Private Dwellings Ch. 4 Ladder Op's Flashcards
Immediately upon entering the room from a window, members should make a quick check/sweep of the floor in the hall outside the door for any victims before doing what?
Closing the door. Once this door has been closed, a more detailed search may be permitted. The completely removed window will adequately vent the room and the possibility of pulling fire toward the vented room will have been negated by the closed door.
At a PD fire when the search of a room has been completed after entering from a window what shall be done next?
When the search of the room has been completed, the door shall be kept closed until the main body of fire has been extinguished.
Although balloon framing is very common in Queen Anne homes, many of the older and larger 2½ - 3 story peaked roof private dwellings are built of balloon frame construction. In this type of construction, the 2”x4” exterior wall studs are continuous and extend from the sill (located on the top of the foundation wall), to the top floor ceiling, where they are capped with a top plate. A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an exterior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If none is found, then treat the bldg. as what type of construction?
What type of construction would it be if we found a sole plate?
3.1 & 3.3 Balloon Construction Platform construction ***Platform shoes have Soles*** In platform construction the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor. They are capped at the ceiling level of each floor with a horizontal 2"x4" called a top plate. This construction feature acts effectively as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls.
Who is responsible for shutting down the utilities at a PD fire?
2nd due ladder general responsibilities:
Shut down utilities. Exercise caution when searching for the electric panel.
OFFICER - (First To Arrive)
POSITION: At the entrance door providing access to the fire area. Primary consideration for a fire on the first floor or floors above is the main entrance door to the building. Primary consideration for a fire in the cellar is where?
5.1 A
The entrance door providing quickest access to the fire area.
OFFICER - (First To Arrive)
After gaining entry through the entrance door chosen, the door shall be controlled in a closed position by a member of the interior team. Make sure the door does not lock by either setting the lock device, using a hose strap or tool to keep the door from fully closing. The door shall be controlled until when?
(2 answers)
5.1 A 2
The fire area can be further isolated or a charged hoseline is advancing through the door to extinguish the fire.
At a PD fire what is the tool assignment for the 1st due FE FF?
5.1 C
TOOLS: Axe and halligan.
Portable Ladder Op’s
Roof operations are not an initial consideration at peaked roof dwelling fires. Therefore, the roof firefighter will team up with the OV firefighter to VEIS from the exterior. What is their tool assignment and position?
5.2 A
A. ROOF/OV TEAM - (First To Arrive)
TOOLS: Portable ladder, 6’ halligan hook and/or halligan for each member.
POSITION: As determined by probable life hazard on an upper floor.
Portable Ladder Op’s
When the aerial will not be used what is the 1st due LCC’s assignment?
5.2 B.
CHAUFFEUR - (First To Arrive)
TOOLS: Appropriate size ladder to reach the upper floors, and necessary hand tools.
POSITION: Front or side.
1. If a porch or garage roof will provide access to an upper floor window, a portable ladder may be raised to this roof.
2. If there is no porch, work from an area that provides a physical butt for the ladder, e.g. adjoining building, retaining wall, etc.
When the aerial/tower ladder is going to be used at a PD fire what should the OV/Roof team do prior to using it?
5.3 A 1 & 2
Prior to using the aerial/tower ladder the Roof and/or OV firefighters shall conduct a quick survey around the perimeter of the dwelling to ensure there are no occupants in need of immediate rescue in the rear or on either side of the building. If an aerial ladder operation and/or rescue are indicated, the Roof/OV Team will make entry. Perimeter searches will be communicated and tasked to the second arriving ladder company.
When can the LCC leave the turntable when the aerial/tower ladder is being used at a PD fire?
5.3 B
Once the fire has been controlled and the members inside the building are not in immediate danger that would require the use of the aerial ladder or bucket, enter the dwelling and assist the company with searches or overhauling.
Note: A properly positioned tower ladder can reach the front and side windows on the upper levels. It provides an efficient means of removing victims. Windows can be removed with relative ease and a safe means of egress provided for the members conducting searches on the upper floors.
What is the responsibility and position of the 2nd due Inside team at a PD fire?
- 3 A, B, C
- All floors above the fire. (see exception for cellar fires)
- Primary search.
- Check for fire extension.
Prior to proceeding to the floors above via the interior stairs, notify company officers operating on the fire floor. When operating above the fire floor what shall be secured ASAP?
5.3 A 5
A secondary means of egress should be secured as soon as possible.
At a top floor fire the 2nd due ladder Officer shall ensure what?
What shall the 2nd due Ladder Officer do at a top floor fire in attached PD’s?
