Principles of Education & Motor Learning for Functional Mobility Training: Exam 1 Flashcards
Process of imparting info or skills and instructing by principle (precept), example, experience so that indiv’s do 3 things:
- acquire knowledge
- master skills
- develop competence
Ed. is an exercise handout
also discussion about disease, risk factors, health and wellness
anyone can do pt edu.
rehab professionals do not often think of themselves as educators
*NOTE: PTAs cannot indep. engage in PT instruct.
edu. is not a PT intervention
It IS and it is called pt/client related instruction
Prof. edu. in the class, lab, and clinic are same
Edu. depends upon the environment and context
Key ingredients of teaching:
- arrange cond’s to bring about learning
- edu. process of instructing
*Instruction is the performance phase of teaching!!!*
Good clinical teacher (PT)
- 3 major areas
- deep understanding teaching topics
- engage pt
- know pts background
- “walk in their shoes”
- familiar w/ diff teaching approaches/techniques
- deep understanding teaching topics
Indiv’s ability to organize and sequence info/readiness to learn based on….
Intrinsic motivation is key to permanent learning***
Meaningful tasks and info are easily learned
active part. improves retention
problem-centered learning; relevant to life
environment/context affects learning
what is it?
capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience that causes an enduring change in behavior
its a process!!!
Good Learners
- Comprehend ideas taught
- transform info and beliefs into usable/applied knowledge
- engage in active collab.
- learning continues thru constant inquiry and reflection
learning style
HOW info is processed
3 bio-based perceptual modal’s
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic
Learning styles
one style typ. dominant
may not always be same for some tasks
PT in educating pts
teachers first!!
- be knowledgeable of pts
- issues
- perspective
- concerns
- barriers
- values
- learning styles
- abilities
- ID pts attitude and value toward exercise
Important: understand characteristics of your pt that influence pt ed. and its success:
- memory
- cognition
- willingness to learn/change
- motivation
- fatigue
- stress
- understanding their situation
- self-perception of degree of control
- self-concept/esteem
- sensitivity to failure
Caregiver issues :
PT assists BOTH pt and family in learning
family dynamics
eval caregivers knowledge of disease, tx, pts potential
PT’s must ID what w/ pt
- understanding of current illness
- learning style
- barriers
- consider motor learning
Process assoc’d w/ practice OR experience that results in change in an indiv’s motor behavior
Motor Learning
Motor learning is the ability to move ________ to _______
move in a particular way to accomplish a particular purpose
Motor Learning focuses on:
- interaction w/ environment
- new strategy development for performance of tasks
retaining and generalization of new skills
- ex. transfer bed to chair THEN can transfer WC to toilet
Motor Re-learning
- RE-intro of previously learned tasks
- pts w/ NEW onset disability or loss of function
3 stages of motor learning
- Cognitive–WHAT to do?
- Associative–HOW to do it?
- Autonomous–How to do it WELL
Motor learning stages:
WHAT to do?
- disorganized, lots of assist
- control environment
- HIGH degree rep. req’d
- incd practice
- pt verbalizes tasks
Motor learning stages:
HOW to do it?
- more organized, consistent, less cues, some assist
- dec amt trials
- alter environment a bit