Principles of Flight Flashcards
What is the Center of Pressure?
The point on the chord line through which lift is considered to act. its a function of camber and angle of attack. Its where the combined aerodynamic force around an aerofoil is called the total reaction and acts through a single point on the chord line.
What is a Cord Line?
A straight line joining the centres of curvature of the leading and trailing edges of an aerofoil.
Angle of Attack?
(α or alpha) (can also be referred to as Aerodynamic Incidence). The angle between the chord line and the Relative Airflow.
How does the CP move as the angle of attack increases?
Th CP will move forward with increasing angle of attack.
What is lift Coefficient CL?
Lift related to AOA. it is the ratio between lift divided by the wing planform area and dynamic pressure. (L/0.5pV2s)
Aerodynamic Centre?
The point where all changes in the magnitude of the lift force effectively take place
Density Definition?
denoted by Rho (p) ratio of mass to volume
Wing loading?
Weight supported per unit area of the wing (N/m2)
Pitch angle?
Angle between the Chord line and the horizon
Bernoullis Theorem?
It uses the principle of conservation of energy. I states that when a fluid flows at a stead rate through a pipe its total energy remains constant. Total Pressure = Dynamic + Static.
Aspect Ratio?
Ratio of wingspan to average chord.
How is wing sweepback measured?
Angle between the 25% tip chord and 25% root chord. Measured from the lateral axis
Aerodynamic Center?
It centers the turning moment center between the trailing and leading edge points on the chord line. The size of this moment depends on the product of lift force and the ditance between AC and CP.
What is the effect of High Lift Devices?
1- It alters the position of CP
2- The aerofoil with turn around its AC while A/C around its CG
3- CP to CG relation is what determines the pitch change for a given AOA or configuration
What is the effect of CP with leading edge devices?
A nose up moment is produced by the CP moving forward (distance between CP and CG reduced)