Production of goods and services Flashcards
Define Productivity
Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of inputs used in the production process over a period of time. It is the output measured against the inputs used to produce it.
Ways to increase Productivity
improving labour skills by training them so they work more productively and waste lesser resources
introducing automation (using machinery and IT equipment to control production) so that production is faster and error-free
improve employee motivation so that they will be willing to produce more and efficiently so.
improved quality control and assurance systems to ensure that there are no wastage of resources
What is Lean Production
Lean production refers to the various techniques a firm can adopt to reduce wastage and increase efficiency/productivity.
What is Kaizen and the benefits
it’s a Japanese term meaning ‘continuous improvement’. It aims to increase efficiency and reduce wastage by getting workers to get together in small groups and discuss problems and suggest solutions.
increased productivity
reduced amount of space needed for production
improved factory layout may allow some jobs to be combined, so freeing up employees to do other jobs in the factory
What is Just-in-Time inventory control and the benefits
this techniques eliminates the need to hold any kind of inventory by ensuring that supplies arrive just in time they are needed for production
Benefits:Reduces cost of holding inventory
Warehouse space is not needed any more, so more space is available for other uses
Finished goods are immediately sold off, so cash flows in quickly
Define Cell Production
the production line is divided into separate, self-contained units each making a part of the finished good. This works because it improves worker morale when they are put into teams and concentrate on one part alone.
Define Job production
products are made specifically to order, customized for each customer
The product meets the exact requirement of the customer
Workers will have more varied jobs as each order is different, improving morale
very flexible method of production
Define Batch Production
similar products are made in batches or blocks. A small quantity of one product is made, then a small quantity of another
Define Flow Production
large quantities of products are produced in a continuous process on the production line
Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Production
Advantages:Most suitable for one-off products and personal services
The product meets the exact requirement of the customer
Workers will have more varied jobs as each order is different, improving morale
very flexible method of production
Disadvantages:Skilled labour will often be required which is expensive
Costs are higher for job production firms because they are usually labour-intensive
Production often takes a long time
Since they are made to order, any errors may be expensive to fix
Materials may have to be specially purchased for different orders, which is expensive
Advantages of Disadvantages of Batch Production
Advantages:Flexible way of working- production can be easily switched between products
Gives some variety to workers
More variety means more consumer choice
Even if one product’s machinery breaks down, other products can still be made
Disadvantages:Can be expensive since finished and semi-finished goods will need moving about
Machines have to be reset between production batches which delays production
Lots of raw materials will be needed for different product batches, which can be expensive.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Flow Production
Advantages:There is a high output of standardized (identical) products
Costs are low in the long run and so prices can be kept low
Can benefit from economies of scale in purchasing
Automated production lines can run 24×7
Goods are produced quickly and cheaply
Capital-intensive production, so reduced labour costs and increases efficiency
Disadvantages:A very boring system for the workers, leads to low job satisfaction and motivation
Lots of raw materials and finished goods need to be held in inventory- this is expensive
Capital cost of setting up the flow line is very high
If one machinery breaks down, entire production will be affected
What is Automation
Automation: equipment used in the factory is controlled by computers to carry out mechanical processes, such as spray painting a car body.
Define CAD (computer aided design)
CAD (computer aided designing): a computer software that draws items being designed more quickly and allows them to be rotated, zoomed in and viewed from all angles.
What is CAM (computer aided manufacturing)
CAM (computer aided manufacturing): computers monitor the production process and controls machines and robots-similar to automation
What is CIM ( Computer integrated manufacturing)
CIM (computer integrated manufacturing): the integration of CAD and CAM. The computers that design the product using CAD is connected to the CAM software to directly produce the physical design.
EPOS (electronic Point of scale)
EPOS (electronic point-of-sale): used at checkouts/tills where operator scans the bar-code of each item bought by the customer individually. The item details and price appear on screen and are printed in the receipt. They can also automatically update and reorder stock as items are bought.
EFTPOS( electric fund transfer at a point of scale)
EFTPOS (electronic funds transfer at point-of-sale): the electronic cash register at the till will be connected to the retailer’s main computer and different banks. When the customer swipes the debit card at the till, information is read by the scanner and an amount is withdrawn from the customer’s bank account (after the PIN is entered).
Advantages of technology in Production
Greater productivity
Greater job satisfaction among workers as boring, routine jobs are done by machines
Better quality products
Quicker communication and less paperwork
More accurate demand levels are forecast since computer monitor inventory levels
New products can be introduced as new production methods are introduced
Disadvantages of Production
Unemployment rises as machines and computers replace human labour
Expensive to set up
New technology quickly becomes outdated and frequent updating of systems will be needed- this is expensive and time-consuming.
Employees may take time to adjust to new technology or even resist it as their work practices change.
Define Fixed Cost
Fixed Costs are costs that do not vary with output produced or sold in the short run
Define Variable Cost
Variable Costs are costs that directly vary with the output produced or sold.
Define Economies of scale
Economies of scale are the factors that lead to a reduction in average costs as a business increases in size
Define Diseconomies of scale
Diseconomies of scale are the factors that lead to an increase the average costs of a business as it grows beyond a certain size