Principles Of Human Movement Science/OPT Model/Principles Of Motor Development Flashcards
Ability to maintain postural equilibrium and support joints during movement
Phase 1 of OPT
External feedback
Information provided by some external source (e.g. fitness professional, recording, mirror, etc.)
Muscular force equal to resistive force; no change in muscle length
Force-velocity curve
As the velocity of a contraction increases, concentric force decreases and eccentric force increases
Use of sensory information and sensorimotor integration to help the HMS in motor learning
Altered reciprocal inhibition
Muscle inhibition cause by a tight antagonist, which inhibits it’s functional antagonist
Length-tension relationship
Resting length of a muscle and the tension it can produce at that length
Internal feedback
Sensory information is used by the body to reactively monitor movement and the environment
Muscular force greater than resistive force; muscle shortens
Davis’s law
Soft tissue models along the lines of stress
Motor development
The Shang in motor skill behavior over time throughout the lifespan
Muscle synergies
Groups of muscles that are recruited by the CNS to provide movement
Structural efficiency
Alignment of the musculoskeletal system that allows center of gravity to be maintained over a base of support
Motor control
How the CNS integrates sensory information with previous experiences
Sensorimotor integration
Ability of the nervous system to gather and interpret information, and execute the proper motor response
Muscle imbalance
Alteration of muscle length surrounding a joint
Strength endurance
Muscles’ ability to contract for an extended period
Phase 2 of OPT
Motor behavior
Motor response to internal and external stimuli
Muscle develops tension while lengthening; decelerates force
Neuromuscular efficiency
Ability to produce and reduce force, and stabilize the kinetic chain in all three planes of motion
Muscular hypertrophy
Enlargement of skeletal muscle fibers from resistance training
Phase 4 OPT
Motor learning
Integration of motor control processes through practice, leading to a relatively permanent change to produce skilled movement
Maximal strength
Largest force a muscle can produce in a single voluntary effort
Phase 3 OPT
Cumulative sensory input from all mechanoreceptors that sense position and limb movements