PPA at a Glance Flashcards
Under the ENIPAS, there are ___ legislated PAs, ___ proclaimed PAs, and ___ Initial Components
107, 13, 124
How many hectares is the terrestrial PA
4.64 million ha
How many hectares is the marine PA
What are the three most common types of PAs in the PH and their corresponding percentages
- Watershed Forest Reserve (20.1%)
- Protected Landscape (14.3%)
- National Parks (13.5%)
What three regions have the highest number of PAs in the PH
- Region 5 (Bicol) - 26
- Region 3 (Central Luzon) - 24
- Region 4b (MIMAROPA) - 23
What three regions have the highest land areas (in million hectares)
- Region 4b - 2. 34 mi
- Region 2 (Cagayan Valley) - 999 320
- Region 7 (Central Visayas) - 637, 892
It is notable for being the sole transboundary [protected area spanning across four regions (2,3,4b,5)
Philippine Marine Resource Reserve
a relatively large area not materially altered by human activity where extractive resource uses are not allowed and is maintained to protect outstanding natural and scenic areas of national or international significance for scientific, educational and recreational use. Examples: Mount Isarog Natural Park (Camarines Sur) and Apo Reef Natural Park (Occidental Mindoro)
Natural Park
a relatively small area focused on the protection of small features to protect or preserve nationally significant natural features on account of their special interest or unique characteristics. Examples: Bessang Pass Natural Monument/Landmark (Ilocos Sur) and Chocolate Hills Natural Monument (Bohol)
Natural Monument/Landmark
land of the public domain classified as such in the Constitution which include all areas under the NIPAS, primarily designated for the conservation of native plants and animals, their associated habitats and cultural diversity. Examples: Paoay Lake National Park (Ilocos Norte) and Hundred Islands National Park (Pangasinan)
National Park
an area which assures the natural conditions necessary to protect nationally significant species, group of species, biotic communities or physical features of the environment which may require specific human manipulations for their perpetuation. Examples: Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary (Agusan del Sur) and Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary (Tawi-Tawi)
Wildlife Sanctuary
area of national significance which is characterized by the harmonious interaction of man and land and water while providing opportunities for public enjoyment through recreation, tourism and other economic activities. Examples: Taal Volcano Protected Landscape (Batangas), Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (Sarangani) and Batanes Protected Landscape and Seascape (Batanes)
Protected Landscape and/or Seascape
an extensive, relatively isolated, and uninhabited area which is difficult to access and is designated to protect the natural resources of the area for future use and prevent or contain development activities that could affect the resources, pending the establishment of sustainable resource utilization goals which are based upon appropriate information and planning. Examples: Upper Agno River Basin Resource Reserve (Benguet, Ifugao and Nueva Vizcaya) and Siocon Resource Reserve (Zamboanga Del Norte)
Resource Reserve
an area set aside to allow the way of life of societies living in harmony with the environment to adapt to modern technology at their pace. Examples: Buug Natural Biotic Area (Zamboanga Sibugay) and Basilan Natural Biotic Area (Basilan)
Natural Biotic Area
a type of marine protected area in which removing or destroying natural or cultural resources is prohibited. Examples: Palaui Island Marine Reserve (Cagayan) and Sagay Marine Reserve (Negros Occidental)
Marine Reserve
an area containing predominantly unmodified natural systems managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems and to ensure long-term protection and maintenance of biological diversity, while providing at the same time a sustainable flow of natural products and services to meet community needs. Example: El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area (Palawan)
Managed Resource Protected Area
a forest land designated for the protection of game animals, birds and fish, and closed to hunting and fishing in order that the excess population may flow and restock surrounding areas. Examples: Lake Malimanga Bird and Fish Sanctuary (Zambales) and Lake Buluan Game Refuge and Bird Sanctuary (North Cotabato)
Game Refuge and Bird/Fish Sanctuary
a forest land reservation established to protect, maintain or improve water yield and provide restraining mechanisms for inappropriate forest exploitation and disruptive land use
means a large, contiguous area of highly or very highly
erodible soils that is protected from development and retained in forest cover to provide longterm water supply
Examples: Angat Watershed Forest Reserve (Bulacan) and Infanta Watershed Forest Reserve (Quezon)
Watershed Forest Reserve
a forest land reservation established to protect, maintain or improve water yield and provide restraining mechanisms for inappropriate forest exploitation and disruptive land use
thereof sedimentation
Examples: Naguilian Watershed Reservation (La Union) and Lake Lanao Watershed Reservation (Lanao del Sur)
Watershed Reserve
area managed mainly for wilderness protection. Large area of unmodified or slightly modified land, and/or sea, retaining its natural character and influence, without permanent or significant habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural condition. Examples: Dampalit Island Wilderness Area (Masbate) and Bantayan Island Wilderness Area (Cebu)
Wilderness Area
mangrove area of the public domain which is declared and determined to be needed for conservation and protection purposes. Examples: Sibuyan Island Mangrove Swamp Forest Reserve (Romblon) and Entire Province of Palawan as Mangrove Swamp Forest Reserve (Palawan)
Mangrove Swamp Forest Reserve
is the largest Protected Area in the Philippines with contiguous tropical rainforest. The area is also the richest in terms of genetic, species, and habitat diversity in the country. It stretches along the eastern side of Northern Luzon (Region II) and the eastern part of Isabela province
It is within the _________ SMBGZ
Protected Area by virtue of Republic Act ______ in 2001
Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park
within the Sierra Madre Biogeographic Zone (SMBGZ)
It is the second largest contiguous coral reef in the world and the largest one in the Philippines.
