Ethics Flashcards
What term was secularized in 1675?
Occupation which one professes to be skilled in and follow. Vocation which professed knowledge of some branch of learning is used in application to affairs of others, or in practice of an art based upon it.
“Every calling is great when greatly pursued”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
What are the characteristics of Professionalism?
Service to others
Assessment of client needs
Theoretical body of knowledge obtained through extended pre-service education
Standards for entry, practice, and ethical conduct
Professional association to maintain standards
Continuing education and lifelong learning
What is the definition of Police Legitimacy?
Police legitimacy means people have trust and confidence in the police, accept police authority and believe officers are fair
What is the first 1st pillar of procedural justice?
Fairness and consistency
process of decision-making matters, the process of having a respectful conversation with a community member matters, and the process through which an outcome is arrived at matters describe what?
Fairness and consistency
People consider both the ________ of a decision and the process by which the decision was made when forming their opinion about whether a decision was fair.
What is the definition of giving voice to all parties?
All people want to be heard, and involving people or groups in the decisions that affect them affects their assessment of a given situation
What is transparency?
Transparency means that the processes by which decisions are made do not rely upon secrecy or deception.
When officers are as __________ as possible, community members are more likely to accept officers’ decisions—even if they are unfavorable to them
Misuses of the term consist of what?
Many confuse professionalism with an image of the officer who is cool and aloof, showing no feeling, with a crisp uniform, shined shoes, reflective sunglasses, using high technology as an expert at fighting criminals
What are the advantages of the professional model for Law Enforcement?
Public better served.
Quality of peace officers is improved.
Ethical conduct
More effective problem-solving
Stronger community support and respect
Stronger role in the criminal justice system
More effective innovations
Financial rewards
What is the definition of partnerships?
Refers to collaborative partnerships between law enforcement agencies and the individuals and organizations they serve to develop solutions to problems and increase trust
What is the definition of problem-solving?
Refers to the process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of identified problems to develop and rigorously evaluate effective responses
What is SARA?
Scanning: Identifying and prioritizing problems
Analysis: Researching what is known about the problem.
Response: Developing solutions to bring about lasting
reductions in the number and extent of problems.
Assessment: Evaluating the success of the responses
What is organizational transformation?
Refers to the alignment of organizational management, structure, personnel, and information systems to support community partnerships and proactive problem-solving.
Organizational transformation is what?
What are the four goals of organizational transformation?
Arrest, Prevent, Solve, Improve Quality of life within the community
As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve the community; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to ________ the constitutional rights of all to liberty, equality, and justice
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of ______________, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice
public faith
The following describes what?
Much current public and private concern centers on our own values or our lack of them.
Many of our institutions and, indeed, the American way of life are attacked for placing value on the wrong things.
Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement
The ethical role is performed by_________________________
being objective, impartial, neutral, and ethical in personal behavior and in functioning as a representative of the criminal justice system
What are the elements of an ethical role?
To act in a manner that reflects belief in the fundamental value of ethical behavior and in application of this value to your job.
To conduct daily activities in an objective manner striving to be uninfluenced by emotion, personal prejudice, or insufficient evidence.
To provide objective and constructive assistance or information to all persons, regardless of personal feelings.
To assist the public to understand how they can help in achieving objective and ethical behavior.
To embrace fairness and consistency, giving a voice to all parties, transparency and impartiality.
What are the Pillars of Character?
Behavior that ignores the basic goals of the criminal justice system and which only serves individual or agency-oriented motives tends to confuse people, causes them to lose confidence in the system, and runs counter to the reason that the system exists…. Describe what?
degradation of legitimacy
When this is allowed to happen, the long-term goals established for the organization, such as crime prevention, justice for all, and protection of the rights of the individual and society, tend to become obscured or displaced by the short-term goals. To prevent this from happening, remember:
that the prime beneficiary of the criminal justice system is the public served
What is the motivation for ethical behavior?
Inner Benefit: Virtue is its own reward.
Personal Advantage: It is prudent to be ethical. It is good business.
Approval: Being ethical leads to self-esteem, the admiration of loved ones and the respect of peers.
Religion: Good behavior can please or help a deity.
Habit: Ethical decisions can fit in with upbringing or training
What are the Components of Consistent Ethical Behavior?
Moral sensitivity – the ability to recognize the presence and nature of ethical issues; the awareness that a situation represents an ethical problem that requires an ethical decision.
