Problem solving & creativity Flashcards
What is a problem?
An obstacle between a present state and a goal. The same problem can be represented differently in the mind, changing the representation leads to new solutions.
Is insight sudden or progressive?
Insight problems are solved suddenly.
Non-insight problems are solved progressively.
How is fixation an obstacle to problem solving?
People tend to focus on a specific aspect of the problem which therefore hinders solving it.
How does functional fixedness cause obstacles for problem solving?
Restricting the use of an object to its familiar functions.
How does a person’s mental set prevent them from solving problems?
A preconceived notion about how to solve the problem due to previous experiences with the problem. Either making you an expert problem solver or hindering your ability.
What is the information-processing approach?
Newell & Simon’s tower of Hanoi problem, moving discs from pole 1 to 3 in certain order. Suggested that in order to solve the problem there are stages.
What is the intermediate state?
Conditions after each step is made toward solving a problem.
What are the operators?
Actions that take the problem from one state to another. Operators are usually governed by rules.
What is the problem space?
All possible states that could occur when solving a problem.
What does means-end analysis mean?
It is a way of solving a problem in which the goal is to reduce the difference between the initial and goal states.
What are sub goals?
Small goals that help the intermediate state that are closer to the goal.
How can problems get easier to solve due to presentation?
When information is provided that points toward the correct representation of the problem.
Saying out loud what one is thinking shifts the perception of the problem.
What is analogical problem solving?
Using a solution to a similar problem guides solution to new problems.
What is analogical transfer?
The transfer from one problem to another, source problem to target problem.
What is analogical encoding?
Process by which two problems and compared and similarities between between them are determined.
What is analogical paradox?
It can be difficult to apply analogies in the laboratory but people routinely use analogies in real-world settings.
How to novices and experts differ in problem solving?
- Experts spend more time analysing problems.
- Experts are no better than novices when given problems outside of their field.
- Experts less likely to be open to new ways of looking at problems. (Struggle with problems that require flexible thinking).
What is divergent thinking?
Open-ended; large number of potential “solution”.
What is brainstorming?
Individuality, many ideas per person
In group, significantly less ideas per person.
What is creative cognition?
Technique to train people to think creativity by focusing on creation rather than use.
What is pre-inventive forms?
Ideas that precede creation of finished creative product.
What is creativity affected by?
- Mood
- Exercise/physical activity
- Spending time in nature
- Sleep deprivation decreases creativity.
Is creativity passed through generations?
What is latent inhibition?
Capacity to screen out stimuli that are considered irrelevant.
What impaires the LI?
Some mental illnesses and reduced in highly creative individuals.
What is Savant syndrome?
In savants the lack of inhibition unlocks savant skills.
Often linked to damage in anterior temporal lobe.
Causing people to think outside the box.