate help – Seek a mental health professional, peer support, chaplain, family member, or a friend.
Inform supervisor of the situation
Find someone to stay with the person.
Expedite. Get help immediately and don’t leave the person alone
These problems may or may not be prevalent in Texas. A survey of 2,200 officers in 29 police departments throughout the U.S. revealed that __% of the officers had serious alcohol problems and 10% had serious drug problems
A study of officers in a major mid-western state revealed that __% came to work with a hangover
refrain from offering the fellow officer your ________.
Symptoms of steroid use
Mood swings and increased aggressiveness
Voice lowering (in females)
Increases in facial and body hair
Above normal gains in muscle mass