Priority Flashcards
Known as RA 7586
National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 1992
Known as RA 11038
Expanded NIPAS Act of 2018
Known as RA 9147
Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001
Known as RA 9072
National Caves and Cave Resources Management and Protection Act of 2001
RA 8550 and RA 10654
Ph Fisheries Code of 1998
RA 8371
Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997
RA 7942
Philippine Mining Act of 1995
RA 9275
Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
RA 9003
Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
P.D 389 and P.D 705
Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines (1974)
Revised Forestry Code of 1975
R.A 10068
Organic Agriculture Act of 2010
Objectives of RA 1947
(1) Species and Habitat Conservation
(2) Regulation of Trade and Collection of Wildlife
(3) Compliance with International Treaty Obligations
(4) Knowledge-building
Scope of RA 9147
All wildlife species found in
- NIPAS areas and critical habitats
- Exotic species in PH
What permit is required in the Collection of Wildlife in Section 7 of RA 9147
Wildlife Collectors Permit (WCP)
Section 8 – Possession of Wildlife
- No person or entity shall be allowed possession of wildlife unless they can prove ______________. Provided ____
What permit must be required
Financial and technical capability and facility; was not obtained in violation
Certificate of Wildlife Registration (CWR)
Section 9 – Collection and/or Possession of By-products and Derivatives states that _______
Permit: Certificate of Wildlife Registration (CWR)
May be collected/possessed provided that it was not obtained in violation of this act
Permit - Certificate of Wildlife Registration (CWR)
Section 10 – Local Transport of Wildlife, By-Products and Derivatives
Shall be authorized unless the same is prejudicial to the
Wildlife and Public Health
Local Transport Permit
Section 11 – Exportation and/or Importation of Wildlife
Must be authorized by ___?
And provided they are technically and financially capable
Permit required
Secretary (either or both secretary of denr and sec of dept. of agriculture) or designated representative
Import/export/re-export permits (Non CITES/CITES
CITES meaning
(the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
Section 12 – Introduction, Reintroduction, or Restocking of Endemic or Indigenous Wildlife shall be allowed only for ______________
Shall be subjected to scientific study focused on _______
Shall conduct _______ with concerned individuals or entities
Requirement needed
Population enhancement of recovery processes
Public consultations
Clearance from the Secretary upon recommendation of NWMC/RWMC
Section 13. Introduction of Exotic Wildlife
No exotic species shall be introduced unless ______________
In no case shall exotic species be introduced into protected areas covered by Republic Act no _______ and to critical habitats under ____
Clearance from the Secretary upon recommendation of NWMC/RWMC
7586; section 25
Means the research, collection, and utilization of biological and genetic resources for purposes of applying the knowledge derived therefrom solely for commercial purposes
Section 14 – Bioprospecting requires this ____
Clearance from the Secretary upon recommendation of NWMC/RWMC
Means permit issued to any individual or entity engaged in noncommercial scientific or educational undertaking to collect wildlife
Gratuitous Permit
Section 15 – Scientific researches on Wildlife – if done for commercial purposes – needs
1. .
2. .
