Professional Orientation And Ethical Practice Flashcards
Who is the father of vocational guidance?
Frank Parsons
When did vocational guidance counseling emerge?
In the late 1800s as a result of the industrial revolution and social reform movements.
When did the American school counselor association form?
In 1953, a year after the ACA formed
What is the ACA’s definition of counseling?
The application of mental health, psychological or human development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral or systemic interventions, strategies that address wellness, personal growth, or career development, as well as pathology.
In 2010 the ACA sponsored task force, 2020 vision for the future of counseling achieve consensus on the following definition of counseling…
Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals.
What is IDEA?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
What is the ACA Code of Ethics?
It is a list of mandatory ethics rules that counselors must follow and aspirational ethics rules they should follow if they want to meet the highest standards of professional practice and conduct.
What is the difference between ethics and law’s?
Ethics are developed by associations to help members practice in a reputable manner, whereas laws are included in the penal code and often carry more serious consequences when individuals fail to comply with them
Does ethics or laws trump one another?
The law trumps ethics in all circumstances but counselors rarely have to violate ethical standards to follow the law.
Why was FERPA created?
To specify the rights of parents and non-minor students to access an exam in the educational record, petition to have incorrect information found in the record amended, and ensure that certain information is not released to outside agencies without permission.
What is an educational record?
It refers to any document or information kept by the school relating to a student, such as attendance, achievement, behavior, activities, and assessment.
What are parents rights regarding accessing their children’s educational information?
Parents have the right to access their children’s educational information until the child is 18 years old or begins college which ever comes first, at which point the rights shift to the student.
What are the guidelines for educational institutions regarding releasing any information any students educational records?
They are required to obtain written permission from the student, with the exception being they are able to give out directory information without consent. However schools must send an annual notice to students and or parents informing them that they have the right to have their information or their child’s information barred from release.
What would happen to an educational institution if they failed to comply with FERPA?
They may face punitive action, such as loss of federal funding.
Are counselors personal notes on students considered confidential?
If they are kept separate from the educational record in a secure location they are considered confidential. Students and parents do not have the right to access counselors personal notes.
Are professional counselor’s general counsel in case notes considered part of the students educational records?
They can be. It depends on the state.
What is the family educational rights and privacy act (FERPA) also known as? And when was it enacted?
The Buckley Anendment. 1974.
Is FERPA a federal law or a civil rights law?
A federal law
Is IDEA a federal law or a civil rights law?
A civil rights law.
What is the AASCB?
It stands for the American Association of state counseling boards
What is CACREP?
It stands for council for the accreditation of counseling and related educational programs
When was CACREP established?
What are some of the issues involved and counselors moving across different states?
Different states have different educational requirements, titles of licensed professional counselor is different, different licensure exams are used, and scope of practice is different.
What age range of children does IDEA help?
From birth to 21
What is HIPPA?
A federal law to protect the privacy of individuals medical and mental health records.
What are mandatory ethics?
The lower standards to match all members must comply to behave ethically
What are aspirational ethics?
best practices, can inspire members to work on continually improving their own knowledge base and skills to advance their practice and reputation of the profession itself.
Why are codes of ethics made?
As accountability measures and as a means to enhance professional practice.
What are the principles for the ethical codes in counseling?
Autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity.
What are some activities and skills that help prevent or lesson the effects of burnout?
- learn and implement time management skills.
- Number to engage regularly and enjoyable activities and hobbies.
- Establish and maintain meaningful connections with others.
- Pursue professional development.
- Monetary physical and psychological health. •Seek professional support when needed.
Tell me about the AASCB.
It stands for American Association of state counseling boards.
It was created to connect states that have licensure boards in order to promote communication to the public and collaboration among states regarding licensure laws in legal matters
Tell me about the ACCA.
It stands for American college counseling Association.
It’s a division of the ACA and it was chartered in 1991 to unify counseling professionals working at post secondary institutions.
the ACCA publishes the journal of college counseling.
What is slander?
Defamation through spoken statements
What is libel?
Defamation through writing
What is liability?
It is the legal responsibility of the counselor to act with due care and professional practice.
Tell me about the AMHCA.
It is the American mental health counselors Association and that was formed in 1976. It helps mental health counselors establish a clear and unified identity and separate from other counseling professionals.
Tell me about the ARCA.
It stands for the American rehabilitation counseling Association.
It’s mission is to foster quality practice, education, and research within the profession; improve the lives of people who have disabilities; advocate the removal of the barriers for people with disabilities; and raise public awareness regarding rehabilitation counseling.
It publishes the Rehabilitation Counseling bulletin.
Tell me about AADA.
It stands for the association for adult development and aging.
Publishes Adultspan, a channel that prints current research on aging and adult development.
What is the primary purpose of assessment in counseling?
The primary purpose of educational, mental health, psychological, and care assessment is to gather information regarding the client for a variety of purposes, including client decision making, treatment planning, and forensic proceedings.
Tell me about ACES…
Stands for Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.
It was one of the founding associations of ACA.
