Principles of selective grinding, finished and polishing Flashcards
Causes of occlusal disharmony during dent insertion
1- proccessing
2-change in the supporting strecure
3-diff during adaptetion
What are the objectives for occlusal correction ?
1- comftobale with no sorceness
2-improve function
3-enhance the stability
4-preserve the supporting structure
What are the procedures for correction the occlusion?
1- labratory remounting
2- intra-orally ( not recomened)
3- clinical remounting
Advantages of clinical Remounting and Selective Grinding
1- less paitent inteaction
2-more functional foundition
3-no slaiva
5-we can see the proceder better
What is the purpose of laboratory remounting
1- error during processing
2- faulse vdo
3-false CR
Laboratory Remount Instruments and Materials
1- dent bas and cast
2- articulator and plaster
3-spatula and rubber bowel
4-articularting papaer
5-stright hand pice and acrilic burr
Selective Grinding Is Carried Out For
Contacts in Centric relation between mx lingo and md bucc
Working side -post teeth and canine
Nonworking-post teeth
Protrotion: post and incisal edge
If the cusp is high in centric and not high in the e-centric what do we do
We deepen the central fossa and marginal ridge
If the cusp is high in both centric and not
Grind the cusp but not the centric cusp
Selective Grinding in Work Side
BULL rule is applied
Grinding for the non centric cusps
Selective Grinding in Non-Work Side
BULL rule is not used
We use we use a carbbon paper
Protruseve exertion
BULL rule is used
Reduction for the mx distal slope and md mesial slope
Steps of Selective Grinding of Anatomic Teeth in a Balanced Occlusion
Adjust the horizontal and lateral condylar inclination.
Close the articulator, with the condylar elements against the centric relation stops.
Anterior teeth should not be in contact.
Examinethelingualmaxillarycusps&buccal mandibular cusps.
Lingualized balance
In the working the mx lingo contact w md buccal inclinition of the lingual cusp
In the balance side mx lingual w the lingual inclinition of the md buccal cusp
Protrotion light cotact in the anti and contact in the 2nd molar area
Monoplane Occlusion- Neutrocentric concept
All teeth are in vertical overlap except cuspid and lartrals They are above the occlusal plane
The pre mature contact will be dark in the outline and shallow in the center
Nonanatomic teeth
Stripping method can be used for the occlusal equilibration of nonanatomic teeth (carborundum stripping technique)
finishing and pollishing Instruments & materials
• Acrylic Burs (remove the accses in the broder)
• Pumice (used wet for pollishing )
• Rag polishing wheels
• Felt cones
• Brush wheel
• scraper ( remove the bubbels )
Palate thickness
The palate should be 2-3 mm thickness.