Problem 5 Flashcards
Refers to all the ways we act, think, believe and feel that make each of us unique
Personality trait
Refers to a complex pattern of
a) behavior
b) thought
c) feeling
that is stable across time + situations
5-factor model of personality
Suggests that everyones personality is organized along 5 broad dimensions/factors of personality (The big 5)
- Emotionality
- Extraversion
- Openness to experience
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
–> each has a number of facets/dimensions
The DSM 4 treats personally disorders as if they were entirely different from “normal” personality traits.
How ?
Name the main differences to DSM 5.
- Lists 10 personality disorders which are grouped into 3 Clusters
- PDs are placed on Axis II of the diagnostic disorders
- -> instead of acute disorders - Categorical, not dimensional
e. g.: Cluster A,B,C and NOS
Cluster A
odd + eccentric
Contains the
a) Schizoid
b) Schizotypal
c) Paranoid
personality disorders, suggesting that these peoples behaviors are strange + unusual
Cluster B
dramatic + erratic
Contains the
a) Antisocial
b) Borderline
c) Histrionic
d) Narcissistic
personality disorders, suggesting that these peoples behaviors are impulsive + unstable
Cluster C
anxious + fearful
Contains the
a) Avoidant
b) Dependent
c) Obsessive-compulsive
Personality disorders, suggesting that these peoples behaviors are nervous + worried
Cluster NOS
Not otherwise specified
a) Depression
b) Passive-Aggressiveness
–> most prevalent personality disorders
Narcissistic personality disorder
Involves acting in a grandiose manner + seeking admiration from others, while depending on ones self evaluation (=never relying on others)
–> shallow in emotional expression + relationships with others, combined with a lack of concern for others
Prevalence of Narcissistic PD ?
Gender differences ?
- Very rare, with a lifetime prevalence of 1%
2. More prevalent in men
Cognitive theory/approach of NPD
Narcissistic PD develops as a result of indulgence + overvaluation by significant others during childhood
Treatment options for Narcissistic PD ?
Exploratory collaborative approach (Cognitive technique)
- to develop more realistic expectations of ones abilities
- Identifying patients regulatory patterns
- -> range between healthy + pathological patterns - Challenging ones self-aggrandizing ways of interpreting situations
BUT: Usually don’t seek treatment except for when they develop depression or interpersonal problems
Comorbidity of NPD
- Substance abuse
- Mood disorder
- Suicidality
–> can obscure the regular signs of NPD
Multifactural Etiology of NPD
- Inheritance (40%)
- Temperament
- Psychological trauma
- Age-inappropriate role assignments
Is NPD treatable ?
- Narcissistic traits can be changed over time, but change is only temporal
- Patients usually tend to drop out as soon as mood swings or depressions lessen
–> no enduring change (50% remission)