✅Problem Of Evil Flashcards
What is moral evil
Evil as a result to human activity
What is natural evil
Evil found in earth and nature, eg natural disasters. nothing to do with human choice,
Who said “moral evil is the evil that we human beings originate. Cruel, vicious, unjust and perverse thoughts and deeds”
What did Swinburne say about Human evil
“The evil constituted by deliberate actions or negligent failure”
What did Stephen fry say
“Bone cancer in children? What’s that about? Why should I respect a capricious, mean mind, stupid god who creates a world so full of injustice”
What is the inconsistent triad?
Mathematical problem of evil. God can either be all loving and not all powerful to stop evil, or all powerful, and not caring to stop it. He can’t have both of his qualities.
What did J L Mackie think about problem of evil?
All loving and all powerful as incompatible with god due to the inconsistent triad. God could’ve created us to always choose to do right, but he didn’t. He couldn’t not put the forbidden tree there but he did.
What does Augustine think about problem of evil
The fall o mankind makes us evil. It wasn’t gods fault, it is our own punishment for not following gods rules.
What do deists think about the problem of evil
Believe god made the world but then went, and had no further interests. A apprentice God,
Evil is not real. Evil is an illusion.
What does DZ Phillips think about POE?
Attitude adds to evil, against this position. The more eligible we are, the better goodness we have. If shooting, it’s ok to kill buses we would have more happiness.
Why did god suffer with us?
Because of Jesus. He died for us, and felt the pain through Jesus
What does Hans Kung think about PoE
God suffered on the cross so that he could looking suffering humanity in the face
Why does Brian Davies support Augustinian theodicy?
You cannot call evil a substance, but rather is “a gap between what is there and what there ought to be”.
What position does Richard Swinburne support?
The free will defence. Evil is a result of free will.
“The less he allows men to bring about large scale horrors, the less freedom and responsibility he gives them.”
What does scherimacher think about Augustinian theodicy
Argues it was a logical contradiction to say that a perfectly created world had gone wrong,
“A flawless creation could not go wrong. If it is, the responsibility lies with god”
What is a theodicy?
Accepts evil, demonstrated god is all loving, powerful and knowing, and suggests many evil exists for a reason, and can make things better
“If a theist doesn’t have a satisfactory answer, then his belief in god is less rational and no reason the atheist should share it”
Augustine quote on evil
“For what is that which we can evil but the absence of good? “
“Darkness was the absence of light”
Who is Augustine
Monism and the bishop of Hippo. 354AD
What was ausgustines argument based on?
The bible, espcieally the creation and the fall.
What are the 2 premises of Augustine’s theodicy
Evil didn’t come from god, since gods creation was perfect
Evil having come from elsewhere, god is justified in letting it stay
What is Augustine’s argument
God created everything ex nihilo (from nothing). All was perfect. God cannot be blamed for evil, since it is a deprivation and it makes no sense to say god created a deprivation (privatio Boni) evil came from bagels and humans who turned away from god
Gods creation comes with many types of creatures; some higher, and lower. But no level was not good. E
Evil for Augustine was the misuse of creaturely freedom. God gave all creatures freedom, rather than being robots,
If the staged the revolt with lucifer, they were cast out of heaven,
When Adam and Eve was created, they were tempted and misused their freedom.
What resulted in the evil in Augustine’s theodicy?
The sin of Adam was at the same time the sin of all his descendants because they were “seminary present in Adams loins”. Hence all babies are baptised to remove sin,
Natural evil is a fitting punishment and came about because the human action destroyed the natural order,
There feel god is right not to intervene and stop the suffering. God saves some through Christ.
What type of sin is Augustine’s theodicy?
Soul deciding theodicy,