Problem 1: Early roots of psychology (plato & Aristotle) Flashcards
-knowledge through experience
-most empiricists: knowledge is combining cognitive + external processes (mainly external)
-Hardcorde empiricists: knowledge is only external processes!!
-human traits can be explained by heredity
-knowledge is innate
-many nativists are hard core rationalists
-knowledge through logical reasoning / internal thinking processes
-some rationalists: knowledge through reasoning about sensory/perceptual perceptions
-hard core rationalists: perception is not necessary
two realities: mind and body / the reality that we perceive and the reality that we do not perceive (world of ideas)
-truth = ideas, everything can be explained by mental processes in the mind
- idealist = monist
-reality = matter, everything can be explained from matter
-materialist = reductionist (explaining psychological phenomena from biological terms
- only one form of reality: mind or body
-either materialism or idealism
-life time
-periods in life
-427-347 BC
-Dualist, Idealist, Nativist, Rationalist (DINR)
-First period: noting methods & thoughts of mentor Socrates
-Second period: using socratic method (knowledge can be obtained through reasoning) and pythagorean philosophy (sensory perceptions influence reasoning but are not necessary)
Knowledge according to plato + worlds
-Knowledge: it must always be true (not sometimes) & must be rationally justifiable (substantiate)
-intelligible world/world of knowledge: ideal&forms = real knowledge
-world of appearances / world of opinion: our perception influences the ‘real’ knowledge
Theory of forms
-knowledge is obtained through forms
-everything in the empirical world is a manifestation of a pure form (idea) that exists in the abstract
-sensory perception is the result of the interaction between pure form and matter
the simile of the sun
-the form of the good is what the sun is to the physical world
-the sun illuminates object so that people can see them
-because the light is necessary to be able to see objects it equals = good
the metaphor of the line
-knowledge through imagination (lowest form of understanding)
-knowledge through observation (incomplete because of use of senses)
-knowledge through mathematical relationships (incomplete because through assumptions)
-knowledge through perception of forms (highest form, only through rational thinking
–> the good is the highest form of wisdom
allegory of the cave
fictional prisoners that spend their entire life trapped in a cave, looking at shadows cast on the walls of the roads behind them –> this is their reality
-once a prisoner escapes and sees the shapes responsible for the shadows = real knowledge
-shadows on the wall = world of appearances
the ladder of love
-physical love = lust, sexual love
-general love = love for everybody and every soul
-love for art and philosophy = highest form of love
according to plato, the soul consists of three components
-the rational soul (immortal, highest soul, rational needs)
-the spirited soul (mortal, includes emotional needs and is motivated by glory and fame and guilt and shame)
-the desiring / appetitive soul (irrational biological needs like lust and hunger)
-384-322 BC
-Rationalist, empirist, monist/materialist (REMM)
Aristotles ideas on forms
-we have matter and forms
-matter: shape + material
–essential cause (definition/name of the statue)
–efficient cause (how it was made)
–final cause (the purpose of the object)
Aristotles ideas on knowledge
-knowledge is a physical process that starts with perceiving objects and ends with general knowledge of forms
-special senses (isolated sensory info)
-common sense (combines different sensory input: imagination (interpretation) and episodic memory)
–> sensory perception is always correct, but errors are made in interpretation
potentiality and actuality
-potentiality = possibilities (matter)
-actuality = when possibilities become real (forms)
–> actuality is the highest form of thinking