Define leadership
The capacity to influence people, by means of personal attributes, and/or behaviours, to achieve a common goal.
What are some contemporary challenges for healthcare?
Inequality in health eg access
Growing population
Pay and funding eg cuts
Lifestyle eg office/work from home
Mental Health
Influence of social media
Social expectations
Politics eg privitisation of healthcare
Non communicable diseases
How does citizenship and physiotherapy intersect?
Inclusion and participation
Equity and access
Advocacy and empowerment
Health promotion and community engagement
Social and environmental considerations
What are the four CSP standards?
That CSP members:
- Take responsibility for our actions
- Behave ethically
- Deliver an effective service
- Strive to achieve excellence
Summarise the standards of proficiency
Practice safely within scope of practice
Legal and ethical boundaries
Health and wellbeing
Autonomoud professional and own judgement
Culture, equality and diversity
Effective communication
Working together
Maintaining records
Reflecting and reviewing
Key concepts and knowledge
Promoting health and prveenting ill health
Summarise the standards of conduct, performance and ethics
Protecting and promoting interests
Limit of knowledge
Manage risk
Keep records
What is clinical governance?
Organisations accoundtable for improving quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating and environment in which excellence and clinical care will flourish
- risk management
- patient and public involvement
- education and training
- information and data
- clinical audit
- staffing and wokrforce
- research and development
What are the HCPC standards for continuing professional development?
Maintain up to date records of CPD activities
CPD benefits to self and society
Written profile of CPD if requested
What is critical reflection?
Process of learning through and from exerience
Self aware and critically evaluating
Gain new understanding and improve future practice
Life long learning
What is the what, so what, now what model in regards to critical reflection?
What was my goal, what did i do, what was i feeling, what went well, what went poorly
So what:
So what was important, what knowledge can inform me, what did I learn about myself?
Now what:
Can I do to improve my knowledge, what can I do to improve my skills, what can I do differently?
What questions do holm and steohenson 1994 apply to critical reflection?
What was my role in this situation?
Did I feel comfortable or uncomfortable? Why?
What action did I take?
How did I and others act? Was it appropriate?
Did I expect anything different to happen? What? Why?
What knowledge from theory or research can I apply to this situation?
What broader issues – for example, ethical, political or social arise from this situation?
What do I think about these broader issues?
Do I feel I have learned anything new about myself?
Has it changed my thinking in any way?
How could I have improved the situation for myself or the service user?
What can I change in the future?
What are the steps involved in Gibb’s 1988 reflective cycle model?
Analysis - use of knowledge/research
Action Plan
What is the SBAR communication tool?
Situation: introduce yourself, provide basic details, explain situation
Background: brief overview and relevent clinical details
Assessment: relevent clinical findings, vital signs etc
Recommendations: what you would like to happen, further action, clarification
What are the different types of communication?
Non-verbal/body language
Paralanguage: pitch of voice, volume, rhythm, inflections and hesitation.
Describe shared decision making
A combination between the system, professionalism an the patient.
Patients and clinicians work collaboratively to determine investigations, management plans and support needed based upon individual preferences and relevant evidence (NICE)