3. If foreign applicatns?
- Clearance from Secretary/authorized rep
- Wildlife Gratuitous Permit (WGP)
- A local institution should be actively involved
According to RA 9147, Section 27a. Killing and destroying wildlife is allowed if
According to Section 28, What are the corresponding penalties/fines
- Religious rituals of ICCs and established tribal groups
- Wildlife with incurable communicable disease
- Put an end to misery
- Danger to life or limb of human being
- Killed during authorized research
a. Critically Endangered
Imprisonment – 6 yrs & 1 day to 12 yrs
Fine – 100k – 1M pesos
b. Endangered
Imprisonment – 4yrs & 1 day to 6 yrs
Fine – 50k – 500k
c. Vulnerable
Imprisonment 2 yrs & 1 day to 4 yrs
Fine – 30k to 300k
d. Other Threatened Species
Imprisonmetn – 1 yr & 1 day to 2 yrs
Fine – 20k to 200k
e. Non-threatened species
Imprisonment – 6 months & 1 day to 1 yr
Fine – 10k to 100k
According to RA 9147, Section 27 – what are illegal (a-I or 9)
a. Killing/ destroying
b. Injury that impairs reproductive system
c. Effecting any critical habitats
d. Intro, reintro, or restocking of wildlife resources
e. Trading of wildlife
f. Collecting, hunting, or possessing wildlife, their by products and derivatives
g. Gathering or destroying of active nests, nest trees, host plants and the like
h. Maltreating and/or inflicting other injuries not covered by the preceding paragraph; and
i. Transporting of wildlife
According to RA 9147, Section 27C – what are the acts prohibited in critical habitiats (6)
Dumping waste products detrimental to wildlife; squatting or occupying any portion; mineral exploration/extraction; burning; logging; quarryingo
According to RA 9147, Section 27b. inflicting injury that cripples and/or impairs the reproductive system of wildlife species
According to Sectio 28, What are the corresponding penalties/fines
a. Critically Endangered
Imprisonment – 4 yrs & 1 day to 6 yrs
Fine – 50k – 500k pesos
b. Endangered
Imprisonment – 2yrs & 1 day to 4 yrs
Fine – 30k – 200k
c. Vulnerable
Imprisonment 1 yr & 1 day to 2 yrs
Fine – 20k to 200k
d. Other Threatened Species
Imprisonmetn – 6 months & 1 day to 1 yr
Fine – 10k to 50k
e. Non-threatened species
Imprisonment – 1 month to 6 month
Fine – 5k to 20k
Fines and Penalty – According to RA 9147, Section 28c Effecting any critical habitats and 28d - Intro, reintro, or restocking
Imprisonment – 1 month to 8 yrs
Fine – 5k – 5,000,000
Fines and Penalty – According to RA 9147, Section 28e, trading of wildlife
a. Critically Endangered
Imprisonment – 2 yrs & 1 day to 4 yrs
Fine – 5k – 300k pesos
b. Endangered
Imprisonment – 1yrs & 1 day to 2 yrs
Fine – 2k – 200k
c. Vulnerable
Imprisonment 6 months & 1 day to 1 yr
Fine – 1k to 100k
d. Other Threatened Species
Imprisonment – 1 months & 1 day to 6 months
Fine – 500 to 50k
e. Non-threatened species
Imprisonment – 10 days to 1 month
Fine – 200 to 20k
Fines and Penalty – According to RA 9147, Section 28f, Collecting, hunting, or possessing wildlife, their by products and derivatives; 28g.Gathering or destroying of active nests, nest trees, host plants and the like;
a. Critically Endangered
Imprisonment – 2 yrs & 1 day to 4 yrs
Fine – 30k – 300k pesos
b. Endangered
Imprisonment – 1yrs & 1 day to 2 yrs
Fine – 20k – 200k
c. Vulnerable
Imprisonment 6 months & 1 day to 1 yr
Fine – 10k to 100k
d. Other Threatened Species
Imprisonment – 1 months & 1 day to 6 months
Fine – 5kto 50k
e. Non-threatened species
Imprisonment – 10 days to 1 month
Fine – 1k to 5k
Provided, that in the case of paragraph f, where the acts were perpetuated through the means of inappropriate techniques and devices, the maximum penalty herein provided shall be imposed.
Fines and Penalty – According to RA 9147, Section 28h Maltreating and/or inflicting other injuries not covered by the preceding paragraph; and 28i Transporting of wildlife
a. Critically Endangered
Imprisonment – 6 months & 1 day to 1 yr
Fine – 50k – 100k pesos
b. Endangered
Imprisonment – 3months & 1 day to 6 months
Fine – 20k – 50k
c. Vulnerable
Imprisonment 1 month & 1 day to 3 months
Fine – 5k to 20k
d. Other Threatened Species
Imprisonment – 10 days to 1 month
Fine – 1k to 5k
e. Non-threatened species
Imprisonment – 5 days to 10 days
Fine – 200 to 1k
The fines prescribed shall be increased by atleast ____% to compensate for inflation and maintain deterrent function of such fines.