Apo Reef
The ________ protects the second largest contiguous coral reef in the world and serves as a sanctuary for many species.
What are the three parts of this PA? What is the largest among the three?
Apo Reef Natural Park
Apo Reef, Binangaan, Cayos del Bajo
refers to that portion of the public domain which has been set aside, in view of the suitability of its topography and vegetation, for the raising of livestock.
Grazing land
refers to any off-shore area inhabited by rare and unique species of marine
flora and fauna.
Marine park
refers to any public shore area delimited for outdoor recreation, sports
fishing, water skiing and related healthful activities.
Seashore park
is a land area drained by a stream or fixed body of water and its tributaries
having a common outlet for surface run-off.
is defined as any surface area from which runoff resulting from rainfall is collected and drained through a common point.
are natural or managed areas used to protect an ecosystem or critical area from adjacent land uses or sources of pollution.
Buffer Zones
Species or subspecies of flora and fauna which do not naturally occur within the protected area at present or in historical time.
Exotic species
refers to the variability among the living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems
Biological diversity or biodiversity
refers to the research, collection, and utilization of biological and genetic resources for purposes of applying the knowledge derived therefrom solely for commercial purposes;
refers to the actual ground survey of the boundaries of protected areas and their buffer zones and management and management zones using the global positioning system (GPS) or other applicable survey instruments and technologies, with the intention of producing a map of the area;
refers to the establishment of the boundaries of protected areas and their buffer zones using visible markers, monuments, buoys in case of marine areas, and known natural features and landmarks, among others, as a result of the actual ground delineation
refer to the species or subspecies of flora and fauna which do not naturally occur within the protected area at present or in historical time
Exotic species
refers to the special account established for the purpose of financing projects of the NIPAS and individual protected areas
Integrated Protected Area Fund (IPAF)
refers to species introduced deliberately or unintentionally outside their natural habitats where they have the ability to establish themselves, invade, outcompete native species, and take over the new environment;
Invasive alien species
refers to the slash-and-burn cultivation of vegetated land in a protected area, whether occupied or not, shifting and permanent with little or no provision to prevent soil erosion;
refers to wide variety of inland habitats such as marshes, peatlands, floodplains, rivers and lakes, and coastal areas such as saltmarshes, mangroves, intertidal mudfats and seagrass beds, and also coral reefs and other marine areas no deeper than six (6) meters at low, as well as human-made wetlands such as dams, reservoirs, rice paddies and wastewater treatment ponds and lagoons;
refers to the wild forms and varieties of flora and fauna, in all developmental stages, including those who which are in capacity or are being bred, fed, or propagated; and
refers to the process of extracting, removing, and disposing sand gravel, guano, limestone, and all other resources used as building and construction materials that are found within the protected area
refers to gathering, collecting, or possessing products or natural resources from the protected area by any individual person, corporation or entity whether local or foreign; in the case of marine protected areas, operating any foreign fishing vessels by any person, corporation , or entity without a permit;
CITES meaning
Convention on International Trades of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
primary taxonomic unit of organism
Which two committees can recommend if other threatened species to be included in the threatened species list
PH Red list Committee (PRLC) and National Wildlife Management Committee (NWMC)
also called the Biodiversity Treaty
The Convention has three main goals: the conservation of biological diversity; the sustainable use of its components; and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic
It was signed with Ph and ___ states in 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro
Convention on Biological Diversity
It is the only global environment treaty that deals with a particular ecosytem
RAMSAR Convention or the Convention on Wetlands
It aims to build and strengthen global conservation efforts for migratory species in the air, on land, and in the seas.
