Principles of Periodontics Flashcards
What are the indications for periodontal surgery? Citation
Barrington 1981
Improve contour for better OH
Improve esthetic
Improve prognosis
Remove disease
Drain abscess
Correct MGDeformaties
Restorative access
Pocket elimination
Critical probing depths
Lindhe 82
Critical PD for non-surgical: 2.9mm
Critical PD for surgical: 4.2mm
Heitz-Mayfield 2013
Critical PD for surgery indicated: 5.4mm
Citations for Why not just do SRP and no surgery?
Stambaught 1981
Caffesse 1986
Waerhaug 1978
how deep can a curette clean? whats its limit? Citation
3.7mm + 0.97mm
Stambaught 1981
What are major findings of Pihlstrom 1983
MWF Maintained pocket reduction in deep pockets (7+) for 6.5yrs vs SRP’s 3yrs
What does flap improve vs SRP? other than access - Citation
Caffesse 1986
Greater reduction of residual calculus with flap vs SRP
How much do we clean sub-G? Citation
Waerhaug SRP - Caffesse SRP - Caffesse Flap
Shallow : 83% - 86% - 86%
Mod : 38% - 43% - 76%
Deep : 11% - 32% - 50%
Waerhaug deep = >5mm
Caffesse 1-3, 4-6, 7+
What might complicate anterior implant placement? Citation
Mraiwa 2004
Nasopalatine on average 7.4mm from labial surface of unresorbed ridge (Range 3-14mm)
Big range - might be no space
Average width: 4.6mm
Where is the infraorbital nerve located?
9mm from infraorbital margin
30mm from midline
What articles research GP location?
Reiser 1996
Yu et al 2014
Tavelli et al. 2018
How does palatal vault impact GP N/A location? Where is the thickest tissue? Citation
Reiser 1996
Shallow: 7mm
Average: 12mm
High: 17mm
Between mesial of first molar and distal of canine (in the premolar region)
What paths does the GP artery take? Citation
Yu et al 2014
Type I - Lateral branch gives of Medial and Canine branch after the Bony Prominence (40%)
Type II - Lateral Branch gives of Medial branch before the Bony Prominence - Mb runs on Medial aspect of the BP (33%)
Type III - Lateral Branch gives off Canine Branch immediately after exiting the GPF (15%)
Type IV - Lateral Branch gives off Medial Branch immediately after exiting GPF (8%)
What is the average location of the GPN/A from different teeth? Where is the GPF located? Citation
Tavelli et al. 2018
M2 - 13.9 + 1
M1 - 13 + 2
P2 - 13.8 + 2
P1 - 11.8 + 2
C - 9.9 + 3
Mid-palatal aspect of 3rd molar (57%)
how large is the maxillary sinus?
35mm height
35mm width
45mm length
Articles for sinus
Cho et al. 2001
Chan et al. 2013
Monje et al. 2016
Pommer 2012
Rosano 2011
What anatomical factors influence perforation risk in sinus? Citation
Angle of floor (Cho 2001)
Location of PNR (Chan 2013)
Cho 2001
Higher perforation risk when elevating narrow sinus floor
<30deg = 62.5%
>60deg = 0%
Chan 2013
PNR higher/sharper in PM (14mm) lower/wider at 2M
more frequent in 2PM area
Angle <90 and location <15mm from crest = higher risk of perf
How thick is the schneiderian membrane?
CBCT: 1.33mm
Histo: 0.48mm
CBCT is 2.5x that of histology
Monje 2016
What is the prevalence of sinus septae?
Where are they located?
