Documenting the Examination (Patient/Client Note) Flashcards
Why do we gather subjective information first?
To identify the patient problem
Why do we perform objective tests and measures?
To help support or disprove the information gathered during the subjective interview
What subjective information should be included in the initial evaluation, progress notes, and discharges?
The overall patient description
For example: Pt is a 65 yr-old female, R hand-dominant, seen in outpatient facility c her daughter present for R shld pn from torn RC c impaired fxnal ability
Pt is 45 yr-old male seen for 10 visits for s/p L ACL repair on 3/17/12
In a Patient/Client Note what are the 3 subsections of the examination?
1) History
2) Systems Review
3) Tests and Measures
What 12 things are included in the History section of a Pt/Client Note?
*These are also referred to as the headings
1) Demographic information
2) Chief complaints
3) Patient goals
4) Prior level of function
5) Cultural / religious beliefs
6) Employment status
7) Living environment
8) General health status / Family health history
9) Hobbies
10) Surgical history / Medical tests performed
11) Current functional status
12) Medications
When is the only time you must refer to the source of information in the history subsection?
When information from two sources conflicts despite the therapist’s attempts to clarify discrepancies.
What 9 things are included in the Systems Review section of a Pt/Client Note?
(1) Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
(2) Integumentary
(3) Musculoskeletal
(4) Neuromuscular
(5) Communication
(6) Affect (emotions)
(7) Cognition
(8) Learning style
(9) Education needs
Information gathered in the Systems Review will be reported how?
Either impaired or not impaired
** Cardiovascular / Pulmonary information is rated the same way, however individual measurements are recorded as well
4 Types of Information gathered in the Cardiovascular / Pulmonary section of the Systems Review
(1) Heart Rate
(2) Blood Pressure
(3) Respiratory Rate
(4) Edema
4 Types of Information gathered in the Integumentary System section of the Systems Review
(1) Integumentary disruption
(2) Continuity of Skin Color
(3) Skin Pliability
(4) Skin Texture
5 Types of Information gathered in the Musculoskeletal System section of the Systems Review
(1) Gross symmetry during standing, sitting, and activities
(2) Gross ROM
(3) Gross Muscle Strength
(4) Height
(5) Weight
4 Types of Information gathered in the Neuromuscular System section of the Systems Review
(1) Gait
(2) Locomotion (transfers, bed mobility)
(3) Balance
(4) Motor Control
What type of information does the Communication section of the Systems Review include?
Includes whether the patient’s communication is age-appropriate
What type of information does the Affect section of the Systems Review include?
The patient’s emotional and behavioral responses
What type of information does the Learning Abilities section of the Systems Review include?
(1) Vision or hearing problems
(2) Inability to read
(3) Inability to understand what is read
(4) Language Barriers
What type of information does the Cognition section of the Systems Review include?
Involves whether the patient is oriented to person, place, time, and situation
What type of information does the Education Needs section of the Systems Review include?
Reports areas in which the patient needs more education or information such as disease process, safety, use of devices, or equipment, ADLs, Exercise Program, Recovery and Healing Process, etc.
What 8 things are included in the Tests and Measures section of a Pt/Client Note?
(1) Ambulation
(2) Transfers
(3) Balance
(4) ROM
(5) Strength
(6) Sensation
(7) ADLs
(8) Special Tests
Which Section of the Pt/Client Note needs to be the most organized and why?
The Test and Measures Section
- because it is often the only read section of the evaluation
4 Common Mistakes in recording data from tests and measures
- Failure to state the affected body part
- Failure to state measurable information
- Failure to state the “type” of whatever is that is being measured (AROM vs. PROM rather than just listing ROM)
- Failure to record values from the unaffected side