Process Radiation Monitors (D11) Flashcards
Main Steam Line Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
MSL Rad Monitors - K603
Ion Chamber x4
A&C - RPS ‘A’
B&D - RPS ‘B’
INOP* DNSC <10mr/hr Hi 2.5 X normal Hi-Hi* 3 X normal (upscale normally) * - These alarms cause actuation
Downstream outbrd MSIV’s in Steam Chase
MSL Rad Monitor Trips
AUTO ACTIONS only occur <20% RTP
Trip system is set up with a 1 out of 2 taken twice logic (Failure of any 1 monitor does not result in inadvertent action)
Trip in RPS Channel A or C AND RPS Channel B or D (Hi-Hi or INOP) causes auto actions to limit rad releases from plant:
- MVP & SPE trip and isolate
- B31F019 & F020 isolate (A&B- F019 and C&D- F020)
Air Ejector Off-Gas Pretreatment Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Air Ejector Off-Gas Pretreatment Rad Monitors
Ion Chamber x2
RPS B (Norm) Inst. A (Backup)
Norm- Alarm only
B/U- indications only NO ALARM
Before Holdup Volume
Air Ejector Off-Gas Post-treatment Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Air Ejector Off-Gas Post-treatment Rad Monitors
Scintillation x2
24 VDC A/B
INOP* DNSC* Hi* Hi-Hi Hi-Hi-Hi* (Isol - combo of 1 in both detectors) * - These alarms cause actuation
After carbon beds, before stack
Main Stack Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Main Stack Rad Monitors
Scintillation x2
24 VDC A/B
Main Stack
Liquid Process Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Liquid Process Rad Monitors
Scintillation x2
24 VDC B
DNSC* 3cps
Hi*(NOTE 1)
* - These alarms cause actuation
PSW and RBCCW are alarm only
NOTE 1: Actuation only occurs on Liquid Rad waste (low dilution flow actuation 10,000gpm). PSW and RBCCW detectors only have hi alarm, no actuation.
PSW: detector in combined discharge to river
RBCCW: detector in combined return from components prior to HXs
Radwaste: detector in discharge line prior to river (physically in bottom elevation of radwaste)
Rx Bldg Plenum (Stack) Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Rx Bldg Plenum (Stack) Rad Monitors
Scintillation x2
U2: 2R25-S101 off of 600 C
U1: INST A & B
Reactor Bldg Stack
Carbon Bed Vault Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Carbon Bed Vault Monitors
G-M x2
DNSC 1mr/hr
Hi 50R/hr
Waste Gas Treatment Bldg
Rx Bldg Exhaust Ventilation Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Rx Bldg Exhaust Ventilation Rad Monitors - K609
G-M x4
A&C - RPS ‘A’
B&D - RPS ‘B’
Hi-Hi* 18mr/hr
* - These alarms cause actuation
Reactor Bldg Ventilation
R/F Floor Exhaust Ventilation Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
R/F Floor Exhaust Ventilation Rad Monitors - K611 + U2: K634/K635
G-M U1: x4, U2: x12
A&C - RPS ‘A’
B&D - RPS ‘B’
DNSC Hi Hi-Hi* 18mr/hr (K611) U2 only: 6.9mr/hr (K634), 5.7mr/hr (K635) * - These alarms cause actuation
Refuel Floor Ventilation
Area Rad Monitors (ARMs)
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Area Rad Monitors (ARMs)
U1: K601B or D
U2: K601A or M
G-M: Multiple
Hi* 15 mR/hr
* - These alarms cause actuation
Multiple areas
RF ARM Hi (15 mR/hr) → MCREC in pressurization mode
Kaman Rad Monitors
- Type
- # of detectors
- Power Supply
- Alarms
- Location
Kaman Rad Monitors (accident range)
Beta-Gamma: x1 Med, x1 High
START signals on Hi-Hi from other rad monitors, must be MANUALLY shutdown
Main Stack
Rx Bldg: Turbine Bldg 164’
Offgas Post Treatment Trip Response
For trip to occur & Offgas system to isolate (F057 stack isolation valve) - both detectors must have any combination of Hi-Hi-Hi, Downscale, or INOP alarms
To close the bypass valve around the carbon beds (F043), only one detector has to have a Hi alarm.
Hi alarm occurs
Carbon bed bypass valve closes (F043) & Carbon bed inlet valve opens (F042)
Hi-Hi-Hi, INOP, or Downscale occurs
- Offgas Stack Isolation Valve closes (2N62F057/1N62F527)
- Loop Seal Valves close (N62F030A/B, 2N62F085, 1N62F086, 1N62F111A/B)
Process Rad Monitor high setpoint basis, downscale setpoint and dilution flow requirements
Liquid Radwaste - isolates on Hi, Inop, Downscale preventing discharge to river closing G11F184 & G11F185
High rad level trip is set using data to determine a reasonable level that is high enough to prevent spurious trips and low enough to prevent any excess radioactive release to the environment
Downscale/INOP trip is set at 3 cps
Low Dilution Flow @ 10,000 gpm also isolates (not associated w/ rad monitor)
Rx Building Vent Rad Monitor Isolation Signal Response
Isolation signal Hi-Hi (18 mR/hr) in any area, either Unit causes Isolation of both Units RB & RF Vent Systems & starts ALL 4 SBGT Fans
Loss of RPS effect on PCIS, SCIS and SBGT
U2 – Loss of A only – Half PCIS Gp 2 isolation; NO SC isolation, NO SBGT start (SCIS logic powered from INST A)
U1 – Loss of A – Half PCIS Gp 2 isolation (inboard); SCIS isolation & Both unit SBGT start (SCIS logic powered from RPS)
U1 – Loss of B – Half PCIS Gp 2 isolation (outboard); SCIS isolation & Both unit SBGT start (SCIS logic powered from RPS)
When are MSL rad monitor setpoints adjusted?
What affects MSL rad levels?
Prior to placing H2 Injection in service, setpoint of MSL Rad Monitors must be raised to prevent an inadvertent trip signal
≤ 20% RTP (≤ 2.5 X NORM full power background)
> 20% RTP raised up to 9.99 x E5 = No trips b/c set point too high but alarms still function at normal level
AUTO ACTIONS only occur <20% RTP
Alarms on 601 and 603. 603 is trip, 601 is alarm used when >20% to alert manual action required to trip.
When concentration of H2 is increased, free N2 will combine w/ free H2 to form ammonia
Radioactive N2 (N-16) carried into steam lines as ammonia & can cause large changes in MSL Rad Monitor readings
Unit 2 is operating at rated power when offgas flow rises from 10 scfm to 55 scfm due to condenser in leakage.
What process rad monitors will be affected by this change in plant conditions and why?
What alarms would be received and what automatic actions would occur?
Off gas pre-treat rad monitor levels will lower significantly due to dilution of the offgas. Post treat rad levels will eventually lower also.
Pre-treat Rad monitor downscale annunciator may be received as a result of this change. Pre-treat rad monitor downscale alarm will be received when lowering power or changes in off-gas flow.
At which panels are rad monitors read in the MCR?
2H11-P600: Area/Process Radiation (Main Steam, RBCCW/PSW, Rx Bldg/Refuel Floor Vent, Off Gas Pre/Post-Treat) - Yokogawas
2H11-P604: Process Rad Monitors (Radwaste/PSW effluent) - NUMACs
2D21-P600: Panel by 654/657: Area Rad Monitors - Small analog units with the small reset pushbuttons for individual areas
What starts/stops KAMANs?
Auto starts are only from Rx Bldg Plenum (Stack) or Main Stack rad monitor Hi-Hi
KAMANs can only be stopped manually.