Pommer 2012
25 - 55 - 20 (Retro M - M - PM)
~90% Transverse (Buccal/Palatal)
What artery do we need to be aware of with the sinus? How can we evaluate its location? Citation
Rosano 2011
47% seen on CBCT
Mean 11.25mm from crest
55% <1mm - 40% 1-2mm - 5% 2-3mm
Location of the mental foramen? Anomolies? Citation
Neiva 2004
Between 1st and 2nd PM 58%
Apical to 2nd PM 42%
Anterior loop 88% - Bilateral 75% - Extends 4.1mm anterior
What is the course of the lingual nerve vertically? Citation
Chan et al 2010
Vertical distance from mid-lingual CEJ
2M: 9.6mm
1M: 13mm
2PM: 14.8mm
What is the course of the lingual nerve horizontally? Citation
Chan et al. 2010
Turning point:
2ndM: 33%
1M: 42%
2ndPM: 25%
How prevelant is an undercut in the posterior mandible?
Chan et al. 2011
Convex (C)
Parallel (P)
Undercut (U)
Lingual concavity undercut 66% (most prevalent U)
Where is the most risk for lingual perf duuring implant prep?
2nd Molar (31%) are high risk
Who developed Gingivectomy?
Goldman 1951
What are the different flap designs discussed and their creators?
Original Widman Flap (Widman 1918)
Neumann Flap (Neumann 1920)
Kirkland Flap/Modified Flap Operation (Kirkland 1931)
Gingivectomy (Goldman 1951)
Apically Repositioned Flap (Nabers 1954)
Modified Widman Flap (Ramfjord & Nissle 1974)
Papilla Preservation Flap (Takei et al. 1985)
Which flaps are for pocket elimination?
Original Widman
Neumann Flap
Apically Repositioned Flap
Which flaps are NOT meant for pocket ELIMINATION? What ARE they meant for?
Kirkland Flap (Access/Regeneration/Esthetics)
Modified Widman Flap (pocket REDUCTION)
Papilla Preservation Technique (Regenration/Esthetics)
What was the first flap? Aim? How to?
Original Widman 1918
Flap elimination - to remove pocket epithelium and inflamed CT and facilitate optimal cleaning of the roots
1 - Two vertical Releases - Connect with reverse bevel/scalloped (can be buccal and lingual)
2 - FTMPF to expose 2-3mm of bone
3 - Removetissue collar
4 - SRP
5 - Osteoplasty recommended
6 - Reposition flap at level of crest w/ interrupted sutures (interproximals often healing by secondary intension)
What was the FIRST modified widman flap? Describe it
Neumann 1920 (The Neumann Flap)
1 - Intrasulcular incision
2 - Curettage inside of flap
3 - SRP
4 - Osteoplasty
5 - Trim flap and place on crest
Describe the Kirkland flap and its use
Kirkland 1931
Open - Clean - Close
Originally created for Periodontal Pus Pocket (perio abscess)
1 - Intrasulcular incision with M and D extension
2 - Flap reflected to expose diseased root
3 - Remove granulation tissue/calculus
4 - Reposition flap at original position
How to perform an Apically Repositioned Flap?
Vertical release
Reverse bevel at a pocket depth distance from the margin
Remove tissue collar
Flap positioned at newly recontoured alveolar bone
Contraindications for gingivectomy
narrow/absent attached gingiva
infrabony pockets
advantages of Widman Flap vs Gingivectomy
Less post op discomfort (primary healing)
Access to contour alveolar bone
What are advantages of the Kirkland flap?
Bone regeneration potential
Can be used in esthetic zone
Advantages of ArPF?
Pocket elimination
minimal post op bone loss
Controlled positioning of the gingival margin
Maintain entire mucogingival complex
Disadvantages of ArPF?
Root sensitivity problems
Advantages/Disadvantages of MWF?
Soft tissue closely adapted to root
Minimal trauma to CT and bone
Better aesthetics
Less sensitivity
Chance for remaining pockets
Furcation Classifications
Class 1 / 2 / 3
Hamp 1975
_>_3mm but not through/through
Lindhe 2008
>⅓ but not through/through
through through
Vertical defect classifications
Grade A / B / C
Tarnow & Fletcher 1984
Tonetti et al. 2017
Coronal third of root
Middle third of root
Apical third of root
Studies on post op infection
Powell 2005
Abu-Ta’a 2008
Powell 2005
Retrospective of 400patients
NSSD of post op infection w/ vs w/out ABx
CHX did lower infection
Abu-Ta’a 2008
NSSD when proper asepsis perameters.
