What is a physiological movement?
A movement that can be achieved and performed actively by an individual
What is a passive physiological movement?
A physiological movement where the therapist does the movement for the patient
What is an accessory movement?
Cannot be performed by the individual
They include the roll/spin/glide that occurs in joints during physilogical movements.
What are the basic principles of joint mobilisations?
Assess pre and post intervention
Fix procimally - move distally
Stop if painful
Pain dominant
Stiffness dominant
Tissue response
End feel
What is pacing?
Building a movement up in small steps based on the patients goals eg starting by walking, then jogging then running
Name some different types of exercise
Muscular strength training
Muscular ensurance training
Stability exercises
CV fitness
How is exercuse prescription goal orientated?
Should be based around the patient’s needs and expectations
Should fit around their lifestyle
Should consider the current state of their tissues
Should be shared goals
The patient should understand the commitment involved
What is the FITT acronym?
What is the Borg scale?
1-10: rating of percieved exertion scale
0 - rest
2 - easy
3 - moderate
5 - hard
10 - maximal
What is the principle of progressive overload?
Thi is what we require for muscle hypertrophy.
We need to know the baseline
After intial recovery need to time next session to optimise training
Over time will habituate so need to progress load/frequency
Apply to FITT principle to strength training
F: 2-3 days per week
I: to muscular fatigue
T - 8-12 reps, 3 second concentric, 3 second eccentric
T - resistance greater than what the body part would normally move
Apply the FITT principle to endurance training?
F: 3-5 times per week
I - to muscle fatigure
T - Greater than 15 reps with 1 set
T - lower load
Current ACSM guidelines include strength and endurance training together
What are some example of flexibility training?
Static stretching
PNF (hold relax/contract relax)
Apply the FITT principle to static stretching
F - daily or on days of strength training
I - to end of available range or onset of symptoms, stretch not pain
T - 15-30 second holds, repeated 2-4 times in one session
T -take muscle to the end of range and hold
Apply the FITTprinciple to Balance?
F - no recomendation but not harmful to do daily
I - activity to challenge current level of balance undertaken to loss of balance
T - gradual increase of time able to stay in balance position
T - balance on one leg, stride stance, gym ball, wobble board, trampett, wobble cushion, eyes open, shut and/or distract attention.
Always test the baseline.