5.3 A 6
At top floor fires, check floors below to ensure fire did not start on or drop down to lower floors. Be available to assist or relieve the first ladder on the top floor. Members must remain on the floor below until needed. The stair or hallway leading to upper floors must be maintained clear to support all egress actions. At top floor fires in attached PD’s, examine exposures for possible extension.
Portable Ladder Op’s
2nd due Roof/OV team shall conduct an outside survey and VEIS areas not covered by the first arriving outside team. If there is no visible life hazard, perform VEIS of an area on an upper floor which is most likely to be occupied. What shall the 2nd due Roof/OV team be assigned to do when necessary?
- 6 A 2
- The 2nd due Roof/OV team should be assigned to vent the roof when necessary.
- Vent roof as directed by the Ladder Company Officer operating inside the fire area to be vented.
When the 1st due Roof/OV team is operating from the Aerial/Tower Ladder where shall the 2nd due Roof/OV team operate from?
5.7 & 5.8
When the first arriving Roof/OV team is using the aerial/tower ladder for VEIS, the second arriving Roof/OV team shall survey the sides and rear of the building and will operate with portable ladders on upper floors in areas with the greatest possible life hazard.
If the second arriving apparatus will not be used to ladder the building, where shall the LCC operate?
5.7 & 5.8
If the second arriving apparatus will not be used to ladder the building, contact the first arriving ladder chauffeur to determine if assistance is required. Operate as ordered by the company officer.
Physically cutting and opening the roof is usually not considered an initial operation at peaked roof dwelling fires. The venting or removing of attic windows or louvers is frequently sufficient for ventilation purposes. When required, however, it is normally assigned to the second arriving ladder company. If roof skylights are found, they should be vented prior to cutting the roof only when directed by the ladder company officer operating in the fire area. What is the order of preference for roof access at a PD fire?
- 1
- Tower Ladder
- Aerial Ladder,
- Portable Ladder
When possible, the preferred position of the Tower Ladder apparatus is ________ to the front of building, so the basket can be placed over the corner of the building near the peak of the roof.
Fill in the blank
6.2 A
The turntable should be positioned to enable the basket to cover two sides. This would facilitate:
-Rescue of occupants or operating forces at 2nd and 3rd floor levels.
-Ventilation of the front and side.
-Entering the upper floors when stairs are unusable.
-Overhauling difficult to reach or unstable areas.
Position the Aerial Ladder apparatus to facilitate raising and extending the ladder over the corner of the building. This permits maximum coverage of the front and one side of the building. Extend ladder at least __ above and to one side of the peak.
Fill in the blank
6.2 B
5 feet
This will:
-Ensure easy mounting and dismounting from the aerial.
-Ensure that the ladder will be visible in heavy smoke conditions.
-Prevent members from passing directly in front of and over the upper window as they ascend the ladder. This ladder placement will prevent members from being directly exposed in the event fires were to vent out of this window
If the Aerial Ladder or Tower Ladder Bucket cannot be placed in the preferred position for roof access, where shall they be placed in regards to the roof?
6.2 A & B
Position the Aerial Ladder or TL Bucket in the “valley” area where a hook ladder can be used to reach the peak.
A ___ extension ladder may be raised to a dormer roof or into the valley on the side of the dormer where a hook ladder can be used to reach the peak.
Fill in the blank
6.2 C
35 foot
The initial ventilation hole on a peaked roof PD shall be made where?
6.3 A
The first hole should be made at the main gable.
-A center hall usually follows the same direction as the main gable.
-A hole at the main gable, with the ceiling pushed down, when directed by the ladder company officer will vent the blind attic space, the knee walls and the attic hall and rooms below, allowing rapid line advancement and search by the inside team.
When cutting a peaked roof with an axe. Working from a position straddling the peak, cut a hole over the fire, parallel to and on the ___ side of the ridge.
Fill in the blank
6.3 B
-The size of the opening is limited by the member’s reach and maneuverability, but will generally be about 2’ x 3’.
-A 6’ hook (10’ for a Queen Anne) should be brought to the roof to push down the ceiling on the top floor after the roof hole has been cut.
Slate and tile add a substantial ____ load to the roof and may be slippery due to moss or moisture. Fire may be hidden beneath these type roofs, and joists may be close to the point of failure. The added ____ load of a firefighter may cause the roof to collapse.
Fill in the blanks
6.3 C
Dead load
Live load
What is the tool assignment for the 1st due roof FF at a flat roof PD?
7.1 A
ROOF FIREFIGHTER - (First to Arrive)
TOOLS: Halligan, 6’ halligan hook and life saving rope.
Note: Life saving rope should be taken to the roof when there will be a delay in laddering the rear of the building due to attached exposures and/or the height of the building requires the LSR.
If conditions negate the use of the aerial, tower ladder, or portable ladder, what is another option for the Roof FF to gain access to the roof via an attached exposure?
7.1 A
Another option is to take the scissor ladder to a similar uninvolved attached exposure top floor to gain access to the roof via the scuttle.
Note: Use of an attached exposure for interior access to the roof depends on the type of building construction. In attached wood frame type P.D.’s the immediate adjoining building should not be used due to the possibility of cockloft involvement. For attached P.D.’s of ordinary brick construction
where firewalls exist between buildings, choose the building offering the easiest access to its interior. Familiarity with a unit’s response area will provide for effective operations.
What is the tool assignment of the 2nd due roof FF at a flat roof PD?
7.2 A
ROOF FIREFIGHTER - (Second To Arrive)
TOOLS: 6’ halligan hook & saw.
Due to the number of firefighters that may be needed for portable ladder rescue and the number of sleeping areas that may have to be entered and searched, it is good practice to special call what?
An additional ladder company. The Incident Commander will make this decision based upon conditions encountered. Roof ventilation at this type of fire is normally not an initial consideration. It is generally performed by a later arriving unit.
For cellar and first floor fires, the Roof/OV team of the first arriving ladder company will conduct a survey around the perimeter of the dwelling for occupants in need of immediate rescue. If no visible life hazard is found, they shall VEIS what location?
The first floor windows and assist in searches. Prior to conducting any horizontal ventilation tactics from the exterior, the member(s) shall request permission from the Ladder Company officer operating in the fire area in order to coordinate ventilation tactics with interior operations. They must ensure that all bedrooms on the first floor are searched quickly. After completion of first floor, they should VEIS the second floor if the second ladder company has not yet arrived.
Cellar fires require a coordinated size-up and communication by the Engine and Ladder Officers, who should communicate their findings to each other. After size-up, the first hoseline should be stretched to the fire area via the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the cellar in order to rapidly control and extinguish the main body of fire. The first ladder inside team should proceed to the same entrance as the first hoseline, to provide entry for the engine company.
When will the inside team of the ladder company perform VEIS duties?
Once the cellar fire is controlled, the inside team is in position to perform VEIS duties.
When no hoseline is immediately available, and if fire conditions permit, a decision may be made by the first ladder officer to advance down the cellar stairs. In this instance, the first ladder company inside team should descend to conduct a rapid primary search of the cellar for victims and to locate and confine the fire. What is essential when searching without the protection of a hoseline?
One member should remain at the top of the cellar stairs to control the door. Door control at the top of the cellar stairs is essential when searching without the protection of a hoseline to ensure ladder company members do not create a flowpath which can dramatically change conditions in the cellar.
A secondary entrance should be used for access to the cellar if it provides what?
What type of door is excluded?
A secondary entrance (excluding Bilco style doors) should be used for access to the cellar if it provides the quickest access point for attack on the fire. After an initial size-up, the first ladder inside team should proceed to the entrance that provides the quickest access to the cellar, to provide entry for the engine and the quick application of water on the main body of fire. The ladder company shall maintain door control until a charged hoseline advances via the secondary entrance.
When entering the cellar via a secondary entrance, there is often an interior door that leads to the first floor at the top of the stairs. If this door is found open, it should be closed to reduce the amount of oxygen feeding the fire and prevent a potential flowpath for the fire. The officer should communicate the status of this door to who?
The officer should communicate the status of this door to the second ladder officer and the IC.
When the decision has been made to advance the first hoseline through the main entrance and down the interior cellar stairs to extinguish the fire; what shall be performed prior to the 1st due Ladder descending into the cellar?
The first arriving ladder company inside team will perform a primary search of the first floor prior to descending into the cellar to perform the primary
search and examination of the cellar.
If the engine company requires assistance in order to advance the line through the cellar, and the 1st due ladder inside team is performing a primary search of the 1st floor who shall assist the engine?
One member of the interior team shall be sent to provide assistance, while the ladder company officer and the other member complete the primary search of the first floor.
Members opening knee walls in attic spaces should avoid opening walls near the _____. Fire venting from these openings could block members egress.
Fill in the blank
Due to the limited means of access to most attics, the ladder company must be prepared to assist the engine company in alternate means of getting water on the fire. This can be achieved by opening up a __ section of the ceiling on the floor below. The engine company could then operate from a small extension ladder to sweep the attic space with
the hoseline.If wood is encountered when making the initial opening, you may have encountered an attic catwalk. Shifting about _____ feet to one side and making another opening may avoid this type of obstruction. The bent tip and/or cockloft nozzle may also be used effectively in this situation.
11.3 & 11.4