ABx lowered post-op pain
Studies on pain after surgery
Burkhardt 2015
Vogel 1992
Burkhardt 2015
Grafts between 1-2mm have significantly less post op pain (50% less)
Residual donor site >5mm = 60% less pain
Vogel 1992
600mg Ibuprofen immediately AFTER delays onset of pain more than immediately before
Studies on bleeding
Zigdon 2012 (JOP)
Baab 1977
Zigdon 2012 + Baab 1977
Minimal blood loss during perio procedures
Smokers bleed significantly more
Asprin NSSD?????
Average: 134ml blood loss
Duration of surgery + Amount of anesthetic used significantly impacted blood loss
How did Zigdon isolate blood from other fluids?
Fructosamine - first time used - separates blood from other fluids
What citation for managing post op infection after GBR?
Fontana 2016
What groups demarcate different response to surgical site opening during healing?
_<_3mm WITHOUT exudate
>3mm WITH exudate
Membrane exposure WITH exudate
No exposure WITH ABSCESS
First group of infection management - how do you manage? Citation
Fontana 2016
_<_3mm exposure w/ NO exudate
Topical CHX gel 2x/day
Membrane left for maximum of 3-4wks
Second group of infection management - how do you manage? Citation
Fontana 2016
>3mm exposure WITH exudate
Remove membrane immediately
If underlying graft NOT compromised - close/heal 4-5mo
Third group of infection management - How do you manage? Citation
Fontana 2016
Membrane exposure w/ exudate
Membrane immediately removed
Curettage graft and removal of infected graft particles
Final group of infection management - how do you manage? Citation
Fontana 2016
No membrane exposure - Abscess formation
Immediately remove membrane
Remove infected tissue
Essentially - what is the procedure for treating exposure after GBR?
Anytime its infected - remove membrane and curette infected particles out - prescribe ABX
- Exposure _<_3mm
- CHX 2x/day and remove membrane after 3-4wks
- Exposure >3mm
- Remove membrane/assess graft
- No infection?
- Close/Heal 4-5mo
- Infection? (Or exudate seen before membrane removed)
- Curette graft/remove infected particles
- No infection?
- Remove membrane/assess graft
- No exposure but ABSCESS
- Remove membrane/curette infection/ABX
Patient presents after GBR - what do you do?
- Assess healing
- Exposure?
- Yes
- Size?
- _<_3mm
- Remove membrane in 3-4wks
- >3mm
- Remove membrane and assess graft
- _<_3mm
- Infection?
- Yes
- Remove membrane
- Remove infected particles
- NO
- Let heal 4-5mo
- Yes
- Size?
- Yes
- NO
- Infection?
- NO - good
- Yes - Remove membrane/graft/ABX
- Infection?
- Exposure?
What is the difference between inFRA-bony defect and inTRA-bony defect?
According to Goldman & Cohen 1958
inFRA-bony - base of the pocket is located apical to the alveolar crest
inTRA-bony - base of the pocket is located within surrounding bone (3-wall defect)
Infra-bony is any vertical defect - Intra-bony is a contained defect
How does pocket depth impact tooth prognosis?
Matuliene 2008
172pt 11yr Retrospective
Odds ratio for tooth loss compared to 3mm PD
5mm - OR 7.7
6mm - OR 11
7mm - OR 64.2
What is the likelihood of closing based on their initial depth and single vs multirooted? How does smoking impact this?
Tomasi 2007
Multirooted reduces chance by ~20%
Single Rooted
7mm - 63%
8mm - 36%
Multi Rooted
7mm - 43%
8mm - 19%
Smokers have about 50% these numbers