Principles of Genetic Inheritance Flashcards
What is a chromatid
one of two identical copies of chromosome
What is a homologous chromosome?
a pair of chromosomes, almost the exact same, with order of the 4 loci being the same
What is the difference between metacentric, submetacentric and acrocentric in autosomes?
Meta= centromere in middle of chromosome
Sub=centromere off from the middle
Acrocentric= one side has little to know information
What is the karyotype?
An entire set of chromosomes, 46 in each diploid cells
How do you determine the sex of a karyotype?
XX is female
XY is male
What is lyonization (females)?
it is the inactivation of X, inactivated randomly, condensing the domain into a Barr body
What is mosaicism and examples?
A condition in which cells from a patient have different genotypes and karyotypes. EX: down syndrome 46XX/47XX, Klinefelter syndrome 46XY/47XXY, Turner syndrome 46XX/45XO
What is homologous recombination?
Where crossover exchange occurs and information from one chromosome is switched with info from another in meiosis
What are important steps of mitosis and what is the product?
Interphase is where chromosomes are duplicated
One copy of each chromosome and half of cyotplasm split between two daughter cells.
Results in 2 identical diploid cells
Differences between meiosis 1 and 2?
Meiosis 1 starts with diploid cells (homologs separated). Meiosis 2 starts with haploid cells and makes 4 gametes (chromatids separated)
What are some mitotic errors?
polyploidy:extra set of chromosomes
Aneuploidy: cells missing or have addition chromosomes (trisomy/monosomy)
What is nondisjunction and what does it form?
Nondisjunction occurs when homologous pair or single pair does not get separated, causing mono/trisomy
What are translocations?
Where non-homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, either in reciprical or robertsonian
What is Klinefelter Syndrome?
a form of nondisjunction which leaves karyotypes with 47XXY
What is Turner syndrome?
a karytype for a female with 45XO, leads to lack of puberty, ovarian issues, normal intelligence