Moral judgment- the ability to make the right ethical decision; to determine the morally correct and wisest course of action. This requires the use of critical thinking skills and the ability to prioritize competing ethical principles and values.
Moral motivation – the desire to do the right thing and to be a good and ethical person.
Moral character – possessing the maturity, courage, and discipline to follow through and do what you know is right in situations of strong temptation and/or great pressure from others
Moral progress depends on the _______ to improve the consistency of ethical judgment and behavior and to apply the same principles more thoroughly to conduct involving other people.
In the business community, there are those who live by the concept of “anything for a price.” Some politicians behave as though they would do “anything” to stay in office. They defend themselves by such excuses as….
“everybody’s doing it.”
Ethical people _____, ________, __________ can work for or against ethical behavior
are made, not born, and peer pressures
Every profession must have the ability and the willingness….
to police itself.
____________ and actions must be in line with the basic moral codes and the laws of the land if they are to have a positive effect upon the public
When a new officer is confident in their values and ability to succeed what stage are they in?
In the stage of Frustration, what happens?
Begin to experience “the way things really are.”
Idealism crashes into wall of reality
Initial reactions are often dominated by fear, indecision, and anxiety.
In this stage officers consciously do something different and positive, taking responsibility for our own lives and our happiness.
Peace officers should maintain the highest standards of personal and professional behavior possible. They must serve the entire community and never represent any particular special interest group with ___________
Mutual respect and trust among criminal justice personnel is extremely important in ___________________.
achieving system goals
objectivity involves the expression or use of facts without distortion by personal feelings or prejudices is the definition of?
The ability to be ___________ - neutral is learned and improved with practice. To become aware of personal feelings, prejudices, “blind spots,” implicit bias, and other elements of personality, we have taken a giant step toward introducing objectivity into our behavior.
context of criminal justice and community safety, ___________ can significantly, and most often negatively, influence outcomes of interactions between police and citizens.
implicit biases
Areas where bias often comes into play include
Sexual orientation
Acceptance of Gifts: The acceptance of gifts by a public servant could be problematic. List of potential gifts:
Any amount of money
An opportunity for sexual intercourse
A weekend at a resort hotel
A radio for your personal car
The use of a camper for a weekend
A pistol
Two tickets to a ball game
Use of a hunting lease
Bottle of liquor
Free meal
Half price meal
A cup of coffee and/or a doughnut
What conditions should be associated with the gift:
Does it make a difference who offers the gift?
Does it make a difference when the gift is offered?
Does it make a difference why the gift is offered?
Does it make a difference where the gift is offered
________ is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery; valor.
______ courage is the courage to take action for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse consequences.
Commits an offense if intentionally or knowingly offers, confers, agrees to confer on another, solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept from another:
Influences or attempts to a public servant in specific exercise of official power or specific performance of official duty or influence a public servant to violate legal duty or Influences or attempts to influence a voter not to vote or vote a certain way
Coercion of Public Servant or Voter
Commits offense if privately addresses a representation, entreaty, argument, or other communication to any public servant who exercises or will exercise official discretion in an adjudicatory proceeding with an intent to influence the outcome on the basis of considerations other than those authorized by law.
Improper Influence
Person commits _______ if with intent to deceive and with knowledge:
Public servant commits an offense if, with intent to obtain a benefit or with intent to harm or defraud another, intentionally and knowingly:
Violates a law relating to office or employment or Misuses government property, services, personnel, or anything of value belonging to the government that has come into their custody or possession by virtue of office or employment
Abuse of Official Capacity
Public servant acting under color of office or employment (acts in official capacity, falsely acts in official capacity, or takes advantage of capacity) commits offense:
Intentionally subjects another to mistreatment, or to arrest, detention, search, seizure, dispossession, assessment, or lien they know is unlawful
Intentionally denies or impedes another in exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, power, or immunity, knowing the conduct is unlawful
Intentionally subjects another to sexual harassment
Official Oppression
Who investigates Unethical conduct on the part of peace officers can result in federal prosecution. There are specific statutes aimed at peace officers to prevent violations of civil rights.
The FBI has a special role to investigate those accusations
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any inhabitant of any State, Territory, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or if two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured –They shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both
18 USC 241: Conspiracy Against Rights:
Civil penalties for inappropriate conduct include what?
Sexual Harassment - EEOC definitions 42 USC 1983 Violation of Civil Rights
Sexual Harassment - Penal Code Chapter39.03
Texas Commission on Human Rights - Sexual Harassment
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission-Sexual Harassment