It is also known as the Bonn Convention
Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)
supplementary agreement to the
CBD that seeks to protect biodiversity from the potential risks posed by genetically modified
organisms (GMO) resulting from modern biotechnology.
Cartagena Protocol
The document emphasizes the rights of IPs to maintain and strengthen their
own institutions, cultures, and traditions to pursue their development in keeping their own needs
and aspirations. This declaration addresses both individual and collective rights, cultural rights
and identity, rights to education, health, employment, language, and others. It also asserts that
indigenous peoples and individuals have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination in the
exercise of their rights.
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP)
The objectives of the Treaty are similar to that of the CBD but focus on plant genetic resources important to food and agriculture.
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
This is an international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that international
trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. CITES
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
The DENR through the (4) are the CITES Management Authorities in the
country, while the (4) are
the Philippines’ CITES Scientific Authorities.
Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB), DA-BFAR (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources), and the PCSD (Palawan Council of Sustainable Development)
ERDB, UP Marine Science Institute (MSI), UP Visayas, and Silliman University
is an international plant health agreement,
established in 1952, that aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction
and spread of pests.
IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention)
sets out the duties of State Parties in identifying potential sites
and their role in protecting and preserving them.
WHC - World Heritage Convention
critical regions of the world for the conservation of restricted-range bird species
Endemic Bird Area (EBA)
Sites contributing significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity
Key Biodiversity Area (KBA)
Reptiles and amphibians in a particular habitat, area or region
Species or subspecies that has a total world distribution range size estimated to be less than 50k square km
It is the 8th Ramsar site in the Philippines and first in Central luzon covering over 3,500 hectares of coastal waters
Sasmuan Pampanga Coastal Wetlands
A unique, natural and non-renewable resource with important scientific, educational, historical and aesthetic value
Only known habitat of 18 species of freshwater fish of genus Barbodes. In 2020, 15 species of endemic freshwater fish from this lake in the Philippines were declared distinct by the IUCN (intl union of conservation and nature)
Lake Lanao (in Mindanao)
plant that is origin of kabankalan
(Nauclea orientalis) - native to ph
What is the largest terrestrial protected area in Negros Island
Northern Negros Natural Park
This was officially recognized by the Guinness World Record as the largest single colony of bats
Monfort Bat Cave in Samal Island, 1.8 m
What is the name of the world’s largest caldera (about 150 km diameter) that is found in the PH rise?
Apolaki Caldera
In conducting wildlife research, this is a permit issued to any individual/entity engaged in noncommercial scientific or educational undertaking. (for researchers and scientists)
This is also needed for the LTO and Wildlife Export Certification
Wildlife Gratuitous Permit
For the Wildlife Gratuitous Permit, if the place is declared as a protected area, the consent shall be acquired from the ______.
If the applicant is not a PH Citizen, a _____ is needed as well as local researcher.
Protected Area Management Bureau (PAMB)
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the DENR
refers to the permit authorizing an an individual or entity to bring, carry or ship wildlife, by-products or derivatives acquired from legal sources from the point of origin to the final destination within the country.
In applying for this, the applicant will need to visit the ________
Local Transport Permit
(PENRO - Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office)
refers to a permit authorizing an individual to bring out wildlife from the PH to any other country
Wildlife Export Certification or Wildlife Export Permit
DENR streamlining/procedural guidelines pursuant to the Joint DENR-DA-PCSD implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act No. 9147 otherwise known as Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act .
This Administrative Order provides guidelines for the protection and conservation of all exotic species that have been introduced in the country by whatever means, which are subject to trade, are maintained or bred in captivity or propagated in the country.
The Administrative Order provides for the establishment of a Regional Wildlife Management Committee.
DENR Administrative Order No. 2004-55
under DENR Administrative Order ___________ known as the updated National Lists of Threatened Philippine Fauna and their Categories
means a permit to develop, operate, and maintain a wildlife breeding farm for conservation, trade and/or scientific purposes.
Wildlife Farm Permit
refers to the Committee at the Regional level that provide technical assistance and scientific advice to the DENR for species under their jurisdiction..
It also has its counterpart at the National Level.
In introducing, reintroducing, restocking, and others, you will need clearance from this.
