Privileges and Limitations Flashcards
What privileges apply to a commercial pilot?
A person who holds a commercial pilot certificate may act as PIC of an aircraft:
a. Carrying persons or property for compensation or hire
b. For compensation or hire
Does a commercial pilot certificate allow you to act as a commercial operator?
No, it only allows you to work for a commercial operator and be paid for your service, with certain exceptions.
What are examples of operations that do not require a commercial pilot to possess a “Operating Certificate”?
a. Student instruction
b. Certain nonstop sightseeing flights
c. Ferry Flights
d. Training Flights
e. Crop Dusting
f. Banner Towing
g. Aerial Photography
h. Power line / Pipeline patrol
What does the term “commercial operator” refer to?
A person who, for compensation or hire, engages in the carriage by aircraft in air commerce of persons or property, other than as an air carrier or foreign air carrier.
Define the term “common carriage”
The carriage of passengers or cargo as a result of advertising the availability of the carriage to the public. A carrier becomes a common carrier when it “holds itself out” to the public. The four elements in defining a “common carrier” are:
a. Holding out to the public
b. Transport person or property
c. From place to place
d. For compensation
Define “holding out”.
Offering to the public the carriage of persons and property for hire.
Examples of holding out:
a. Signs and advertising
b. Agents / Salesmen obtaining passenger traffic from the general public.
Define the term “private carriage”.
Carriage for hire that does not involve holding out is “private carriage”. Private carriage for hire is carriage for one or several selected customers, generally on a long-term basis.
What is contained in Part 119?
Cetification: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators
What is contained in Part 121?
Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Operations
What is contained in Part 125?
Certification and Operations: Airplanes having a seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload of 6,000 lbs. or more.
What is contained in Part 135?
Operation Requirements: Commuter and On-Demand Operations
What is contained in Part 137?
Agricultural Aircraft Operations
What limitation is imposed on a commercial airplane pilot if that person does not hold and instrument rating?
a. Cannot carry passengers for hire in airplanes on cross country flights in excess of 50 nautical miles;
b. Cannot carry passengers for hire in airplanes at night.
To act as PIC or in any other capacity as a required flight crew member of a civil aircraft, what must a pilot have in his/her physical possession or readily accessible in the aircraft?
a. A valid pilot certificate
b. Photo identification
c. Current and appropriate medical certificate
If a pilot changes his/her permanent mailing address and fails to notify the FAA, the pilot is entitled to exercise the privileges of the pilot certificate for what period of time?
30 days after the date of the move
If a pilot certificate were lost or destroyed, a pilot could continue to exercise privileges of that certificate provided he/she follows what specific procedure?
a. An application for the replacement of a lost or destroyed airman certificate issues under Part 61 is made by letter to the DOT, FAA and
b. A person who has lost a certificate my obtain a facsimile from the FAA confirming that it was issued. This may be used as a certificate for up to 60 days pending receipt of a duplicate certificate.
To act as PIC of a high-performance aircraft, what flight experience requirements must be met?
A high performance airplane is and airplane with an engine of more than 200 horsepower. To act as PIC of a high-performance airplane a person must have:
a. Received and logged ground and flight training from an authorized instructor in a high-performance airplane, or flight simulator, and
b. Been found proficient in the operation and systems of the airplane; and
c. Received a one-time endorsement in the pilot’s logbook from an authorized instructor
To act as PIC of a pressurized aircraft, what flight experience requirements must be met?
Must receive and log ground and flight training from an authorized instructor and obtained an endorsement in the person’s logbook or training record from an authorized instructor who certifies the person has:
a. satisfactorily accomplished the ground training which includes high-altitude aerodynamics, meteorology, respiration, hypoxia, etc.; and
b. received and logged training in a pressurized aircraft, or in a flight simulator, and obtained an endorsement in the person’s logbook from an authorized instructor who found the person proficient in the operation of pressurized aircraft (must include normal cruise flight above 25,000 feet MSL, emergency procedures for rapid decompression, emergency descent procedures).
To act as PIC of a tailwheel airplane, what flight experience requirements must be met?
Received and logged flight training from an authorized instructor in a tailwheel airplane and received an endorsement in the person’s logbook.
When would a commercial pilot be required to hold a type rating?
a. Large aircraft (gross weight over 12,500 pounds)
b. Turbojet-powered airplanes
c. Other aircraft specified by the Administrator
With respect to certification, privlileges, and limitations of airmen, define the terms “Category, “Class” and “Type.”
Category - a broad classification of aircraft; i.e. airplane, rotorcraft, glider, etc.
Class - a classification of aircraft within a category having similar operating characteristics; i.e., single-engine land, multi-engine land, etc.
Type - a specific make and basic model of aircraft including modifications that do not change its handling or flight characteristics; i.e., DC-9, B-737, etc.
Can a pilot with a commercial certificate and multi-engine land rating carry passengers in a single-engine airplane?
No. The pilot must hold a category, class, and type rating that applies to that aircraft.
Can a commercial pilot carry a passenger in an aircraft operated in formation flight?
No person may operate an aircraft, carrying passengers for hire, in formation flight.
Can a commercial pilot carry passengers in a restricted, limited or experimental category aircraft?
No person may operate a restricted, limited or experimental category aircraft carrying persons or property for hire.
When may a commercial pilot log flight time as second-in-command time?
a. Is qualified according to the second-in-command requirements of 61.55, and occupies a crew-member station in an aircraft that requires more than one pilot by the aircraft’s type certificate; or
b. Holds the appropriate category, class, and instrument rating for the aircraft being flown, and more than one pilot is required under the type certification of the aircraft or the regulations under which the flight is being conducted.
You are currently en route to your destination and the sun has set. When can you begin logging flight time as “night” flight time?
“Night” is defined as the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as published in the American Air Almanac and converted to local time. All flight time that occurs during this period of time is considered “night” flight time.