Engine Ops. Ch. 5 Personnel Assignments Flashcards
If the entrance door to the fire area (for example: this may be the apartment door in a multiple dwelling or a bedroom door in a private dwelling) is found open by the engine officer and entry is not possible, what should the engine officer do?
It should be closed immediately to control the flowpath, preventing the products of combustion from entering the hallway and contaminating the upper floors and preventing the escape or removal of civilians from above the fire. Door control is critical to the safety of any firefighters operating on the floors above the fire.
Prior to opening the door to the fire area for advancement of the line, the engine officer must assure what?
That no firefighters will be exposed in the hallway or on the stairs above as the fire attack is initiated. This can be done via handie-talkie or in person. When the door to a fire area or fire apartment is opened, particularly in buildings equipped with thermal pane windows that have not self vented, there exists the possibility that fire will flash outward and upward and seriously expose
or burn any firefighters operating in unprotected positions above the fire.
The nozzle team must begin every interior fire attack through the door to the fire area crouched low, near the floor, under what conditions?
Regardless of conditions. A sudden ceiling collapse, rapid self-venting or a fire driven by wind could create a blowtorch effect at the entrance door and seriously injure any firefighter in its path. After entry is made into the fire area, the engine officer can evaluate conditions and adjust or modify the method of advance used.
Engine company officers should develop a communication system with the nozzle firefighter for use when voice communications are impaired due to stream impact noise, power saw operations, opening up and ventilation noise. The following system of touch signals can be used in conjunction with verbal commands to relay orders:
- 1.19
- -One or two slaps on the back or shoulder.
- -Tug or pull on the arm or nozzle, either left or right.
- -Steady push on back or mask cylinder.
- -Pull back on shoulder, bunker coat or mask assembly.
If an emergency situation develops which requires the immediate withdrawal of the nozzle team, the officer or other member aware of the situation should indicate this fact by using what signal?
Four (4) strong slaps on the shoulder of the other members and then pull them in the direction of retreat.
When conditions permit, the engine officer may order a fog or broken stream directed out a window in the fire area to assist in removal of heat and smoke conditions. This action will also make search and overhaul operations easier. If the main stream tip (MST) was used to extinguish the fire, an effective broken stream can be produced for venting purposes by removing the tip and partially shutting down the control handle. The stream is directed out the selected window with the nozzle held __-__ feet back from the window and the stream filling the opening.
Fill in the blanks
Decisions that may be delegated by the engine officer to the nozzle team include:
Tactics that ECC’s must be capable of performing include:
5.2.8 Note:
The nozzle firefighter should complete donning all required protective equipment including opening of the mask air cylinder and activation of the PASS device, before or after flaking out the line?
After flaking out the line in preparation for its advance.
When can the nozzle FF enter the fire area without water?
The nozzle firefighter should never enter the fire area without water. To do so could allow the fire to rapidly extend and overtake the nozzle team causing burns to them and any firefighters operating behind or above them.
When preparing to enter the fire area with a charged hoseline, the nozzle firefighter should ensure that if an adjustable fog/straight stream tip is being used, it is in the straight stream position (rotated to the ______). If the solid stream tip is
being used what must be removed?
Fill in the blank and answer question
the 1/2 inch outer stream tip (OST)
As the attack line is advanced into the fire area, the floor must be swept with the stream. This action cools hot plaster or burning debris and removes other potentially dangerous objects such as broken glass and drug paraphernalia from the path of the advancing firefighters. What does a change in the sound of the stream indicate as it sweeps the floor?
A change in the sound of the stream as it sweeps the floor could indicate the presence of an opening such as a hole, a stairway or an elevator shaft.
The manner in which a firefighter physically advances the hoseline may depend on the conditions encountered. There are several methods that can be used, each with their own advantages. When should we use the crawling method?
The manner in which a firefighter physically advances the hoseline may depend on the conditions encountered. There are several methods that can be used, each with their own advantages. When should we use the duck walking method?
The manner in which a firefighter physically advances the hoseline may depend on the conditions encountered. There are several methods that can be used, each with their own advantages. When should we use the leg (forward) outstretched method?
The stream should not be operated directly overhead. This can cause hot water and debris to fall on the firefighters below. There are, however, two emergency situations which may justify this tactic:
They are?
5.3.15 E.
What is the cardinal rule of Engine Operations?
A cardinal rule of engine operations is DON’T PASS FIRE.
If it becomes necessary to withdraw an attack hoseline from a position due to fire intensity, the FF’s withdrawing the hoseline must do what?
The stream must be kept in operation and the line should be backed out. Firefighters withdrawing a hoseline from an interior position should never turn
their backs on the fire.
What is a major function of the back-up position?
A major function of the back-up position is to flake out the hoseline while waiting for water and to facilitate the hoselines advance once it is charged.
When the nozzle firefighter wants to change the direction or elevation of the stream , the back-up member must maneuver the section of hose behind the nozzle firefighter in what direction?
The opposite direction. The back up member must stay alert to the intentions of the nozzle firefighter and be able to quickly reposition behind that member.
The door position must not push the hoseline to the nozzle team, but instead provide enough slack in the line so that they can advance easily. they shall maintain what in the section of hoseline between the door and the nozzle team?
5.5.4 & 5.5.5
The door firefighter should maintain a bow or rise in the section of hoseline between the door and the nozzle team. This tactic will allow the door firefighter to monitor the advance of the nozzle team by observing the straightening of the hoseline. As the hose straightens the member restores the bow in the line.
The last firefighter on the hoseline occupies the most important control position. The control firefighter’s primary function is to assure what?
That the correct amount of hose is stretched in order that the nozzle reaches the seat of the fire.
After completing the initial hose estimate, the control firefighter must eliminate kinks in the charged hoseline while moving toward the fire area. This may require repositioning of hose in halls and stairways and straightening any bends that are restricting the water flow. It must be remembered that a single 90o kink in an 1 3/4 inch hoseline can result in a loss of __ gpm or more. Successive kinks in a hoseline produces an accumulative affect on reducing flow and a hoseline with 3 kinks, for example, could lose __ gpm or more, resulting in an ineffective and unsafe fire stream.
Fill in the blanks
The specific duties of the second arriving engine officer are?
(4 answers)
5.7.2 :
What shall the 2nd due ECC do prior to assisting the 1st due ECC?
The second arriving ECC shall:
When Signal 10-70 is transmitted, the dispatcher will designate the second arriving engine company as the “Water Resource Unit.” They must be prepared to initiate water supply operations compatible with conditions encountered at the scene. Their primary objective is to do what?
Assist the first arriving engine to obtain a positive water source.