aims and variables Flashcards
aim 1
To investigate whether doodling improves ability to pay attention to (or concentrate on) auditory info.
aim 2
To investigate whether doodling affects later recall of auditory information.
what type of experiment is it
what is the IV
Doodling Condition - Whether participants are allowed to doodle or not. [Standardization]
Participants were asked to shade alternating rows of 10 circles and 10 squares (aprox diameter 1 cm) printed onto a standard A4 sheet.
how many DV are there
DV 1
DV 1- Monitoring Accuracy - The number of correct names out of 8 recorded while listening to the tape. (Score calculated by deducting false alarms (wrong answers) from total names written on paper )
DV 2 - Memory for monitored information (calculated by deducting false alarms from the total number of names remembered (recalled) )
DV 3 - Memory for incidental information (Number of correct places recalled (out of 8) )
type of experimental design
Independent Measures Design
how can participants variables be reduced
Random allocation of participants into different experimental conditions [Participant Variables]
To ensure that differences in memory are not cuased by prticipant variables, but rather the condition
how many males and females in each Experimental conditions [Generalizability]
Doodling group: 17 females, 3 males
Control Group: 18 females, 2 males