Professional Behavior, Clinical Decorum, and Clinical Experience Flashcards
Important Characteristic of a Profession
It has a service (rather than a profit) orientation enshrined in its code of conduct
10 Elements of Professional Behavior
1) Commitment to Lifelong learning 2) Interpersonal skills3) Communication Skills4) Effective use of time and resources5) Use of constructive feedback6) Problem solving7) Critical thinking8) Professionalism9) Responsibility10) Stress management
What is clinical expertise?
Clinical problem solving skills and having knowledge and clinical reason
What is the advantage of a PT specializing in a particular area of expertise?
This allows you/your clinic to market you and your specialization
8 ABPT offered board-certified categories
1) Cardiovascular and Pulmonary (CCS)2) Clinical Electrophysiology (ECS)3) Geriatrics (GCS)4) Neurology (NCS)5) Orthopaedics (OCS)6) Pediatrics (PCS)7) Sports (SCS)8) Women’s Health (WCS)
What Factors Distinguish Experts From Novices?
Experts are… -More knowledge, highly organized, accessible, and integrated -Problem solve with efficiency, they monitor, adapt, and revise their approach to problems with ease -Engage in reflective processes, continue to learn by experience -Continue to develop skills through intense, focused, deliberate practice -Look beyond the stated problem
Why is clinical decorum important?
For patient safety
4 Basics of Clinical Decorum
- Clothing/shoes- Hair- Jewelry- Hygiene
Important things to consider when communicating with pateints
- Avoid unnecessary medical terminology or jargon- Explain procedures step by step- Communicate with patients at an “equal” level; maintain eye contact- Remember a patient’s culture, age, gender, and race may affect his/her reaction to you
What does safety mean?
Freedom from accidental harm or injury
Who assumes the primary responsibility for safety?
You as the PT
What types of activities in a health care setting have the potential to cause injury?
Infection, transfers, gait training, passive motion stretching, modalities
What guidelines exist for safety?
The National Patient Safety Foundation is in place to regulate safety concerns
Typically what causes accidents and/or injuries?
Simple failures of a healthcare professional are rarely the cause of patient injury more often, patient injuries are the result of flaws in the complex interactions among several individuals, the technologies they use, and the organizations in which they work
Possible causes of HCP failure
- Medication errors- Surgery or procedure on the wrong part- Errors in the performance of hazardous activities- Misdiagnosis- Selection of inappropriate treatment- Nosocomial infection- Production pressures- Fatigue and sleep deprivation- Stress- Human factors
When do accidents and injuries tend to occur?
When HCPs or family members are… - Careless - Inadequately trained - Inattentive - Excessively busy
How are standards set for patient safety?
- Professional societies and groups can set standards of practice, communicate with members about safety, collaborate across disciplines…create a culture of safety.- As patient advocates we owe it to our patients to ensure safety.- Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist and Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant
9 Safety Recommendations
- Hand washing/hand hygiene - Effectively manage the environment- Maintain line of sight during transfers and ambulation- Establish maintenance program for equipment- Keep the floor clear of electric cords, water, dirt, throw rugs/mats, and other hazards- DO NOT leave patients unattended- Be certain that individuals who provide patient care are trained, qualified and competent in their assigned duties- Properly store hazardous materials, chemicals, heavy objects- Clearly label contents of boxes
What does HIPAA stand for?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
What is HIPAA?
Federal law passed to protect all “individually identifiable health information” ** individually identifiable health information = protected health information
What does the HIPAA Privacy Law pertain to?
Pertains to any protected health care related information held or transmitted via electronic, oral or written methods such as… - Email - Phone call - Hallways - Elevators - Written / typed notes - Sticky notes / scratch paper
What is Individually Identifiable Health Information?
- Patient’s past, present, future physical or mental status- Treatment provided- Past, present or future payment for treatment- Name- Address- Date of birth- Social Security number
What are some HIPP Violations?
- Sharing or discussing protected health information with other HCP not involved with the pt’s care- Not providing a pt access to his/her medical record within 30 days of a request