PRINCIPLES - SIte Design Flashcards
Cardo and Decumanus
the two major streets in a Roman town, perpendicular
Loop road
A collector/distributor road into a shopping center
relationship between parts that provide harmonious order
Golden Section
renaissance concept where a whole is divided so that the smaller part
has the same relationship to the larger part, as the larger part has to the whole.
Regular occurrence of elements in time or space
Balance arrangement, typically in reference to formal design
Static form
parts are equal in size and located around a reference axis
Dynamic form
parts are unequal in size and arrange around a reference axis
Local road
low capacity roads with direct access to site
Collector road
connection road between local and arterial streets
Arterial road
wide high capacity streets usually connecting to expressways
limited access roads with high speeds, high volume circulation
Site Slope Percentage
Vertical/Horizontal x 100
Rise/Run x 100
flat area - good for all activities =
Construction Slope Percentage storm drains = sanitary sewers! = street surface drainage = planted or large pavers = lawns = planted banks = parking area/lot = automobile ramps = sidewalks = streets/paved driveways =
storm drains = 0.3% minimum sanitary sewers! = 0.4 - 1.4% street surface drainage = 0.5% minimum planted or large pavers = 1% minimum lawns = 25% max planted banks = 50% max parking area/lot = 5% max automobile ramps = 8% max sidewalks = 10% max streets/paved driveways = 10% max
Angle of Repose Loose wet clay or silt = Compact dry clay = Wet sand = Dry sand =
the greatest angle at which soil will lay without sliding. Loose wet clay or silt = 30% Compact dry clay = 100% Wet sand = 80% Dry sand = 65%
Gross Area
Net area(commonly used area) + Circulation (structure/MEP/service)
Floor area ratio
Gross area/Site area
750 cars per hour
traffic light is required
3000 cars per hour
grade separation is required
• Cloverleaf: two level interchange
• Direct left turn: where two expressways intersect
• Diamond: expressways intersect secondary roads
Max length of block
1,600’(that’s 8 Portland blocks)
Dead end - 400’ max with 80’ turn around
2 lane highway w/ 9’ shoulder
40’ - 42’
Typical surface streets
Made of concrete, asphalt, grave, or decomposed granite
Width = 11’-0” - 12’-0” wide
Heavy Traffic Streets = 6” concrete curb and gutter
Minor Streets = 4” roll curb or gravel
Minimum curb radii @ minor streets = 12”
Minimum curb radii @ major streets = 50”
Landscape strips = 7’ w/trees or 4’ wide w/grass/dirt
Vehicle Turing Radii Small cars = Standard cars = Large cars = Ambulance = Busses/trucks =
Small cars = 16-19 ft Standard cars = 19-23 ft Large cars = 23-25 ft Ambulance = 25-30 ft Busses/trucks = 43-50 ft
Standard parking space
9’ wide by 18’-20’ long
Clearance between cars = 20”
Circulation Aisle = 12’-0” wide
In lots with attendants = 8’ x 18’ stalls and 20’ aisles
allow 400 sf/car for parking and circulation
3,000-4,000 sf of parking for every 1,000 sf of shopping center
Accessible parking space
cars - 8’ wide with access alley 5’ wide
vans - 8’ wide with access alley 8’ wide
When parking is provided, the number of accessible parking spaces is determined by the total number of spaces.
However, hospital outpatient facilities must have 10% and outpatient physical therapy
facilities must have 20%
30 degree parking
15’-7” projection = 43’-2” bay width
parking is least efficient = 5 cars/100 lineal feet of curb
35 degree parking
16’-7” projection = 45’-2” bay width
40 degree parking
17’-6” projection = 47’-0” bay width
45 degree parking
18’-2” projection = 48’-4” bay width
parking is pretty efficient = 8 cars/100 lineal feet of curb
Relatively economical and allows easy access to and from parking spaces
60 degree parking
parking is pretty efficient = 9 cars/100 lineal feet of curb
Relatively economical and allows easy access to and from parking spaces
90 degree parking
parking is most efficient = 11 cars/100 lineal feet of curb
makes for easy two-way traffic and can accommodate most cars. The only
disadvantage is that it can be difficult to maneuver
parking slope
5% max