Engine Op's Ch. 9 STDP Operations Flashcards
Tall buildings are not the only structures equipped with standpipes. Requirements for the installation of standpipe systems are predicated on several factors. The primary factors are the ______ and ____ of the structure.
Fill in the blanks
Height and area
Buildings that require a stretch of less than three lengths of hose should be included in CIDS for this specific reason.
True or false
More than three lengths
The stretching of occupant use hose by ladder and rescue companies operating remotely from an engine company while performing searches, may be justified in an attempt to knock down and control the fire.
True or false
To save lives
Siamese connections are color coded for ease of identification. Either the caps or the entire siamese connection may be painted. Standpipe siamese connections are painted red. For reference, the other colors used and what they indicate are as follows: Red Green Aluminum Yellow
9.3.2 Red Standpipe Green Automatic Sprinkler System Aluminum Non-automatic Sprinkler or Perforated Pipe Yellow Combination Sprinkler/Standpipe
If no color coding is present on the siamese how can we identify what system it supplies?
If no color coding is present, each siamese connection should be identifiable as to the type of system it supplies. This information is usually embossed or stamped on a plate or the siamese connection itself.
Standpipe systems should always be supplied with what size hose?
Standpipe systems should always be supplied with 3 1/2” hose.
Whenever possible, standpipe systems should be supplied by how many pumpers?
Whenever possible, standpipe systems should be supplied by at least two different pumpers.
Whenever possible, standpipe systems should be supplied through at least two independent siamese connections. If there is only a single siamese connection, a second supply line can be attached to where?
9.3.5 &9.3.6
The first floor outlet. Additional floor outlets can be supplied if required. If a standpipe system is to be supplied via a floor outlet, proper fittings must be employed to attach the 3 1/2” hose to the 2 1/2” outlet threads. In addition, if a pressure reducing/restricting device (PRD) is found on the standpipe outlet, it should be removed. If the PRD cannot be removed, and there is no other outlet available without a PRD, than it is permissible to use an outlet with a PRD.
As a general rule, there should be a separate engine company supplying the standpipe system for what?
Each hoseline placed in service.
If a building is equipped with both a standpipe system and automatic sprinklers, the first supply line must be attached to the standpipe siamese. The ECC supplying the system must verify that it is attached to the correct siamese connection. If the first due engine is supplying both the standpipe and sprinkler systems, what Must the second and third due engine companies do?
The second and third due engine companies must stretch additional lines to augment both systems.
Difficulties may be encountered with siamese connections. These difficulties include missing caps, defective threads, debris stuffed into the connection, tight caps, female swivels out-of-round, frozen female swivels, and clappers either broken or jammed open. Never insert any part of your hand inside the connection to clear debris. In addition to broken glass and sharp metal edges, junkies have been known to store or discard hypodermic needles inside siamese connections.
What are 2 remedies that can be used to prevent the outflow of water due to a malfunctioning clapper valve?
A spare 3” male cap should be carried by all engine companies in the event it becomes necessary to cap one side of the siamese connection to prevent an outflow of water due to a malfunctioning clapper valve. Immediately stretching and connecting a second 3 1/2” line is another remedy for this problem.
The pump discharge pressure for each hoseline attached to a standpipe system is ___ psi plus _ psi for each floor above grade. This assumes two lengths of 3 1/2” hose between the pumper and the siamese, three lengths of 2 1/2” hose attached to the standpipe outlet, and the use of a controlling nozzle with a 1 1/8” MST.
Fill in the blanks
Standpipe Kit. Each engine company shall carry a “standpipe kit” with the following minimum basic complement of tools:
9.1.4 A.
2 1/2” controlling nozzle with 1 1/8” main stream tip and 1/2” outer stream tip.
Hand control wheel(s) for outlet valve.
2 1/2” x 2 1/2” in-line pressure gauge.
Pipe wrench (minimum 18” in length).
Spanner wrenches.
Door chocks.
Special adapters as required. For example, some buildings may contain floor outlet valves with non-New York City threads. Adapters for connecting FDNY 2 1/2” hose to National Standard Thread or National Pipe Thread may be required.
Due to the complexity of supplying and stretching from standpipe systems, the first and second due engine companies will always do what action?
Operate together in order to ensure prompt and efficient placement of the first hoseline.
The officer and control firefighter from the second due engine company should relieve the first due control firefighter at the hose outlet and communicate with the first due engine officer to ensure that adequate pressure is supplied to the nozzle. It remains the first due engine control firefighter’s responsibility to ensure a proper hook-up to the hose outlet, including connection of any necessary fittings and adapters, as well as removal of the PRD. What should ALWAYS be used when stretching a line from the STDP?
The in-line pressure gauge should always be used to ensure correct nozzle pressure and a good fire stream
As a rule of thumb three lengths of 2 1/2” hose requires __ psi at the outlet and four lengths of 2 1/2” hose requires __ psi at the outlet WITH WATER FLOWING.
Fill in the blanks