What should you look for when observing the respiratory system?
Pallor (anaemia)
Central cyanosis
Hypercapnic flush
Engorged neck veins
Accessory muscles of respiration
Pursed lip breathing
Chest shape: COPD, kyphscoliosis, pigeon shaped, pectus axcavatum (depressed sternum), scars and drains
Breathing patterns: normal, laboured, paradoxical, rapid shallow
What should you look for when observing the peripheries during a respiratory observation?
Cyanosis (peripheries)
Nicotine stains
What should you palpate during a respiraotry observation?
Thoracic expansion
Hi-Lo test (for breathing pattern)
Percussion note
Hydration eg armpits
Tactile fremitus (vibration in the chest wall)
Surgical emphysema
Capillary refill (refill on fingers takes more than 3 seconds indicates poor cardiac output)
Radial pulse
Describe the different types of breath sounds:
Normal (Vesicular) : generated by the turbulent airflow in the proximal airways, sound is filtered the lower down the bronchial tree you get, shorter and softer on expiration than inspiration
Abnormal - bronchial: hollow blowing phase, long expiratory phase, pausing, insp and exp equal in length (darth vader breathing)
Diminished breath sounds: air entry is insufficient , or air entry is hindered by an air soli interface eg pneumothroax, or when the patient is poorly positioned
Wheeze: caused when a bronchus is narrowed. Expiratory wheeze eg bronchospasm. Insp obstruction eg tumour. Exp bronchial disease.
Pleural rub: creaky, lethery sounds (sounds like boots on frush snow), caused by roughening or inflammation of the pleural surfaces
Stridor: large airway or tracheal obstruction, loud muscial note and constant pitch (audible without stethoscope)
Crackles: short interrupted sounds by abrupt opening of previously closed airway, intermittent opening as gas squeezes through narrow airway, predom insp. Fine crackles could suggest an intersitial process, whereas coarse crackles suggest excessive fluid eg aspiration or pulmonary oedema.
Rhonchi: continuous low pitch rattling sounds eg pneumonia, COPD etc
What is ascultation?
Listening to the internal sounds of the body, using a stethoscope
Describe the process of ascultation during a respiratory exam?
Side to side and top to bottom
- APEX of the lungs bilaterally
- Superior lobes anterior and posterior
- Inferior lobes bilaterally anterior and posteriorly
- Middle lobe right anterior only
What are the cardinal symptoms related to the chest/respiratory system?
Chest pain
What physiological factors drive dyspnoea?
Increased ventiltaory demand
Respiratory muscle fatigue
Airway obstruction - any obstruction or narrowing of the airways
Decreased lung compliance - conditions that reduce the elasticity or compliance of the lungs making it harder to expand and contract the lungs
Hypoxaemia (low oxygen levels) - triggers the body to breathe more rapidly and deeply to compensate
Hypercapnia (high carbon dioxide levels) - increased breathing effort
Chemoreceptor activation - specialised receptors in the carotid and aortic bodies, called peripheral chemoreceptors are sensitive to changes in blood gas levels. An imbalance can trigger increased respiratory rate and effort to maintain proper gas exchange.
What is cardiac related chest pain? (Ischemic cardiac pain)
A reduction in blood flow to the heart
Affects tissue perfusion
Driver for pain
Overhwelming severe pain
Can be linked with exercise, anxiety etc
Sensation of crushing/tightening of the chest
Often radiates but not always (down the left arm, small minority down the right arm)
Easing factors: GTN drug, opens arteries
Explain Gastroesophogeal reflux disease - heart burn/Acid reflux pain? (upper gastrointensinal chest pain)
Burning in nature behind breast bone
Associated with lying down
Worse after large/spicy meals
Chronic heart burn can experience dry cough
Disfasia - feels problems swallowing
Easing: sitting up and taking prescribed drugs
Explain pleuritic pain?
Inflammation in the pleural space
Chest infection is a common cause (also pulmonary embolism or pneumothorax)
Pain is localised, a lancing pain (sticking something sharp)
Hearts when they breathe in
Cough and sneeze might hurt
Felt more laterally, typically one sided
May radiate to back or shoulders
Explain msk causes are chest pain?
Stiffness in joints
Trauma to chest wall eg rib fractures
Strains of muscles which drive pain
Most common: inflammation in the costochondral joint (costochondritis)
Aggravated by specific movements (eased by opposite)
Not radiating too much
Reproduced by palpation.
Examples of questions for chest pain?
Initial: have you ever had any pain or pressure in your chest, neck or arm?
What brings on the pain? What relieves the pain?
Characteristics and duration
Where is the pain and does it radiate?
Pain scale
When did it start? How long does it last?
What do you think is causing it?
Examples of questions for shortness of breath?
Initial: do you ever feel short of breath with activity? Short of breath whilst sleeping? Short of breath when lying flat?
What level of activity brings on shortness of breath?
How long to recover?
Have you ever woken up from feeling out of breath? (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea)
How many pillows do you need to sleep, or do you sleep in a chair (orthopnea)?
Examples of questions for edema?
Initial: have you notices swelling of your feet or ankles? Rings, shoes or clothes tfeeling tight at the end of the day. Unexplained sudden weight gain. New abdominal fullness?
Has this feeling of swelling or restriction gotten worse?
Anything that makes the swelling better (eg feet elevated)
Gaining weight/how much? Over what time period?
Examples of questions for palpitations?
Initial: have you ever felt your heart feels as if it is racing or fluttering in your chest? Felt as if your heart skips a beat?
Are you currently experiencing palpitations?
When did it start?
Examples of questions for dizziness? (syncope)
Initial: Do you ever feel light headed/dizzy? Have you ever fainted?
What happened?
Warning signs?
Occur with position change?
Examples of questions for poor peripheral circulation?
Do your hands or feet ever feel cold or look pale/blue?
Pain in your feet or lower legs when exercising?
What brings on the symptoms?
How much activity needed to cause the pain?
Relieving factors?