ACES publishes the journal Counselor Education and Supervision.
When did the American counseling Association (ACA) form?
In 1952
What was the American counseling Association’s first name?
It was first established as the American personnel and guidance association (APGA).
What four associations came together to make the ACA?
National Vocational Guidance Association
National Association of Guidance and Counselor Trainers
Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education
American College Personnel Association
What is the ACA’s mission statement?
To enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity.
What is the journal of the ACA?
Journal of counseling and development
What are the functions of the American counseling Association?
It offers benefits and some support to those in need, has created a code of ethics, Katherine is continuing educational opportunities, publishes literature, promotes the professions mission in Congress.
Tell me about the AARC…
Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling.
Leaders and members have been involved in numerous committees formed to develop guidelines for the ethical use of tests and other evaluation tools, such as the “responsibilities of users of standardized tests” and The ACAs “position statement on high-stakes testing”.
Publishes to journals, “measurement and evaluation in counseling” and “development and counseling outcome research and evaluation”
Tell me about AHC…
It stands for the association for humanistic counseling.
If publishes the journal of humanistic counseling, education, and development.
The association hosts and wellness center for counselors at each ACA convention and it also gathers donations for ACA members to support it’s empty plate project, which gives money to a local food bank during each convention.
What is psychiatric nursing?
It is a specialization within the nursing profession. They are trained to deliver counseling services to patients with severe psychological disorders, develop nursing care programs, and prescribe medication
What is an individual trauma?
It refers to a person’s capability to cope with a crisis
What is a collective trauma?
It refers to an entire communities reaction to a crisis.
What is the difference between malpractice and negligence?
Malpractice occurs when professional counselors fail to provide the standard of care expected of them based on their credentials, skills, and experience.
While negligence occurs when counselors failed to use reasonable care in caring out their professional duties, resulting in injury to the client.
What is needed for the plaintiff to win in a negligence case?
They must provide the following four components.
•The defendant owed the plaintive some kind of legal duty as stipulated by their counselor-client relationship.
• I defendant breached that legal duty.
• The plaintive has an authentic and Jerry (physical, financial, psychological)
•That defendants breach of duty caused the plaintiffs injury.
What is a legal tort?
A tort is a legal response to harm against an individual person or property. Two types of torts that are essential for counselors to be aware of our negligence and malpractice.
Tell me about ACEG…
It stands for the association for counselors and educators in government. It was formed to connect counselors and educators working in government and military settings.
Tell me about the ACC…
It stands for the association for creativity in counseling. It champions imaginative and creative approaches to counseling and comprises counseling professionals from diverse specializations, including dance, art, music, and play therapy.
It publishes the journal of creativity and mental health.
Tell me about ALGBTIC…
It stands for association for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in counseling.
Before it was established in 1975 it was known as the caucus of gay and lesbian counselors. It received divisional status from ACA in 1997 after more than 20 years of trying to gain endorsement.
It publishes the journal of LGBT issues in counseling.
Tell me about the AMCD…
It stands for the association for multicultural counseling and development.
It produces a journal of multicultural counseling and development
When did the association for multicultural counseling and development (AMCD) publish their multicultural counseling competencies?
In 1992
Tell me about (CSI) chi sigma iota…
It is the international honor society for professional counselors, counselor educators, and counseling students
Tell me about the IAMFC…
It stands for international Association of marriage and family counselors.
It publishes the family journal:counseling and therapy for couples and families.
Tell me about NCDA…
It stands for national career development association.
It publishes the journal, career development quarterly.
Tell me about NECA…
It stands for national employment counseling Association.
It publishes the journal of employment counseling.
Tell me about CSJ….
It stands for counselors for social justice.
It publishes the journal for social action in counseling and psychology.
Explain the crisis counseling program or the CCP.
Professional counselors work with a team to identify the problem, inventory the available resources, help reduce the disorder and confusion, assist victims in adjusting to their new life situations, provide victims with support and empathy, and educate individuals about common and atypical reactions to crisis and what to do should they need extra help.
What is psychological first aid?
Meeting essential survival needs such as food, water, shelter, safety, then their psychological needs by using the core counseling skills, and finally working to help establish contact with friends and family.
Tell me about ASCA…
It was established in 1953 and it publishes professional school counseling journal which informs about research and new ideas with in the school counseling field.
Tell me about the ASGW…
It stands for the association for specialists and group work.
It publishes the journal for specialists and group work.
Tell me about ASERVIC…
It stands for the association for spiritual, ethical, and religious values in counseling. It publishes the journal ‘counseling and values’.
Tell me about the IAAOC…
It stands for the international Association of addiction and the fender counselors.
It publishes the journal of addictions and offender counseling.
It was a strong proponent of the development of the master addictions counselor credential.
Tell me about NRCA…
It stands for the national rehabilitation counseling Association.
It publishes the Journal of applied rehabilitation counseling.
What is another name for the rehabilitation act of 1973?
And what does it do?
Section 504
Prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities and federally sponsored programs