procedure COPY Flashcards
the tape (audio recording)
-2.5 minutes mock telephone message about a party
-Read in a flat tone of voice at a speed of 227 words per minute
-the massage Message mentioned many details
tape Message mentioned
8 Places
London, Penzance, Gloucester, Clochester, Harlow, Ely, Peterborough, Edinburgh
8 people who were able to come
Jane, william, claire, Craig, Suzie, Jenny, Phil, Tony
3 people and 1 cat who could not come to the party
Nigel, John, Nicky, Ben and the cat
Those names are referrred to by Andrade as “lures”
Listening to the recording
-Each participant completed the experiment on their own
-in a quite and dull room
-Standardized instructions given to participants
-Control group
-Tape was played at the same ‘comfortable’ volume for everyone
-Participants wrote down the names of party-goers as they listened.
Standardized instructions given to participants
-They should pretend the speaker was a friend inviting them to a party
-The tape is rather dull but that is okay because the do not need to remember any of it
-Write down the names of the people who will (or probably will) come to the party (excluding yourself) and ignore names of those who cannot come
-Do not write down anything else
expermatil group
Experimental group given A4 response sheet with shapes to shade and a pencil
There was a 4.5 cm margin on the paper to record target names.
They were told to shade the shapes as they listened to the tape, but not worry about neatness or speed.
given a sheet of lined paper (with no shapes to shade)
The Surprise Memory Test
Researcher collected the response sheets and chatted to the participants for one minute
During that time, they revealed the deception - there would be a surprise memory test.
Half of each group were asked to recall the names first and then the places, and the other half were told to recall the places first and then the names
Analyzing the responses
The researchers included any names or places that they thought had simply been misheard as correct
Eg: Greg for Craig
Incorrect names were coded as false alarms - including extra names of non-party goers added into the message.
Andrade included these lures to see whether people would write down all names mentioned instead of just those going to the party.
Words that were neither names nor places were marked incorrect - eg: Sister
how long was the recording and what was the speed
2.5 min
225 words per min
name how many places there are and a few of them
8 places
London Edinburgh ely Penzance
Colchester Harlow Gloucester
what are some of the names
creig jane claire
suize jenny phil tony willam
some of the people who couldn’t attend and how many
3 people
Nigel john nicky
name of the cat
where were they and were they alone
quite dull room all alone
what was some of the standardized instructions given
–act like the speaker is your friend and is inviting you to a party
-the tap is dull but it is oky because you dont need to remember any of it
-write the names of those going to the party and ignore ethe other names
-done write down anything else
why did the researcher chat with the participant for 1 min after the papers were collected
to let there memory fade
when did they reveal the deception
after the chat
how was counterbalancing done and why
half of the participants recalled the names first then the names and the other the opposite
what were incorrect names called
false alarms
ex of misheard names
Craig and Greig
what were lures and why were they used
nonparty goers
to see if they would write all the names of not
in the experimental group where give what and told what
a A4 paper with shapes on it and a 4.5 margin to write e down the names and a pencil
they were told that the shapes were to shade in to relieve from bordom and not to pay attention to neatness