Regional Wildlife Management Committee
repository of confiscated, donated, retrieved, turned-over or abandoned wildlife species; an establishment where sick, injured, confiscated wildlife are temporarily kept and rehabilitated prior to their release to theirnatural habitat or implementation of other modes of disposition as may be authorized under existing guidelines
Wildlife Rescue Center
permit authorizing qualified persons to collect economically important species for direct trade purposes
Wildlife Special Use Permit
What section of the PH fisheries code of 1998 as amended by 10654 states that “ban on coral exploitation and exportation”
Coral farming or propagation needs the permit called________.
commercial coral farming/propagation is only allowed with simultaneous conservation breeding/propagation
section 96
Aquatic Wildlife Farm Permit
How much is the fine and imprisonment years for administrative and criminals who vilate section 96 of RA 8550 or 10654
Administrative 8x the value of corals (500k to 10M)
Criminals - 2x administrative fine; 10-20 yrs of imprisonment
What section of the PH fisheries code of 1998 as amended by 10654 states the ban on gathering, possessing commercially transporting, selling or exporting coral sand
Section 97B
How much is the fine and imprisonment years for administrative and criminals who vilate section 97B of RA 8550 or 10654
Administrative - 5M or 5x value of coral rok
Criminal 2-10 yrs of imprisonment; 2x administrative fine
What section of the PH fisheries code of 1998 as amended by 10654 states that “fishing or taking of rare, threatened, or endangered species”
Section 102 states it is unlawful to fish or take, catch, gather, sell etc
a. (2 lists)
b. (Except for 2)
if the violation mentioned in a,b,c is committedby a vessel manned by more than _____ people, the captain, master and 2 highest ranking officers shall be presumed to have committed the prohibited act.
The prohibition on fishing or taking applies to _________ of the rare, threatened of endagered
a. CITES Appendix I and IUCN threatened
b. CITES Appendix II and III
- scientific; conservation breeding w/ commercial breeding
C. transplanted in the wild
parts and derivatives
- Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
- Irawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris)
- Fraser’s Dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei
- SEAHORSES (Hippocampus spp.)
- Giant Clams (Tridacnidae spp)
- Dog faced water snake (Cerberus rynchops)
- Red Coral (Corallium japonicum)
Examples of parts and derivatives of rate, threated, or endangered species
sharks fin, jewelry from precious corals, CITES-listed giant clam shellcraft
Other species may be added to the list of Rare, Threatened, Endangered Aquatic Species pursuant to ________ upon recommendation of the _____________ subject to the consultation process stated in Rule 65.2.
Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO) 208 s 2001; PH Aquatic Red List Committee
In RA 8550
a. __________ . - Fishery/aquatic resources with small world populations that are not
endangered or vulnerable at present.
b. ___________ . - A general term which may be used to describe a fishery or aquatic
species the population of which is endangered, vulnerable or rare.
c. ___________. - refers to the species, subspecies, including the eggs, offspring,
parts and derivatives of plants and animals listed in the CITES Appendices.
Rare; Threatened; Endangered
The ______ created under the IRR of the Wildlife Act shall determine the value of the species based on accepted scientific methodology for the purpose of implementing the pertinent penalties to be imposed on the offender
National Aquatic Wildlife Management Committee
Fines and Imprisonment Years of those who violate section 102,
c. transplanted
a. Administrative (5x of species or 500K-5M); Criminal (2x Ad fine and 12yrs +1 day to 20 yrs)
b. Admin - (3x or 300k to 3M); Criminal (2x Ad fine; 5 to 8 yrs)
c.Admin - (3x or 300k to 3M); Criminal (3x or 300k to 3M; 5-8 yrs)
What section of the PH fisheries code of 1998 as amended by 10654 states on Aquatic Pollution
introduction by human or machine, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy to the aquatic environment which result or is likely to result in such delerious effects as to harm living and non-living aquatic resources…
Aquatic Pollution
Fines and Imprisonment Years of those who violate section 107
Administrative - (300k-500k addt; fine of 15k/day)
Criiminal - (6y +1d to 12y; (2x ad fine
The (Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc) PBCFI was founded by
William Langley Richardson Oliver
was established for the specific purpose of furthering the biodiversity conservation activities of the ‘Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Programme (PBCP)’ initiated in the 1990’s. PhilBio endeavors to provide increased technical assistance to local partners (whether governmental or non-governmental) and enable the conservation of the Philippines’ unique and threatened environment, biodiversity and natural resources into perpetuity.
(Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc)