Processes Flashcards
Acquire Resources
the process of securing team members, equipment, materials or other resources required to deliver the project
Close Phase or Project
This is the stage where all deliverables are finalized and formally transferred, and all documentation is signed off, approved, and archived. All work has been completed according to the project plan and scope.
Collect Requirements
Process of determining, documenting and managing stakeholder needs to meet project objectives
Conduct Procurements
The process of obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a contract.
Control Costs
This process is about monitoring, managing and updating actual and planned project costs as well as the cost baseline.
Control Procurements
In this process, procurement relationships are managed and contract performance is monitored.
Control Quality
Process which uses a set of operational techniques and tasks to verify that the delivered output will meet the established product requirements
Control Resources
This process helps ensure that the physical resources are available and utilized as planned.
Control Schedule
This process defines the monitoring of the project status in order to update the project schedule as well as the management of changes to the schedule baseline.
Control Scope
This process sets out the monitoring of the project status and product scope as well as the management of changes to the scope baseline.
Create WBS
Process of dividing project deliverables into smaller pieces
Define Activities
In this process, the actions needed to produce the project deliverables are identified and defined.
Define Scope
Process of developing a detailed description of the project. Determines which requirements from the Collect Requirements process will be included in the project
Determine Budget
Aggregation of the estimated cost of all activities and work packages which is the foundation of the authorized cost baseline.
Develop Project Charter
In this process, a project charter is developed that authorizes the project and links it with the strategic objectives of the organization.
Develop Project Management Plan
The content and goal of this process are defining, preparing and coordinating all plan components,
Develop Schedule
The process where activity sequences, durations, resource requirements, and schedule constraints are taken into consideration to develop the overall project timeline.
Develop Team
This process aims to improve skills and competencies, interactions and the environment of project teams in order to enhance the overall project performance.
Direct and Manage Project Work
This process comprises leading and performing the work that was defined in the project management plan as well as implementing approved changes,
Estimate Activity Durations
The process by which the amount of time required to complete each activity is developed
Estimate Activity Resources
This process contains the estimation of the team headcount and physical resources that are needed to perform project work.
Estimate Costs
In this process, an approximation of the cost of required resources is estimated.
Identify Risks
This process focuses on identifying and documenting individual risks as well as sources of overall project risks.
Identify Stakeholders
This process implies identifying stakeholders and their respective interests, involvement, power, and potential impact on the project.
Implement Risk Responses
This process is conducted when risks require a response, i.e. the previously selected risk responses (activities) are implemented.
Manage Communications
Process of creating, collecting, distributing, retrieving, and disposing project information according to the management plan
Manage Project Knowledge
This process describes the use of existing and the creation of new pieces of knowledge in order to achieve the project objectives and support organizational learning.
Manage Quality
Process which focuses on achieving the quality goals and identifying ineffective processes and causes of poor quality
Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations
Manage Team
This process includes performance tracking, feedback, and management of changes and adjustments to the project team.
Monitor and Control Project Work
In this process, the overall progress is tracked, reviewed and reported to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan.
Monitor Communications
This process makes sure that the information needs of the project and the stakeholders are met properly and timely.
Monitor Risks
In this process, risk responses and identified risks are monitored and tracked. In addition, new risks are identified and assessed.
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
This process describes the monitoring of relationships and the adjustment of strategies in order to engage stakeholders in an optimal way.
Perform Integrated Change Control
Provides a systematic process for evaluating and approving project changes while reducing project risk
Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
In the process the probability and the potential impact of individual project risks are assessed, which is the basis for their prioritization.
Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
This process consists of statistical analyses of identified individual project risks and other sources of ambiguity or uncertainty.
Plan Communications Management
Process of develoiping an appropriate approach and plan for project communications based on stakleholder information needs, requirements and available organizational assets
Plan Cost Management
This process is about defining the approaches and procedures to estimate, budget, manage, monitor and control project costs.
Plan Procurement Management
This process focuses documenting the way project procurement decisions are made, specifying the approach and identifying potential sellers.
Plan Quality Management
In this process, quality requirements and standards are identified
Plan Resource Management
This process is about defining how the team and physical resources will be estimated, acquired, managed, and used during the project.
Plan Risk Management
This process comprises the planning of activities for the project which includes tailoring of risk management considerations to the individual situation.
Plan Risk Responses
In this process, the ways to address overall and individual project risks are identified and assessed, incl. definition of activities as potential risk responses.
Plan Schedule Management
Establishes the policies for creating the project schedule
Plan Scope Management
The goal of this process is to create a plan that sets out the framework of the definition, validation and controlling of the project and product scope
Plan Stakeholder Engagement
This planning process is about developing how to involve stakeholders and how to interact effectively with them during the project.
Sequence Activities
Dresponsible for documenting relationships between the actitivites and milestones and sequencing them logically
Validate Scope
Process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables