Complete denture wax up Flashcards
surfaces that are involved in the func3onal stability of dentures:
1- bassal surface
2-occlusal surface
3-polished surface
Polished surface influnce
1-retention and stability and esthetic
Technuqe for the processing
2-injuction molding
3-compreion molding
Compretion techniqe
- Final wax-up
- Preparing Dentures for Processing: Seal the denture base to the cast and Remove
from ar>culator - Flasking procedure
- Wax elimina>on (Dewaxing)
- Place reten>on grooves on the ar>ficial teeth
- Applica>on of separa>ng medium
- Cooling
- Mix acrylic resin (powder/liquid)
- Packing of acrylic resin
- Processing
- Cooling
- Deflasking
- Finishing and polishing
Compresion tech
- Final wax-up
- Preparing Dentures for Processing: Seal the denture base to the cast and Remove
from ar>culator - Flasking procedure
- Wax elimina>on (Dewaxing)
- Place reten>on grooves on the ar>ficial teeth
- Applica>on of separa>ng medium
- Cooling
- Mix acrylic resin (powder/liquid)
- Packing of acrylic resin
- Processing
- Cooling
- Deflasking
- Finishing and polishing
The complete dent wax up
To produse the dent base form and gives us the countore of the underlying structure
Objectives of Denture Wax-up
1- to produse the natural contour
2- to shape the underlying polished base
3-acomplesh the thickness same as the base
4-refine the structure
Benefit of Denture Wax-up
1- esthetic
2-protect and support the lip and cheeks
3- comfort
Elemnts of Denture Wax-up
1- wax
2-wax spatula
3- kingsly scraper
5- keloid descoied
6- dent brush
Palate should be smooth and it tickness
Aproxmetly 3mm
Gives a neutral esthetic and prevent food acumlition
Preparing Dentures for Processing
Seal the prephries into the cast
Preparing Dentures for Processing
We soak the cast with the mounting and sapret them
A process of inventig the cast w the was into a flask
Wax elmunition
Put the cast into a boilling water 100c for 4-6min and then place the wax into running water
Place retentive grooves into the artifical teeth
Sapperiting medium
It prevent the the contact of the base and mold
We should not place it into the the teeth
Roles of saperiting medium
1- prevent passege of water
2-minimiz the passege of monometr in the plaster
3- failate the sapertion of flask
sodium alginate in water
Ideal Requirements for Denture Resin Material
1- tastless and odorless
2-esthetically good
6-low specif gravty
Acrylic Resin
Type 1 class 1
3:1polymer/monomer ratio volume
2:1 ,,,,, ratio by weight
Polymer/Monomer Interaction
Sandy stage:coases
Springy stage: cotton wool stick to the hand
Dough stage: ideal for packing
Rubbery stage; elastic other than plastic
Curing Cycle
Depends on the thickness of the base
Long cycle: 60-70c for 9 hours
Short cycle: 74c for 90mins and 100c for 60mins
Why do we cure
To decease the polymrizition shrinkage
To decrase the thermal expantion
Maxmize the avaporation
What do we do after the curing
after the cooling
Errors in the c dnt
1-laprotary errors
2-dimentional changes